On a roll again numbers fag!!
Nice catch!
Dutchfag here, still awake!
Read the whole article and it will all make sense!
JFK, The greys, the deep state, the NSA, Everything!!
I'm just checking Q's posts and the "comb your hair" remark, the dates and the rally's and the man, how on earth did we get to JFK jr here?
Or Snowden for that matter!
It doesn't make sense at all!
I've followed her and that whole circle of people for a long time, it is very fascinating indeed, and I have no doubt JFK knew all about it and the greys where the main reason he was killed
Dutch Intuitionfag here,
Just woke up after 5 hours sleep.
As soon I opened my eyes it dawned on me….
WHAT IF….it is no coincidence that the general board is falling to pieces?
WHAT IF….it is no coincidence that R posted after the Q&A post of Q?
WHAT IF….it is no coincidence that those picking up the R post and taking it serious was the next step in the whole movement?
WHAT IF….it is no coincidence that those that are here on the R board are the ones really serious about research in a general sense, but also smart enough to learn their comms??
WHAT IF….this is THE new form of comms?
WHAT IF….BO's, some bakers, just like "helpers", but also "shills" are just part of the Q team?
WHAT IF….Our Baker here is right, cause ONLY those that take it seriously will be here, and keep the shills away to continue on the General board?
WHAT IF….this is all meant to be EXACTLY as it should be, because we are actually guided through the comms from Q, the planted bakers, helper, BO's?
Think about it!
If one can come up with such an elaborate plan,
WHY NOT come up with the whole 4chan, 8chan, bakers, notables, etc etc to be PART OF THE PLAN.
How do you get to spread news??
Why isn't Q posting these days and in the meantime the General board is falling to shambles??
Why are WE smooth sailing here and busy on a complete NEW level of reading the comms?
What if Q's job is mainly done, and R's (although both the same people) job to actually enlighten us on a different level??
We don't want shills here, maybe the shills are there cause they are pushed there and is it in the plan to destroy the General board.
This is so much bigger than we know!
Think about it from the above theory and read these Q lines (forgive me if I didn't quote them exactly):
"Shall we play a game?"
"Learn to read our comms"
"You have it all"
"Trolling is fun"
"who do you see?"
"40.000 ft" (The big picture)
"Think stages"
"This is bigger than people can imagine"
I can go on an on, but you probably have the idea what I am trying to say here!
EVERYTHING is planned, even our boards atmospheres
Those that REALLY want to know who Q is are here.
Q staged it perfectly for us to pick up R's post, and with R's post we dug and found a wealth of more information! IT IS OK that lots don't want to see it YET, it gives us the opportunity to actually dig in peace. By the time this spreads and spreads (remember how Q grew and developed) this will all become reality, just like all the Q posts became reality!!
I'd say: The few crumbs we throw in the general board are ONLY to be picked up by serious people, and leave the REAL shills there.
And finally, if a movement becomes so big, it is running itself (Q movement) so the general board is not that relevant any more, as research is done on Twatter, Reddit, blogs, forums, you tube etc!!
To use a Q phrase: Did you catch it???
We don't judge here!
We read , take it in and give feedback! or ignore it, which means nobody is interested in it, nobody believes in it or you need to expand your theory, which in this case is not necessary as you stated what you mean with this post :)
We don't attack, troll and harass here, nor do we post porn and other crap! ;) Thanks Amon for the research
It's not about ego! It's not about controlling them or boards!
It is actually happening exactly as it should be!
Why would we be offended by the other board?
Just drop crumb and get out!
We are the crumb droppers now! Don't you see??
We are closer to the Q team than the general board is. We have a wealth of information here.
I don't know , I have been here for 10 hours in the night (it's afternoon now here) and been back on the board as soon I woke up) maybe you haven't seen the digs here from the past 24 hrs