Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 12:14 p.m. No.20984405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4645 >>4682 >>4930 >>5023 >>5085 >>5126

Israeli Government Funded Covert Influence Campaign Targeting US Lawmakers: NYT


The head of an Israeli watchdog group called the operation "anti-democratic" and "extremely irresponsible."


Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs organized and paid for a digital campaign to influence U.S. lawmakers, especially Democrats who are Black, The New York Timesreported on Wednesday.


The ministry allotted $2 million to the operation in October and hired Stoic, a Tel Aviv-based political marketing firm, to carry it out. Stoic established fake news websites and hundreds of fake accounts on X, Instagram, and Facebook that posted pro-Israeli messages, trying to push lawmakers such as Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), the House minority leader, Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.), and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) to fund Israel's military and support its war efforts, the Times reported.


The influence campaign had been reported by a few news and nonprofit organizations in recent months, but the Times article, which drew from operation documents and interviews with current and former diaspora ministry officials, was the first to show that Israel's government was behind it. Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper, published a related story one hour later on Wednesday.


Critics condemned the Israeli government for its role in the disinformation campaign.


"So in addition to the pro-Israel lobby spending tens of millions to defame and defeat progressives in Congress, we now learn that Israel creates fake media to target friends and opponents by inundating with fake news supporting Israeli positions," James Zogby, co-founder of the Arab American Institute, wrote on social media.


The disinformation campaign comes amid other efforts by pro-Israel groups to influence U.S. politics during its assault on Gaza, notably the lobbying and campaign money spent by groups such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and its affiliates.


The Israeli disinformation campaign also drew comparisons to Russia's well-known attempt to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, which was a central focus of the U.S. political commentariat in the years that followed. Ishmael Daro, an editor at Democracy Now!, made a tongue-in-cheek prediction that the reaction from the U.S. political establishment would be similar this time.


Last week, both Meta and OpenAI issued reports on Stoic's disinformation campaign and said they had blocked the company's network from further activity. Meta said it had closed more than 500 fake Facebook accounts and OpenAI called Stoic a "for-hire Israeli threat actor," NBC Newsreported. Stoic's users remain active on X, the Times reported.


Many of the fake social media posts were generated using ChatGPT, the AI-powered chatbot owned by OpenAI, and much of the language in the posts was "stilted" and repetitive, the Times reported.

Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 12:19 p.m. No.20984422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4645 >>4930 >>5010 >>5068 >>5085 >>5126 >>5127

Blind Subservience To "Patriotism" Has Destroyed America


The average person conflates patriotism with blind allegiance to their government, when in reality the opposite is true. Blind faith in our government has brought about every misfortune we oppose.


(Paul Craig Roberts) Patriotism has destroyed America.


I don’t mean by patriotism’s absence. I mean by its presence. I will explain.


First, let’s understand who we are talking about. Not the liberals, not the leftwing, not the woke. These are the creatures who spend their time denouncing America.


We are talking about conservatives. They are the patriots.


I am not saying that there is anything wrong with patriotism. It is a good thing when it is not blinding. But patriotism can be very blinding.


I could write a book about this, but who would read it? So I will go straight to the basic point. Conservatives are not blind to the fact that much is wrong, but who do they blame? They blame foreign “enemies”–Russians, Chinese, Muslim terrorists, Iranians, Palestinians. The fault is never in their own government. When you tell them it is, they get defensive, angry, and call you a “commie who hates America.”


Their patriotism confuses country (that is, the Constitution) with the government, and they defend the government that is the cause of the problems.


Consequently, conservatives do not understand Washington’s hand in all of the crises that we currently face and, therefore, conservatives are impotent and can do nothing to avoid the crises. Instead, they project the blame externally as the propaganda does. Their patriotism makes them victims of propaganda serving agendas of which they are unaware.


Who got the blame for 9/11? A handful of Saudi Arabians who could not possibly have pulled off the feat. And Osama bin Laden, long an accomplice of the CIA in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union.

Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 12:21 p.m. No.20984426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4645 >>4930 >>5085 >>5126

RNC Launches ‘Swamp The Vote’ Site, Appears to Be Just Another Data Mining Op.


The Republican National Committee (RNC) launched a “Swamp The Vote” website on Friday. Although it claims to be a voter registration site, it appears to be just another data mining operation by the Republican central apparatus. Multiple attempts at using the site yielded nothing but a call for personal contact details from users.


