Anonymous ID: eb1a64 June 6, 2024, 4:56 p.m. No.20980230   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0236 >>0623 >>0628 >>0637 >>0642 >>0659 >>0668 >>0689



Note;dough below for rally notes


djt takes stage at 5:11, plus different singer of sea to shining sea. (will have to find out who?)

President Trump in Phoenix, AZ (djt rumble channel)just speech (1;33;34 runtime)


rsbn full coerage (3:52:39 full runtime


President Trump: If we could have honest elections in this country, I would have stopped campaigning two weeks ago. We would have had it made. But we don't have that, so we're watching it very carefully, and I'm, working my ass off to make sure we get Too Big To Rig.

President Trump: I just went through a rigged trial in New York, with a highly conflicted, and I mean highly conflicted, judge. Where there was no crime. It was made-up, fabricated stuff. They didn't want to bring the case. They could have brought the case seven years ago; it's only when you run for office they bring cases.

President Trump: Two days ago, Joe Biden signed an executive order to officially declare his formal approval and support for the largest border invasion in the history of the world. This has been the largest invasion in history. We are being invaded. This is not people coming in, these are people coming in totally unchecked…this allows millions of people into our country. Joe Biden's order is pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking, pro-women trafficking, pro-human trafficking, pro-drug dealers, and in all, they bring death and destruction into our country.

>>20979370, >>20979642 I Wore My Special Tie - twat and mp4 vid (yellow tie Q comm)

President Trump: Crooked Joe's action [executive order] dramatically expands the Biden migrant smartphone app…that allows illegal aliens to gain free entry, to be released into the United States at the push of a button.

Trump says that when he takes office that WE ALL will be taking the oath with him.

4 year Q Delta on June 6, 2020: Remember your oath.

President Trump: When Crooked Joe Biden got in, he took the most secure border in US history, and he quickly turned it into the worst border nightmare, I believe in the history of the world. There's never been a border where they allow eighteen million people in. I think that's the real number as of now…in April, border crossings were up one thousand percent, compared to the same month last year…and, by the way, last year it was a thousand percent compared to [the year before]…in total, Crooked Joe Biden has imported more illegal aliens than the populations of forty out of our fifty states, and soon that's going to be a much higher number…the Biden invasion is no accident, it's a deliberate demolition of our sovereignty and of our borders

President Trump: [Biden] threw open the gates to millions of fighting-age males from all over the planet…twenty-nine thousand people from, China. every one looks like he is ready for the military.

President Trump: If Joe Biden wins this election, he wants to turn every single illegal alien that he let in across the borders into a voting citizen…by contrast, I want to send Joe Biden's illegal aliens back home where they belong. They have to go back home. Because, quite simply, Joe Biden wants an invasion, I want a deportation.

President Trump: Just this week, two brave officers of the New York Police Department…New York's finest…were shot in Queens, New York, by a Biden migrant who Crooked Joe released into our country. This monster infiltrated from Venezuela, and was quickly given administrative amnesty by Joe Biden; he got amnesty. Along with taxpayer-funded hotel room, which is a very nice room, by the way, very luxurious, while he engaged in multiple suspected robberies before shooting two of our finest people. Two of New York's finest, as we call them.


Anonymous ID: eb1a64 June 6, 2024, 4:57 p.m. No.20980236   🗄️.is đź”—kun



President Trump: With his actions on the border, Joe Biden is the ringleader of one of the most vile criminal conspiracies of all time, aiding and abetting human traffickers, child smugglers, and terrorists. That's what he's doing.

President Trump: In addition to all of the Biden migrant crime, stealing innocent American lives, Crooked Joe is also responsible for more women and children being sold into slavery than anyone else in modern history.

President Trump: Because of Biden's policies, millions and millions of children have been separated from their families and pushed into the hands of the coyotes and the cartels…eighty-eight thousand children are missing under this administration, and they have no idea; and unfortunately many of those children are dead. Just like many of the hostages held by Hamas are dead. When they can't make a deal, that's a big problem, and they're finding out that a lot of them are gone. A lot these people are gone right now.

President Trump: In less than four years, Joe Biden has imported millions of low-wage migrants, and giving them welfare, free healthcare and work permits, to undercut American wages. People with jobs, that have had it for a long time, are being fired all over our country.

