Anonymous ID: bb6707 June 7, 2024, 4:34 a.m. No.20982448   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20980173 pb

heading in Notables is WRONG

This man is NOT ex-CIA - there's no such thing.

He's a famous covert operator and the model for many of the pulp fiction books ghost -written over the ages for the spooks to make side-line cash and advertise their exploits; those things which occurred "under-cover" and can't be bragged about openly.


He is the man who predicted to several thousand on-line "conspiracy theorists" (?) who were already researching everything, including the symbolism of these corrupt dirty monsters, i.e those who attempt to rule our world unfairly- the cominig of Donald Trump in so many words…

he announced the 'counter-coup' against the creeps who destroyed our Country (so far)

in the SPRING OF '16.

That's how people knew, immediately, that the Trump Win in Nov. '16 was part of that - He told people before hand what was coming.

Seems like now, with his talk of "good C1a" "bad Cia" that he's laying the groundwork of the survival of the C1a once the dust settles.

(Same as mission of John Solomon - who's admitted that on camera)

on another note:

Q' at one point said Jim Stone was Patriot.

Even when Stone was going ballistic 'gainst Trump

Stone has shared his story of going against Bush and Pentagon plans for Iran.

Who knows where Stone is now, He's off the grid.


Anyway, Piezenik is the model for some fictional famous "spy" , like a 007. He's not "ex-C1A. He also was said to be incommunicado for decades yet somehow communicated with incipient q -researchers in the Spring '16, to set the stage.

This latest vid seems to set the stage for: Israel comes last, or somesuch.

Israel is controlled by NWO - DeepState - international transhumanist atheist - or weird cultist conspiracy; not "da Jews" - by Brit Royals, etc. Banker cabal, not 'da Jews' - who've been scapegoats for centuries.

Yes, to out Epstein as Mossad could be done by a Jewish man! There are many holy Jewish men, favored by God; who do correct actions. Many. And the muh-Jew shill insult them every day, here.

The natter got the note incorrect.

jim stone (ex- NSA) bio picrel