This apple logo Q clue went by quickly on the main research board, so thought I’d repost it here in our comfy “R” corner. Have always assumed the "DOITQ" photo showed the main team.
If you mean Stephen Miller being on the Q team, I totally agree, and he’s shown in the original DOITQ photo with quite a smile, as they all have. There might be other participants in this revolutionary and important arm of the Trump administration’s communications, but I think this was the main crew to begin the educational research program known as QAnon.
The DOITQ photo showed that anonymity wasn’t a huge issue, even in the early stages, although the mystery made this game that is not a game more fun, and the personal details of those involved would distract from the real star of the show, which is truth finally starting to be uncovered by patriots from all walks of life working together. Also, the cabal would surely be doing much more than they have to burn this whole project to the ground, likely calling for impeachment because the team revealed some intel.
When I saw Dan’s photo that connected so clearly to the recent apple logo photo brouhaha, I thought it was an indication that we are coming upon a time when the source of QAnon will be revealed to some degree, either by a journalist finally asking the question, a statement, or enough clues to make it obvious. Q did say that July 2018 would be “the month the world discovered the TRUTH. Conspiracy no more.”
From post at:
It did seem completely unlikely that a relatively gentle mannered person like Edward Snowden would be waving signs around, wearing MAGA clothes, and chanting all the slogans with a huge smile and over-the-top enthusiasm. Just didn’t seem like something he would do, or John John. But it’s one more lesson to help us learn to discern and make good use of our time and energy. Certainly, there is something odd about the fellow’s demeanor, and you never know what might be uncovered with a little sleuthing, but it was a bit of a stretch to quickly jump to him being a character portrayed by ES or JJ and then try to prove that. It’s important not to let good or bad intentioned posters throw the research efforts off a productive course.
I didn’t see that the guy was selling any products, although maybe he was, or maybe just wanted to say to DJT and the public, “Hey, it’s me, campaign van guy!” He did look kind of like when bosses get made up in disguises with wigs and make-up for the show Undercover Boss, but maybe that’s just his choice of style. Also noticed that his burdened face didn’t seem to match what he’s doing, but it’s possible that he’s had a hard time in life, realized what kind of horrors are going on, and was inspired to become a one-person van campaign to help elect the one who could help save humanity.
Watching actors play their roles…