The site appears to have been rushed out – with the domain registered in late May – as a way for the RNC to claim it is taking “action” to ensure a victory for President Trump in November.


The domain was registered on May 16, 2024, and simply includes a web form for users to share personal details with the RNC.


In reality, most users of the website will already have given the RNC, NRSC, NRCC, or Trump campaign their contact details over the past nine years.


Despite its official rollout on Friday, the domain appears to have received little traction so far, with just a handful of X users sharing the hyperlink.


Sources at the RNC have told The National Pulse that since the organization’s takeover in March, very little has changed, with most staffers who were originally “fired” being brought back in under external consultancy contracts.

Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 12:34 p.m. No.20984463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4469 >>4645 >>4930 >>5085 >>5126

Inside the Base Where Israel Has Detained Thousands of Gazans


Since Israel invaded Gaza, the Sde Teiman military base has filled with blindfolded, handcuffed detainees, held without charge or legal representation.


The men sat in rows, handcuffed and blindfolded, unable to see the Israeli soldiers who stood watch over them from the other side of a mesh fence.

They were barred from talking more loudly than a murmur, and forbidden to stand or sleep except when authorized.

A few knelt in prayer. One was being inspected by a paramedic. Another was briefly allowed to remove his handcuffs to wash himself. The hundreds of other Gazan detainees sat in silence. They were all cut off from the outside world, prevented for weeks from contacting lawyers or relatives.


This was the scene one afternoon in late May at a military hangar inside Sde Teiman, an army base in southern Israel that has become synonymous with the detention of Gazan Palestinians. Most Gazans captured since the start of the war on Oct. 7 have been brought to the site for initial interrogation, according to the Israeli military.


The military, which has not previously granted access to the media, allowed The New York Times to briefly see part of the detention facility as well as to interview its commanders and other officials, on condition of preserving their anonymity.


Once an obscure barracks, Sde Teiman is now a makeshift interrogation site and a major focus of accusations that the Israeli military has mistreated detainees, including people later determined to have no ties to Hamas or other armed groups. In interviews, former detainees described beatings and other abuse in the facility.


By late May, roughly 4,000 Gazan detainees had spent up to three months in limbo at Sde Teiman, including several dozen people captured during the Hamas-led terrorist attacks on Israel in October, according to the site commanders who spoke to The Times.

After interrogation, around 70 percent of detainees had been sent to purpose-built prisons for further investigation and prosecution, the commanders said. The rest, at least 1,200 people, had been found to be civilians and returned to Gaza, without charge, apology or compensation.

“My colleagues didn’t know whether I was dead or alive,” said Muhammad al-Kurdi, 38, an ambulance driver whom the military has confirmed was held at Sde Teiman late last year.

Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 12:51 p.m. No.20984516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4645 >>4930 >>5085 >>5126

USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America


Did the feds seize Scott Ritter’s passport because Ritter was going to Russia for a conference—or because Ritter has outspokenly supported the Palestinian resistance? I suspect it’s the latter. After all, I (among others) was prevented from traveling to Iran by Zionists occupying the US Treasury Department, not by American patriots. (Our citizen diplomacy with Iran benefited the US, but was bad for Israel.)


It’s increasingly obvious that the war on free speech is almost entirely a Jewish-Zionist thing. Examples:


*The Washington Post just launched a Zionist-directed hit piece against The Gray Zone—obvious revenge for The Gray Zone’s taking the lead in exposing the fact that most of the atrocities of October 7 were committed by Israel, not Hamas.


*Zionist billionaires nuked the Columbia Law Review website because they didn’t like a pro-Palestine article;


*Rich Oregon Jews are now determined to starve Americans, not just Gazans, because the Food Bank supports Palestine; and


*Zionist-Occupied Washington is preparing to blackmail the Maldives for its anti-Israel stance.


We’ll discuss these stories, and more, on Saturday’s False Flag Weekly News.


How did we reach the point that a hostile foreign nation’s fifth column has terminated the American free speech experiment? Below is my new Crescent piece addressing that issue.



Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 12:53 p.m. No.20984522   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When Opposing A Genocide Means You're A Nazi

When opposing a genocide means you’re a Nazi.


When opposing nuclear brinkmanship means you love Vladimir Putin.


