Anonymous ID: bb6332 June 6, 2024, 6:42 a.m. No.20976867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6869 >>6875 >>6911 >>7072

>>20974477 WATCH: 50 Cent was surrounded by Democrat congressmen and stunned all of them with his response to the reporter asking about the electionPN


Since there was no video I downloaded it, 50 cent said something else too, I couldn’t hear


Its easy to download the video at this link below, it takes about 30 seconds, copy the tweet link insert, it and convert it:

Anonymous ID: bb6332 June 6, 2024, 7:23 a.m. No.20977053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7056 >>7107

This is the new clip every ‘conservative’ who still supports RFK Jr. must see….

June 5, 2024 (19 hours ago)


When RFK Jr. first entered the race, many people thought he could have a significant impact on President Trump’s campaign, maybe even more so than Biden, mainly due to his common-sense stance on COVID and the vaccine. RFK Jr. was a brave voice of freedom and righteousness at a time when many were silenced and treated like lepers for sharing common-sense theories and ideas about COVID and the jab. RFK Jr.’s contribution to that fight should always be acknowledged and appreciated,even though he wants to implement “green tyranny.”

Sadly, the COVID fight rages on while criminals like this madman are still out there spreading lies


🚨 NEW: Dr. Fauci blames the unvaccinated for being “responsible” for an “additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths in this country [USA].”

He cited the work of Peter Hotez, the vaccinologist who declined a $2.6 million offer to debate RFK Jr., to make this claim.

“Some have done studies. Peter Hotez has done an analysis of this and shows that in people who refuse to get vaccinated for any variety of reasons, probably responsible for an additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths in this country.”


However, in the end, it has become painfully clear that RFK Jr. is a committed progressive. He is advocating fortaxpayers to provide $5 billion in reparations to black farmers, despite it being ruled unconstitutional.

The New York Post:

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has said he will support giving black farmers $5 billion in reparations once in office — throwing his weight behind a provision in President Biden’s American Rescue Plan that was struck down by a court as unconstitutional.

“When I’m in the White House… I’m going to get rid of those people in USDA and get that money,” Kennedy told John Boyd Jr., the founder of the National Black Farmers Association, in a recent episode of his podcast.

“That $5 billion is not money, that is an entitlement,” the 70-year-old added. “It’s money that was a loan that black farmers were entitled to way back when and was stolen from them through discrimination.”

The provision was quickly challenged by white farmers in Texas, across the Midwest and in Florida, and was ultimately stalled after Jacksonville federal judge Marcia Morales Howard issued a preliminary injunction, saying the bill “appears to create an inflexible, race-based discriminatory program.”

One of the parties involved in the lawsuit at the time, America First Legal, sounded off Monday on Kennedy’s support for the $5 billion package.

“Any public official who thinks it is the government’s role to pick winners and losers based on the color of their skin does not belong in public office,” AFL Executive Director and general counsel Gene Hamilton told The Post.

“This is the 21st century, and we need to stop living like we are in the 19th century before the Civil War.”

Typical liberal. And if that’s not enough failed progressive ideas for you, RFK Jr. has another humdinger. This latest clip is further proof that RFK Jr. is a radical left-winger at the very core of his political being. If you know any so-called “conservatives” who are still supporting this man over President Trump, this is probably the clip to send them. In this latest clip, RFK Jr. wants to push gas prices as high as they can be in a push to force Americans to buy electric, thinking everyone would just bend the knee and quickly transition.

RFK Jr. was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, so sky-high gas prices mean nothing to him. Lower and middle-class Americans would be deeply impacted and forced to buy electric cars they can’t afford. It’s as if he’s out of touch with the reality of normal citizens just trying to make a living paycheck to paycheck. Moreover, we don’t even have the infrastructure in place to support even a small fraction of what the left wants to do with their Marxist “green agenda.” The chaos, confusion, and mass problems don’t bother the elites, but regular people have to deal with it, all for the “greater good” of mankind.

(It sure seems like RFKjr wants to lose, is he just there to take votes from Joe Bidan?)

Anonymous ID: bb6332 June 6, 2024, 7:28 a.m. No.20977078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7107 >>7389

Citizen Free Press



Short highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador.


Bukele is 100 percent right about Trump.