President Trump: We will put the cartels out of business, and I will make clear to every federal department and agency, that we must use any and all resources to stop this invasion of our country, including moving thousand of troops, if necessary, currently stationed overseas, to our own borders…before we defend the borders of foreign countries, we will secure the border of our country.

President Trump: We're gonna have to close it up [border]. We're gonna close it up. We're gonna use federal powers to close it up.

President Trump: We have to give authority back to law enforcement so they can properly protect people, because right now, the law enforcement is just not allowed to do their job because crime is so bad.

President Trump: The young women in those caravans [of illegals] suffer so badly, and there's so much death; and this is all caused by Biden, where people think they're gonna walk into the United States. It's just another form of death. We are going to be so tough, and if a county is not going to behave, we're gonna tariff the hell out of that country…and if we have to, we'll do more than than, but I don't think you're gonna need it.

President Trump: When I ran against Hillary Clinton…we had a situation going with all of these people, everything; they wanted to do, they wanted to say that I was going to create World War III. I was, 'Look at him, look at him, he's a radical'. I was a radical for not having wars…we are going to make sure there's no wars. We don't want to have wars. I call them endless wars. I call them wars where people don't even want us involved.

President Trump: We're gonna save Social Security. Biden is putting your Social Security at risk by allowing all of these people to pour into our country. It's a big risk, and we're not going to stand for that.

President Trump: You know, Venezuela said the other day, that, 'We're never allowing the people that they sent out to come back into Venezuela." That's not gonna happen. ..they are sending them out, and saying you can never come back…we are going to stop that, and we're going to deport, and we have no choice.

President Trump: We started a process for building hospitals, and other things in rural America, and I'm going to keep that going. They ended it in the Biden administration, as you know, but we're going to keep that going.

President Trump: I'm telling you, we are in more danger from the enemy from within, with these lunatics, these fascists, these communists, and we're going to stop that also.


Anonymous ID: eb1a64 June 6, 2024, 6:11 p.m. No.20980614   🗄️.is đź”—kun


there is so much symbology in that cover.

the hour glass emptying to election box to turning the world power from west to the east.

top to bottom.

left to right, digital to cbdc and the collapse of the monetary system, left is big brother survelience.

mexico and usa (war to peace at the top

second section zelensky and putin face off

nato and space wars.

the moon cycle.

red blue is is a one world government

putin and china


Anonymous ID: eb1a64 June 6, 2024, 6:29 p.m. No.20980733   🗄️.is đź”—kun


told you.

we are under full attack from all vectors.

video anon. please refrain from posting.

continue to clip the videos of trump statements but hold until the board is back.

have collected what has already been posted,

just the links for now, hopefully when the board is restored we can continue.

they do not want these to be circulated on social media.


Anonymous ID: eb1a64 June 6, 2024, 6:45 p.m. No.20980816   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0832


of course they are.

and everything else.

are you a anon or a shill

your behaviour today lost a lot of credibilty not just with anon but those watching.

you want to play. lets play.

>>20975819, >>20975947, >>20975962,

>>20976000, >>20976035, >>20976066, >>20976095, >>20976102, >>20976107, >>20976113, >>20976116, >>20976120, >>20976124, >>20976140, >>20976152, >>20976156, >>20976158, >>20976163, >>20976172, >>20976178, >>20976183, >>20976189, >>20976229, corp and doge banter turning to threats.

What was found out about this little furry who thinks he is part of the kun team.

Anonymous ID: eb1a64 June 6, 2024, 6:51 p.m. No.20980842   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0851


yes cos they are trying to kill everyone

yet you want to play cosplay.

and be a fucking halfmind faggot hanging out with feds and clowns.

Get a grip, it is not about us..

we are just markers in time…

not to late. yet. but you are going to have to work extra hard to regain the betrayal.

Anonymous ID: eb1a64 June 6, 2024, 6:57 p.m. No.20980861   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0862


no you,

do you have any idea who the enemy is.?

why anons visit 8kun

and spend all out time here gathering info.

hard enough dealing with the media and threats all around without having those we thought were anons shitting things up here

geez fucking child.

Get fucked and go and eat another doughnut.