When opposing the looming global conflict with China means you’re a sinister propagandist for “the CCP”.


When opposing the latest imperial escalations against the latest Official Bad Guy always means you’re an appeaser of the Bad Guy and would have opposed fighting Hitler.


When your skepticism toward government and media institutions who have an extensive record of lying and propagandizing means you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist.


When wanting to live in a society where everyone has enough means you’re an evil authoritarian with a despised ideology.


When believing it’s possible to have systems where humans aren’t killing the biosphere and waging insane wars while brandishing armageddon weapons at each other means you’re a silly little child who doesn’t understand how the real world works.


When these things are happening in your society, it means your society has gone stark raving insane. It means you are surrounded by lunatics, and ruled by madmen.

Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 12:58 p.m. No.20984544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4545 >>4550 >>4645 >>4930 >>5085 >>5126

Finland becomes first country in the world to offer Bird Flu vaccines to humans


‘The EU’s health crisis authority will sign a contract with Seqirus next Tuesday to secure hundreds of thousands of doses of its H5N1 flu shot adapted to protect people against the latest deadly strain of bird flu — and first doses will head to Finland.


The contract is currently for 640,000 doses, with the possibility to buy up to 40 million doses over four years.


Seqirus’s adapted zoonotic influenza vaccine was given the backing of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in April.‘


Here’s the company that’s making the vax


CSL Seqirus

Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 1:06 p.m. No.20984563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4568 >>4645 >>4732 >>4930 >>5085 >>5126

Australian nationalist, 20, has his bank account shut down due to his political views


A young Australian nationalist with no criminal history has been “debanked” due to his political views.


Melbourne man Michael Nelson, 20, received a letter from Bendigo Bank on Friday informing him that his account would be closed in 21 days, citing a clause in their terms and conditions.


“As a result of a recent internal review conducted by the Bank and careful consideration, we have determined that we are unable to continue providing you with banking and financial services. This decision has been made in order to protect the Bank’s legitimate interests,” read the letter, which was unsigned.


The relevant clause, 16.4, states that the bank may close an account at any time due to “unsatisfactory conduct”, which it says includes behaviour that is “defamatory, harassing, threatening to any person”, or “promotes or encourages physical or mental harm of any person”.


Mr Nelson, a member of right-wing activist group the National Socialist Network, said it was the first account he has had shut down, but that he was not surprised because many of his friends had experienced the same thing.


“We have a system that forces us to have no independence over what we earn, declare everything we earn to the government, pay taxes upon taxes on everything you make, buy, sell, and keep your oh-so-precious savings in a privately owned Jewish-run bank that partakes in evil parasitic behavior (usury), all whilst paying a monthly fee to use their services. And all this so they can kick you to the curb the second you decide to stray away from their groupthink!” he wrote in response on social media.


“But them shutting down my bank account is ultimately a nothing-burger; it does not bother me. What bothers me is the apathy of the White Australian people who do absolutely nothing whilst institutions like this walk all over them, advocate against their economic and moral interests, roll over billions of dollars a year, all while they face more economic hardship in the name of progress.”

Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 1:10 p.m. No.20984579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4645 >>4930 >>5085 >>5126

Former Senior Executive at Chinatown Bank Sentenced to 3 Years in Federal Prison for Embezzling More Than $700,000 From Employer

Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 1:11 p.m. No.20984585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4645 >>4930 >>5085 >>5126

CityMD Agrees to Pay over $12 Million for Alleged False Claims to COVID-19 Uninsured Program

Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 1:13 p.m. No.20984590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4645 >>4930 >>5085 >>5126

Former Assistant City Attorney and Police Officer Sentenced in an Approximately $15M PPP Fraud Scheme

Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 1:48 p.m. No.20984703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4721 >>4750 >>4761 >>4930 >>5085 >>5126

Australian DNA CONTAMINATION Confirmed .. in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna .. NOT safe for Humans


.. what did our politicians say this was .. safe & effective?


last week we shared this data (as a prelude to the final report Dr Speicher will be providing soon) with a select group of Australian Senators and MPs


part of the correspondence was as follows:


A part of the GMO proceedings is the allegation the Pfizer and Moderna products contain excessive synthetic DNA contamination, which contamination forms another much more insidious form of GMO.


After many Australian labs refused to conduct testing, we organised for Australian vials to be tested in Canada, by David Speicher PhD, the first author on the paper confirming excessive DNA contamination of Canadian vials (509 x above limits).


