Anonymous ID: 3b1a93 June 7, 2024, 2:25 p.m. No.20984864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4930 >>5085 >>5126

The right could win big in Europe – thanks to young people

By Sofia Bettiza, BBC News 06 June 2024


As Europeans head to the polls in four days of voting across 27 countries to elect a new European Parliament, millions of young people will be casting their ballot for the first time.


In some countries, the voting age has been lowered to 16 – so minors in Belgium, Germany, Austria, Greece and Malta will be able to cast their vote in these elections.


“It’s a very big opportunity for us, because it gives us a voice we never had before,” says Mare Verlinde, a 17-year-old student from Belgium.


“I think Europe needs to step up and be stronger – we can’t always rely on Nato,” her friend Auguste Duchene says, earnestly.


For this group of friends – and for many of their peers – these European elections are hugely significant when it comes to security. They grew up being told Europe was safe – but in the last two years, that conviction has disappeared.


17-year-old Lore Sleeckx is worried about war in Europe.


“My history teachers are saying they wouldn’t be surprised if a world war happened in the future,” she says – and all her friends nod in agreement. “That really scares me.”


In the 2019 European elections, young people turned out in record numbers - their votes going overwhelmingly to green parties that championed strong climate policies. At the time, it was heralded as a “Green wave.”


But five years is a long time in politics.


If the polls are right, an unprecedented number of young voters are considering casting their votes for parties on the right and far right, many of which are broadly Eurosceptic.


“We want to do away with the status quo, and that’s why many of my friends are voting for the right,” Bence Szabó tells me, while attending an anti-EU farmers protest in Brussels. The rumbling sound of the tractors blends with the voices on stage as they denounce Europe’s elites.


“Everything coming from the right is being demonised,” says the 25-year-old from Hungary, “but we can actually solve the issues that the left tried to solve - and failed.”


The issues that young Europeans care about, of course, vary. But this is a generation that grew up during the Covid pandemic, and now feels worried on multiple fronts: war in Europe, climate change, an uncertain job market and a lack of affordable housing.


“We are not extremists. We are just angry,” explains Lazar Potrebic, a 25-year-old from a Hungarian minority in Serbia who is entitled to vote.


He - and many of his peers - are worried about the future, and feel that the more traditional parties are not listening to their concerns.


“We feel like our needs are not being met. People our age are taking really important life steps. We're getting our first jobs, thinking about starting a family…but if you look around Europe, rent prices are going through the roof - and it’s hard to get work.”


Of course the feeling of not being listened to when you’re young, of not being part of the equation, is nothing new. But many of the parties on the far right are actively courting the young vote, says Dave Sinardet, a professor of political science at the Free University of Brussels.


“The radical right channels anti-establishment feelings,” he told the BBC. “They have a bit of a rebellious vibe - especially when it comes to their anti-woke agenda - and that appeals to young people.”


Migration is another question driving young voters to the right. Last year saw some 380,000 people illegally crossing the EU's borders - the highest number since 2016.


“The EU’s stance on migration has been too lenient,” believes Giorgio, a 28-year-old Italian. He will be voting for Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy - arguably the far right’s biggest success story in Europe.


He thinks the EU should have a migration policy more similar to that of Hungary, Slovakia and Poland, which have all challenged the EU’s new migration pact which gives dissenting countries the right to pay rather than receive new arrivals.



Anonymous ID: 3b1a93 June 7, 2024, 2:36 p.m. No.20984922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4937 >>4954 >>5087 >>5136

Any Marketfags around can confirm this "melting?"


Canada #59 >>20976662


Mexico’s Leftist President-Elect Gathers Latin American Socialist Leaders, as Opposition Candidate Demands Recount, Another Mayor Is Killed, and the Panicked Market Melts

by Paul Serran Jun. 5, 2024


The Latin American leftist network of leaders is delighted by the victory of the ruling party’s candidate Claudia Sheinbaum in the ultra-violent Mexican elections that saw over 28 candidates killed during the election cycle.


