Anonymous ID: 2de490 June 6, 2024, 6:22 p.m. No.20980682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0700 >>0704 >>0716

So, after posting this yesterday >>20972847 pb, the only reply I got, was a knock on my door to shut down our gas service. There are no coincidences. The cabal controls jobs, blacklists, gang stalks when they don't control, controls the utilities and social services too. If you get tired about just hearing about how much we are sabotaged, imagine what we have to go through to combat these attacks. Yesterday I had to work for hours fixing 3 sabotaged sprinklers and a spigot, having to walk 8 miles. They destroy our water sources so we can't hose down the chems that they spray on a regular basis. All I can say, is that I didn't quit, nor back down from a fight. WWG1…

Anonymous ID: 2de490 June 6, 2024, 6:41 p.m. No.20980801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0839



All 3 were sabotaged differently, one chipped nozzle, one stepped on, and one raised sightly that I mowed over it. The spigot was jammed with a screwdriver in it. Soc Serv is supposed to make payments but here is the game that they play with us. It was called HEAP, originally "Home Energy" assistance program but they changed it to "Heat Energy" in my county and keep it closed half a year. This way they can thwart covering electric by asking how you heat your home and only pay for that, where in Albany main office states they are supposed to cover all utilities; no one stops them. They know we are on assistance, and they will get paid when the office opens again in October but make no mistake, this has to do with my post, as last year they did wait. Those federal funds are actually going to illegals by this scam. The cabal controls it all and knows who I am without a doubt. I am not lazy nor stupid and have a great skillset but since 911, I was targeted; fact.

Anonymous ID: 2de490 June 6, 2024, 6:51 p.m. No.20980841   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They put my wife in tears, this is not a game. She didn't wake me because she knows I have had it with these criminals and would handle it extremely harsh. Mind you, that when I was blacklisted after 911, I spent 6 years sending out resumes for 4 hours a day and 8 hours cleaning out a drug den and dumping ground because it was the right thing to do. The county had homes put up in that area and collects over $200k in property taxes as a result of my work.

Anonymous ID: 2de490 June 6, 2024, 7:06 p.m. No.20980895   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Do you understand that I knew what was coming on 12/27/19 because I had dealt with it for close to 2 decades: blacklisting, censoring, hospital murderers, nwo cops protecting them, gang stalking, sabotages, the corrupt courts and lawyers, disappearing paperwork, home break ins, you name it. It was when I contacted DOL asking for help for a ground zero worker that I knew it was coming for everyone including Trump because after getting phone circle jerk from them for about a week or 2, I heard the director Scalise laughing his ass off in the background. God urged me to get a message to Trump on that day, and I knew that they would attempt to kill me for destroying their plans and 3 times they tried.