Anonymous ID: f1252c June 5, 2024, 1:11 p.m. No.20972659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2661 >>2676

Q Team:


Seems Mr Rogers is burying electrical wiring in his bushes for some reason. He already has lights there. Please do a drone flyover and check it out, these people only move in one direction and that is towards the kill.

Anonymous ID: f1252c June 5, 2024, 1:18 p.m. No.20972698   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mind you, Trump brought us Hydroxychloroquine, I brought to this board Jim Humble's MSS, and me and few anons brainstormed here to bring Ivermectin to combat their tactics of poisoning. Radiation tactics was just revealed on a SCIF in the last month due to my reveal of this very issue. Do you know who wrote 99% would be in the hospital? The more you know. Q is not a person but an essence.

Anonymous ID: f1252c June 5, 2024, 1:43 p.m. No.20972847   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20972685 Netanyahu and Biden bringing war to America



>The US provides Israel with $3.8 billion in military each year, and President Biden recently signed a bill that will give Israel an additional $17 billion.


So 20 billion more for Israel yet the Israeli Mossad sent in agents on 911 to film the destruction of the WTC towers and did not warn us. The amazing part is that there is not a red cent for a volunteer ground zero worker who has been under siege by them since that day and stood by the truth warning for two decades about their attempt to genocide the white conservative Christians in this country.


Yet the Israeli Mossad sabotages have led to the death of 2,977 US citizens on 911 and their lies led 74k service members to their deaths in the middle east fighting the wrong enemy. In contrast, the war in Afghanistan ended because I would leave the last top posts on Twitter to our military brass calling out the real truths about 911 after a post settled down by the third day because 1/2 of our 275 deaths per month were just by roadside bombs. PDJT did the right thing with mil brass to end that war as a result. In addition, it was my whistle blowing about the VA hiring doctors from previous US areas of operations with a dog in the fight that PDJT found out to be true and stopped it with many new benefits for out vets. So, between me and PDJT we saved on average 500 vets per month, about 30k members to date.


So Israel gets $20 billion this year alone and has caused the death of 75k of our people at least and I have saved not only 30k vets but billions of lives from the Jewish Pharma CDC toxic vaccines by putting my life on the line and all I get is deadly sabotages, gang stalking, and blacklisting. US Military who is your friend?