But the market reacted in a panic, as the unrelenting violence keeps claiming the lives of political leaders, and the opposition demands a full recount of the problematic vote.


Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro, Colombia’s Gustavo Petro, Brazil’s Lula da Silva were quick to celebrate the victory, and the leftist goons of the ‘Puebla Group’ sent a delegation to meet with Mexico’s president-elect.


Present at the meeting were former presidents Alberto Fernández (Argentina) and Evo Morales (Bolivia), ahead of a large delegation of the group of ‘progressive leaders’ (a.k.a. socialist hacks).


Although dedicated leftist Sheinbaum celebrated that Mexico is a ‘democratic country with peaceful elections,’ there is now a request of recounting the votes by an opposition candidate, another mayor was assassinated, and the market is plunging out of distrust towards the new government.


Runner-up in Mexico’s presidential election, opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez announced that has filed a request to contest the election and demand a recount.


Gálvez wrote on X:

“I know the results surprise us, and we need to analyze what happened. We all knew we were facing an unequal competition against the entire state apparatus dedicated to favoring its candidate. We all noticed how much organized crime was present, threatening and even killing dozens of candidates.


This does not end here. Yes, we will present the challenges that prove what I am saying and what we all know. And we will do so because we cannot allow another election like this. Today, more than ever, we must defend our democracy and our republic. Checks and balances and the separation of powers remain at risk.”


While the complaint about organized crime influence may be seen as exaggerated, it is absolutely not.


Bloomberg reported:

“Mexico’s peso sank for a second session after an unexpected landslide election win by the ruling party injected local political risk into one of the world’s top carry trades.


The peso shed as much as 2.9% to 18.1936 per dollar by 11:45 a.m. in London, adding to its 3.8% loss on Monday that was its worst one-day tumble since June 2020. Mexico’s benchmark stock index sank 6.1%, the most since the onset of the pandemic.”



Anonymous ID: 3b1a93 June 7, 2024, 2:54 p.m. No.20985019   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada #59 >>20976687


Nasty Leftist Comedian Makes SICK Sexualized Joke About Conservative Activist’s Baby Son – Gets Punched, and Finds Out That ‘The World Is Not Twitter’

by Paul Serran Jun. 5, 2024


There’s a memorable quote by boxing legend Mike Tyson that says “Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.”


That’s exactly the case, as people breach the boundary of free speech and feel comfortable posting idiotic, offensive and even criminal things, thinking they are safe behind their screens.


Until, of course, they are not.


A wild video has surfaced showing an enraged Spanish father punching a comedian on stage for making a vile, unacceptable sexualized joke about his 3-month-old son on social media.


Little did leftist comedian Jaime Caravaca know that retribution was on its way.


In the middle of his set in Madrid on Monday night, the enraged dad, Alberto Pugilato, stormed the stage and punched him in the head.


New York Post reported:


“The on-stage violence erupted after Caravaca had responded to a photo that Pugilato — a right-wing activist and musician — had posted of his baby over the weekend on X with the caption, ‘Pride and joy’.


‘Nothing and no one can prevent the possibility that he is gay and when he grows up he gets tired of sucking black c–k,’ Caravaca tweeted back, according to a since-deleted screenshot being circulated online.


Pugilato quickly fired back, ‘I assure you that you are going to apologize for what you said about my 3-month-old son and you will discover that real life is not Twitter’.”


Those were not idle words, because Pugilato jumped on stage during Caravaca’s monologue and landed a couple of blows on his head.


“’Do you think my son was going to eat a black man’s d–k? At 3 months? What now? Tell me to my face, here and now’, he added.”


The comedian later addressed the onstage attack, tweeting that he’d received death threats, and apologized – as the outraged father had predicted.


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Pugilato responded to the post and said he accepted the comedian’s apology.


“’I defend freedom of expression in the same way that I defend the right to respond. I do not wish you any harm and I hope this helps others understand that children are sacred. All the best’, he tweeted.”