Board was terribly laggy this afternoon.
Hi Rfags,
Intuitive fag here. Keep up the good work. I am a believer since R's first post. Just knew it/know it to be true.
JFK's assassination is one of my earliest memories. I was almost three years old when watching cartoons alone (my older siblings were upstairs) when all of a sudden the news broke through all channels. Even at that young age I was immediately aware of the gravity. It was a cold rainy day in the Northeast and for some odd reason I remember thinking how bizarre that it was sunny in the Dallas news footage. The cold and rain from where I sat seemed more fitting.
Then my mom came home w/ grocery bags in her arms. She was sobbing. They had announced the news on the speaker at the grocery store. It was one of those moments when you knew the world had changed and life would never be the same.
JFK Jr and I are only a few months apart in age. I think for this reason I particularly identified with him and followed him and Carolyn and Jackie, but especially him, over the years.
So in short, I just "knew" immediately at that first drop that what I was reading was/is true.
No need to convince me further, albeit I am impressed by all the further drops and connections.
One thing, tho that I feel compelled to express and some of you are not going to like it:
Please stop trying too hard to convince others. If the JFK reveal is meant for more, it will happen. I personally feel that there was no mistake in any of us being there that first night, there is no mistake in the further connections made. Quite simply, those of us who were meant to get the message, got it. It is not anyone's job to carry the message further. And in fact, I feel attempts to do so could be counterproductive and I am very, very, wary of the consequences in doing so.
To me it's like when you have fallen in love with someone and you're trying too hard to keep the relationship. As we all know, it's unbecoming to the object of our affection when we obsess over them.
So please, hold onto to the R digs by all means, but hold on loosely, tho above all, remember, loose lips sink ships.
Said with warm regards,