Anonymous ID: 895b19 June 7, 2024, 10:12 a.m. No.20983942   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3986 >>3992 >>4026 >>4068



>>20983550 lb

>>20983541 lb

they are likely blood relatives.

>>20983550 lb

>>20983549 lb


>>20983549 lb

"When the music's over,

When the musics' over,

Turn out the lights, turn out the light"

Musical chairs; not everybody is going to have a place to sit?


There was something in the dough about hate speech. Basd on Race Religion etc., It's gone now. Or I'm blind?

Some baker took it out of the dough?

opposition tries to steal our words, and bury the research with their illogical hate. Against board policy. We are Free Information not free diarrhea of Bidan, or farts of Black boots.

Can't stop 'em from being here, but the policy should be listed (boldly without having to click through) So at least people / newcomers will have some context for their screaming "DA JEWS" and "I"M CENSORED"

They got the money from theft (Ukraine?) and so can out-brute force the honest q researchers.

Political speech is supposed to be the most highly protected form of speech. Degrading a particular race or religion is hate speech - with zero content or anyway misleading context - and is the least protected form of speech.

They are drowning us out

See Lem from "Our Master's Voice" paragraph next post.

something's wrong with my keyboard so my typing is worse than usual

>>20983194 lb

The distraction routines work

Mockery "Birth certi fake = "birthers"

"JFK murdered by c1a = "conspiracy theorist"


once the dominos start to fall, i think it will be fast.

Anonymous ID: 895b19 June 7, 2024, 10:42 a.m. No.20984068   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4298


>>20983549 lb


For the "Beats" movement for freedom of speech, all the attention was on expressions of sex, explicit.

That's what the big movement revolved around, seemingly.

There was no sense that political speech was being outright censored - There was an illusion that the organs of news that stood, were honest. And that was false.

When the Internets came there was an explosion of information exchange which the Powers-that-Be had to struggle against, while all the time pretending that wasn't happening. It was just silly insane people along the edges.

Now the fist is coming out of the velvet glove. Too much real news escaped their plantation.




When the real material starts flooding out, it's going to be difficult for the criminals.

It already has.

And think of this: Wasn't there a q' post where they said "And we haven't even started revealing the stuff thatโ€ฆ we have"

So the other side runs out of ammo and our friends on the inside haven't even started expending theirs?

Anonymous ID: 895b19 June 7, 2024, 11:40 a.m. No.20984298   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



as well they should.


Cause the Biden's are Mafia?

Think Al Capone, nobody could touch (i.e. FBI) cause they were all 'in on it" though Capone did many many murders, that were well-known and proven.

There were all on the same side.

That's why the Taxation people had to do it, after many years of offense after offense , after offense

Same reason Hunter Biden and Pedo Joe have been escaping Justice.

Everybody already knows.

The crooks in Law Enforcement try to make excuses. They think we are stupid and can't see what's right in front of us.

"Eyes Wide Shut"

Anonymous ID: 895b19 June 7, 2024, 12:02 p.m. No.20984382   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4390


sorry wrong example map

still looking

anyway Rome was very large. And Jews came from, lived all over ROME

So the question could be was their original home in the East or West?

Some were in Palestine, likely, because they were all over

"LEVANT" means "left"

So if the South was at the top

LEVANT would be the EAST

which became one meaning of "Levant"