Anonymous ID: 133b2e June 7, 2024, 10:40 a.m. No.20984065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4071 >>4077 >>4098 >>4175 >>4213 >>4262

The US Flag Awakening Neighborhood Indicator (FANI)


I know…kewl acronym


So…a little background. I live in the Non-coastal North West US. About 5 years ago, an acquaintance of mine that lives in

the old liberal part of town told me that every time he put put his US flag up…it would be taken down at night and thrown in

the street.


About a 1.5 years ago, my daughter bought a house in a different NW US town in an old liberal neighborhood (she is redpilled).

I helped her move in and spend 2 to 3 weeks a month there helping her out (I'm retired).

When she moved in, there was 1 house on her block (of about 20 houses) that was flying a US Flag (not reachable without a ladder).

The other two blocks (one up the other down the street) one guy had a flag pole with a US flag and a Trump flag. There were however 4 or 5 LGBTQ flags and multiple BLM yard signs on these 3 blocks.


When my daughter moved in, she asked me if I would put up her Flag (this is her first house) and she wasn't going to be intimidated.

So I did…but the spot that would have a light shinning on it at night would be easily accessible…to date, it hasn't been touched.


So the current FANI status:


On her block:


there are 6 houses now flying a US flag 24/7

No LGBTQ flags

No BLM yard sighs

1 house had a Palestinian yard sign that they removed themselves 2 days later


Other 2 blocks:


one block 4 and the other 5 US flags

No LGBTQ flags

No BLM yard signs


Anyone else seeing a similar trend in their area?

Anonymous ID: 133b2e June 7, 2024, 10:49 a.m. No.20984098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4109



I'm an old fag (both in years and time on this board) and with that I've learned here…I'm not a fan of Israel or the Mossad and feel the Palestinians have been screwed since the Balfour agreement.


I don't want to tell the libs I support Palestine as well…don't know if the libs are hard for Palestine mainly because Trump has publicly supported Israel.


Games are being played….

Anonymous ID: 133b2e June 7, 2024, 11:32 a.m. No.20984272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4287



Nice…thanks for the input.


what percent of homes are flying a flag…just a rough guess?


Do you think the people flying flags around you understand elections are rigged?