Queen of Whales?
why that?
did Musk's space ship kill some whales when it splashed down?
don't know why that occured to me earlier but it did.
Queen of Whales?
why that?
did Musk's space ship kill some whales when it splashed down?
don't know why that occured to me earlier but it did.
Somehow I doubt he knows how to use that.
I really don't know.
but when I heard about Elon's 'successful giagantic space ship splashdown' I did think
wow, if the ship was so big I hope he didn't kill any whales. That was a weird thought because I never worried about whales and other splashdowns.
and then when I saw the whales themed bread title I figured I'd share my strange passing thought.
one or two pepole ip hop and post that crap every bread to sully up the breads.
It's not everyone here.
many just filter it and move on.
If they look too young, and it's child porn (sexual images of children, or porn of children) you should report it by clicking on the triangle in the upper left corner of the post and selecting 'report' and then follow the prompts.
but what you shouldn't do is think that everyone here enjoys seeing those uncharitble images.
no, anon, they post borderline children because they 1. want to tempt people into perversion. 2. defame the board. 3. report that there are children being posted.
they like to cultivate degeneracy.
the excuse that 'boys will be boys' is lame.
boys are exposed to that and groomed into that kind of desire.
gee 2000 years of epigraphics on tomb stones and memorials was all fake?
end satire
no, anon, the year is correct. It's 2024.
your year suggestion is a well known psyop.
the carvings on memorials, and the epigraphs on monuments and buildings proves you wrong.
often those kinds of substances open the doors to let the demons into people's minds.
it also sets them off into pointless hedonistic spurging.
each post is posted by a person or an agency team and reflects ONLY the poster(s).
so you're off base in making a blanket accusation of immaturity.
but you know this.
gee, how about just meditation, reflection, and an understanding that 'feeling gleeful' isn't really 'it'?
how about people facing their issues and atoning for their sins?
how about living a life free of hedonism?
how about not needing to be the party-hearty person?
every glee fest is balanced with self-loathing later when the drugs wear off.
and the issues with killing kidneys or livers doesn't exist if you don't take those drugs.
I understand how stuff like Peyote and LSD and even MDMA might be useful in theropy, but to use them as a party drug seems wreakless.
got the message, hung up the phone.
I don't need to fell gleeful to have a good time.
when I can drive home at the end of the night and not have a strange self-loathing hangover, that means much more to me.
to be able to tell the officer if he pulls me over 'no, didn't drink, and I'm not on any drugs' is a very useful procedure.
'can't handle?'
what a joke.
Hedonistic party drugs are a dead end.
the glee you feel now will be dread later when you realize all the time and energy you wasted dancing with yourself in the rain and mud.
Remember burning man a while ago?
that's what it is, anon.
no one should have to endure that, but that is the kind of thing it leads to.