Dr Speicher has provided an initial report to us which is attachment 6 for your consideration. Dr Speicher has confirmed excessive synthetic DNA contamination in Pfizer was over 350 times above per dose limits set by the TGA (34,900% above), and over 200 times above per dose limits for Moderna (19,900% above).


We distinguish old TGA limits because the TGA limits for DNA did not contemplate synthetic DNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) which is the vehicle that efficiently delivers the synthetic DNA within cells for transit to the nucleus, to in turn affect natural human DNA.


The former Research Director for the Human Genome Project, Kevin McKernan, and expert in the GMO case, has confirmed the LNPs are encapsulating the synthetic DNA for transit throughout human bodies and into cells. See article here.


Recent preliminary findings by McKernan (and associates) has confirmed the DNA contamination from the Pfizer product integrates with human DNA, and this synthetic DNA has the capacity to replicate. See article here.


The report by Dr Speicher of vials supplied from Australia underlines yet another reason why it may be supposed powerful and vested interests do not want the GMO proceedings to be heard.


As many readers here know, the GMO proceedings specifically raise excessive DNA contamination .. a heinous form of GMO when encapsulated in LNPs, particularly when containing sequences from the SV40 virus that ensure entry into the nucleus of cells, and access to Human DNA

Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 1:50 p.m. No.20984707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4771 >>4772

Jewish rabbi encourages killing Gazans, even children


‘Not every soul shall live,’ says head of Shirat Moshe religious school in Jaffa


An Israeli rabbi urged the killing of women and children in the Gaza Strip and said he considered it a response to the teachings of halakha, or Jewish law.


It came from Eliyahu Mali in a video that was widely circulated Thursday on social media.


Mali heads the Shirat Moshe religious school in Jaffa in central Israel, where students serve in the army.


“In our mitzvah (holy) war, in our situation in Gaza, according to what the law says, ‘Not every soul shall live,’ and the logic of this is very clear: if you do not kill them, they will kill you,” said Mali.


He claimed that those described as "vandals" in today's war are “the children of the previous war whom we kept alive, and in reality, it is the women who produce terrorists.”


“This means that this rule (do not keep alive every soul) is very clear in its concept, either you or them," he said. “Whoever comes to kill you, kill him first.”


“Whoever comes to kill you with this concept does not only include the young man aged 16, 18, 20, or 30 who is now pointing a weapon at you, but also the future generation (the children of Gaza), and those who produce the future generation (women of Gaza), because there is really no difference,” he said.


The leader of the opposition Labor Party, Merav Michaeli, condemned the rabbi's comments.


“Using halakha does not give any rabbi permission to present Judaism or Israel as bloodthirsty and vengeful,” Michaeli wrote Friday on X.


“This statement directly affects the security of the state of Israel, and like other statements distorted in the name of halakha, our enemy will use it in fighting on the international stage,” she said.


“I demand the army and the Ministry of Defense to stop cooperating with the religious school (Shirat Moshe in Jaffa) until the rabbi is dismissed. The Israeli army must not allow such dangerous moral corruption within its ranks.”


The Israeli Defamation League wrote on X: “We strongly condemn the words of Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, the head of Shirat Moshe religious school in Jaffa, who calls for killing all inhabitants of Gaza, including women and children.”​​​​​​​


It added: “The indiscriminate call to harm the innocent is a serious ethical injustice, which damages the actions of the army in Gaza during the war and distorts the image of the State of Israel in the world.”


More than 30,800 Palestinians have been killed and nearly 73,000 injured in Israel’s ongoing offensive in Gaza amid mass destruction and shortages of necessities.


Palestinian groups estimate that thousands of Palestinians have been detained by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7.


Israel has also imposed a crippling blockade on the seaside enclave, leaving its population, particularly residents of northern Gaza, on the verge of starvation.


The Israeli war has pushed 85% of Gaza’s population into internal displacement amid acute shortages of food, clean water, and medicine, while 60% of the enclave's infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, according to the UN.


Israel is accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice. An interim ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza.

Anonymous ID: 3c92ca June 7, 2024, 1:52 p.m. No.20984718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727 >>4736

This needs to be seen to be believed.


IDF forcibly stop paramedics from saving a life and then attack the patient.


Palestinian life is worthless to them.