The Vigilant Fox

10:23 PM · Jun 5, 2024




Anonymous ID: bb6332 June 6, 2024, 7:35 a.m. No.20977110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7121 >>7131 >>7133 >>7139 >>7152 >>7156 >>7166 >>7180 >>7194 >>7198 >>7227 >>7262 >>7297 >>7306 >>7337 >>7389 >>7428 >>7488

Citizen Free Press



Andrew McCabe claims certain FBI agents are worried about Trump throwing them in jail, and many are thinking of fleeing the country.




Last edited

1:55 AM · Jun 6, 2024





The Beast is scared:

Hey McCabe, there’s an app for that.He said the quiet part out loud, and admits they are criminals

Anonymous ID: bb6332 June 6, 2024, 7:41 a.m. No.20977133   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The biggest of all hypocrites, liars and criminals are worried about their illegal power and crimes, are going to be revealed. They should be, Lady Justice is returning, no matter how much they smear PDJT

Anonymous ID: bb6332 June 6, 2024, 7:56 a.m. No.20977227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7237


This was absolutely the biggest mistake McCabe has made, he warned true law enforcement who to keep on eye. We know who they are, and those watching know more.


He was trying to make people feel sorry for the real criminals, this is where the Boomerang comes in

Anonymous ID: bb6332 June 6, 2024, 8:06 a.m. No.20977288   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Furious Californians tear Gavin Newsom to shreds as post boasting about the number of Fortune 500 companies in the state spectacularly backfires: 'The rich is getting rich and the middle class is becoming poor'

California Governor slammed for 'out of touch post' celebrating big business. His tweet attracted 2,000 overwhelmingly hostile replies in just four hours.

Gavin Newsom's latest attempt to celebrate big business blew up in his face when he was rounded on by furious Californians for ignoring the reality of life in the Golden State.

The Democrat governor took to X, formerly Twitter, to revel in a survey suggesting that California now leads the US in Fortune 500 companies.

'Huge', be declared, 'and something you definitely won't hear on Fox News tonight.'

The backlash was certainly huge with hundreds of Californians tearing into his record on crime, drugs, housing, the budget deficit and the rest of the state's economy

'Cool, the rich are getting really, really rich and the middle class are becoming poor!' wrote JD Sharp. 'Welcome to sunny, socialist California!!'

The embattled governor was keen to trumpet a Fortune Magazine story suggesting that 57 of America's biggest firms now call the state home, overtaking Texas and New York and putting California at the top of the list for the first time in 10 years.

'More than Texas. More than Florida. 57 incredible and booming companies, right here in the Golden State,' he boasted.

But many were keen to point out that people have been heading in the other direction with 340,000 more leaving than arriving in 2022.

Los Angeles has 340,000 fewer people than it did in 2019, while San Francisco, San Diego and Santa Clara counties are each around 40,000 people short.

Florida meanwhile gained nearly 250,000, while Texas had 174,261.

California's population is 1.2 percent less than it was in 2019 will not reach pre-pandemic numbers until around 2032 on current trends.

'Expect most of their employees are virtual or work in other states,' tweeted Mericamemed.

'Funny how many people have been voting with their feet and fleeing your state!' added MacAttack001.

Others suggested that rampant house price inflation is contributing to the state's homelessness epidemic.

Homelessness jumped 6 percent to more than 180,000 people in California last year, federal data show. And since 2013, the numbers have exploded by 53 percent with the state accounting for a third of America's entire homeless population.

'California is also the home to the most homeless people, most illegal immigrants, most needles and human feces on the street!' wrote DPL.3.

'Not to mention the most expensive place to live and most expensive taxes!'

California spent $24 billion tackling homelessness in the five years to 2023 but didn't track if the moneywas helping the state's growing number of unhoused people, a damning report revealed last month.

It has contributed to California's budget deficit of at least $45 billion, prompting Newsom to propose painful spending cuts impacting immigrants, kindergarteners and low-income parents seeking childcare in a state often lauded for having the world's fifth-largest economy.

'How much of that $45billion deficit you are sporting went into these companies as tax breaks?' demanded MacAttack. 'Oh, did you find that $24billion you misplaced?

Reception of the Governor's tin-eared tweet was not improved by its timing, coming a day after it was revealed that Fortune 500 CEO's enjoyed an average 12.6 percent pay rise last year, dwarfing the 4.1 percent for private sector workers.

'It is the little people who are moving to Texas and Florida.'

'I'd rather you be bragging about the most small business that succeed, not enriching billionaires,'

California's burgeoning drug scene did not escape the attention of his detractors, or the state's criminal justice record which saw the number of violent crimes jump by 27 percent between 2013 and 2022, and pickpocketing more than double.

