Just when I was about to give up on "strange man" and his sidekick "van picture", I did one last dig into the videos. You decide..
The 2 rallies I know of he did attend:
–July 25 2017 Youngstown Rally in Ohio
–March 10 2018 Moon Township Rally outside of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.
Maybe "strange guy" has family and friends he brings with him to the rally . Maybe he brings his own kids, friends, family and security? In photo exhibit A (the 3-10-2018 rally) you will see 5 arrows pointing to people of interest.
1st - happy teenage boy
2nd - a darling little girl stuck behind teenage boy in a red hat
3rd – lady with lots of jewelry and a big smile.(she can also be found in the July 2017 rally
video standing next to and talking with "strange guy".. see cspan video below)
4th – "strange guy"
5th– security guy
In video 1 moon township below starting at exactly 4:30 minutes watch the group interact especially the little girl who is seemingly trying to hide her obsession with "strange man".
Moving to video 2 moon township below starting at 1:12:49 the darling girl seemingly has simply lost all patience with "strange man" or has to go to the bathroom. She then reappears at 1:17:00 at the very end proudly holding up the picture of the van he must have loaned her. Who is she? Was that her brother she was standing behind? Did her brother bring friends? Does "strange guy" know most of the people around him?
video 1 moon township: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwh8e1_5KsQ
video 2 moon township: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWPpd1P1JvQ
cspan video
Additional for fun videos