Tell them about the lizard.
He's been making the rounds on youtube for a long while now. Well spoken guy.
>The demons in our midst must be wiped clean by suffocating them with the blood of Jesus.
It's sure taking a LONG time. 2000 years? Surely if we donate more money it will happen faster.
Your memes always make me kek.
>But if owe $500, they send the cops
I can't bomb my neighbors house but American government can bomb whomever they want.
>Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's
Nonsense. Nothing of mine is anyone elses. Taxes are theft and extortion. Tell him to ask his Billionaire buddy Trump for the money. Fucking nonsense.
>When should we expect results direct from God?
These 'baddies' should have been smited long ago yet they still eating children.
> Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's
I thought about this for another 30 seconds. This quote is so that BOTH the CHURCH and STATE get free hand outs from you.
Church says we need 1 cattle for God
State says we need 1 cattle for taxes
Meanwhile, your out 2 cattle and breaking your ass to feed your family working 3 jobs.
This some next level race card pandering shit if I ever saw it.
>Because reasons.
Probably needs a little tabacco, weed, and wine too. Gotta entertain the virgins.
>anon does not pay taxes.
How come they ask for so much but you get so little? Who is raising money for you?
where the fucks my horse?
Tell them the Lizard people control the world.