''People can't drive their cars without being jacked. The homeless are dying in the streets, criminals run rampant in your state.'

'California leads the country in a lot of things: homelessness; undocumented immigrants; budget deficits; income tax rates; fuel prices; poor quality of infrastructure,' added Charles May.'Hey but we have mostly great weather and scenery.'

But even the governor's success story was not what he claimed, according to some.

'For context, Texas has 55. California has 57,' wrote community_notes. 'California is also about 25 percent bigger in population than Texas: 30m vs 39m.

'By population, it should have 68. And Texas and Florida have been gaining, too.

'Gavin doesn't mention that.




(Their arrogance will be their downfall)

Anonymous ID: bb6332 June 6, 2024, 8:20 a.m. No.20977370   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(New Urban Dictionary definition: Conspiracy Theories = Truth the government doesn’t want you to know)

FBI Told Nashville Police Release Of School Shooter Writings Would Lead To ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ ‘Inaccurate Info’

By Leif Le Mahieu

Jun 5, 2024


A newly revealed memo shows that the FBI told the Metro Nashville Police Department that the release of a school shooter’s writings could lead to “conspiracy theories” and “inaccurate information” in the weeks following fatal shootings at a Christian school in Nashville, according to a report from The Tennessee Star.


The memo, dated May 11, 2023, and recently obtained by The Star, was sent to Nashville Chief of Police John Drake after a transgender-identifying woman killed six people, including three children, at The Covenant School. It was also sent just days after Star News Digital Media, owner of The Tennessee Star, filed multiple lawsuits seeking the release of the killer’s writings, which have remained sealed both by Nashville police and the FBI.


While the memo does specifically mention The Covenant School shooting, it tells Drake that a mass shooter’s writings and other documents, referred to as “legacy tokens,” should not be released to the public. The memo came from the FBI’s Critical Incident Response Group in Quantico, Virginia.


Inside the memo, the FBI argued that the public should not have access to a shooter’s materials because the writings would be misinterpreted and may inspire further attacks.


“Reasonably, the request often proffered by those seeking the release of the materials revolves around the public’s need to understand what led to such tragic events,” the FBI said. “Yet, legacy tokens seldom provide the answers or comfort sought by the public and surviving victims. Offender’s words are often misleading, biased, or lacking insight.”


The FBI said the release would also lead to “conspiracy theories.”


“Public access to legacy tokens will also facilitate false narratives and inaccurate information. For personal gain, self-professed ‘experts’ will proffer their perspectives on the motivations behind the attack,” the memo said. “This also may lead to unintended consequences for the segment of the population more vulnerable or open to conspiracy theories, which will undoubtedly abound.”


Metro Nashville Police Department Public Affairs Director Don Aaron told The Star on Tuesday that the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit has been working with Nashville police on the investigation into the shooting.


The release of the Covenant shooter’s so-called “manifesto” has been held up for months as both the FBI and Metro Nashville have refused to release the materials. A group of families from the school have also sought to block the release of the materials.


A Davidson County judge is currently looking at a lawsuit against the police brought by a group, including The Star, looking to release the shooter’s writings, while a federal judge is considering a similar challenge against the FBI. The Nashville Police said that it expects to release its full report and most of the shooter’s writings in July, adding that its investigation is ongoing.


A small portion was leaked in November by podcaster Steven Crowder, who obtained three photographs of the alleged writings. The pages included racial slurs against white children as well as an itinerary for “death day,” which articulated her intent to have a “high death count.”

Anonymous ID: bb6332 June 6, 2024, 8:34 a.m. No.20977478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7483


By admitting that McCabe let loose the absolute fear because they have gotten away with their crimes for many years. Not just Trump but many others. The NYTs, Maggot write an article that they are really upset Republicans are going to fight back. Its pretty obvious even the lying news know the lid has popped, they went too far.


My question is: why did it take Republicans this long to understand they will never stop destroying America?

Anonymous ID: bb6332 June 6, 2024, 8:41 a.m. No.20977503   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That line was the most ridiculous. No one relies on either agency. You have to be completely naive to believe that.


Speaking about naive: i was telling my leftie sister how corrupt the government is, she said: “The government is not corrupt!” I almost hung up on her, but I just started laughing.


I told her she’s just got to be contrary to anything I say. Yes, her answer was “No I’m not!” I said “you just proved my point!”