qresear.ch - is down now?
Any browser working? qresear.ch is down for real?
Can anyone get qresear.ch to load?
No anons here huh. Thanks for nothing.
BO/BV qresear.ch is down
Can anyone confirm with a valid screengrab, that qresar.ch is up?
Yeah that 00:23 second delta.
Thank you Patriots.
Down and back up within past 2 hour frame.
Maintenance was not announced. Wonder why that search feature would go down like that for such a short span of time with no warning.
Weird it was down after Qppl posted. Then suddenly back up when the cries rang out.
What's going on?
lmao… do you know Q? lol
Why is the board full of dumbfuk q-haters?
i got the popcorn BELIEVE ME
well his posts were deleted already, before
actually came back to search Qppl posts and that's when saw it was down. kinda coincidental timing.
with Q's trip i meant, board habbening specifics
uh.. you shouldn't cuz you way off base there.
what kinda crack are all you freaks taking right now?
q said he'd be back are you totally illiterate or just mostly illiterate?
yeah we know you are lmao. gtfo!
it's spicy as a tamale up in HYUH lol shills are freaking out over 24 hour notice? LOL
they ain't gonna delete that stuff anon. most logical deduction they were deleting Qppl posts.
B? uhm.. so you crawled up that tranny's p-hole or what exactly?
Q told you everything but the fuggn answers he promised lol.. can y'all people read or what.
Now Q did give us everything that's true but when someone like Q says he's coming back, you better damn lissen
you can't prove it so you just make it up. now prove it
people been begging off and on for months for Q's trip and nibbas like 'it works' but no one can prove that and half Q's drops from timestamp posts are about testing and not having the trip so wtf are y'all playing at ?
there are more lockdowns in the catalog than there were in LA during the scamdemic. that's some red flaggage. lots.
who can prove trip is working for Q's login? anyone? how?
moot. Q's trip is what's in question
something anons are missing? that something is Q and Q is missing cuz his fkn trip is broken.
potus truths and dan truths i know we most of us anyway saw that. it's a coincidence???
wait which bread was that in i thought it was this one. all the posts in order w/drops?
wtf… anons are you here or not.
oh they throttling connections again like they do when real anons get too hot to handle?
all thos shills pretending they r here for q but turning that blind eye about it all lmao this is some weak game up in hyuh good gracious sakes lol
do y'all get to go to the mall alone or do you have a chaperone.
lemme explain something real obvious ok. you come here for Q then act like a tampon about Q? that maens you're just a lying tampon. now, alter behavior.
oooooo!!! SCARY lmao kys
how many shills can pop up w/ that 1 post to bitch about Q related posts.
i know y'all are out there watching, waiting. not wondering tho.
omg u r the fake q from last night! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH FO!!!
grow a brian moran and gtfo fake q
that nibba been tryin fakeq for weeks and every time someone busts him on his fake shit he pops up with his little blackbeard pepe like a true homosexual
weeks? no, months now. always the same, seen it so many times except last night lil diff bc of a.i. additions
heard about that too it was described as a hit on that bot baker
speaking of hits and um.. "bo" boomboom byebye apparently to last bo. oh well lol
y'all love q so much you begged for the proof he posted - i saw y'all no wait i did not see that, there was only 1 who asked
hey. dumbass. dividers will fail ain't exactly rocket science so are you a moron or just a payroll prostitute for media matters?
look everyone it's the vatikant tard posting about himself bc he's an obsessive psycho.
i do what i do; if you want something, that's on you
where are the anons who like Q and Q-research?
try harder vaticunt!
q l e t m e j u s t s a y
u a r e s p e c i a l i n e v e r y w a y
i'm gonna ask my dad to do something for U
lookatem go! wind-up toys u no
see, the key that winds up the toys? it's logic. they hate it lol
but no..
hive mind, did you forget how to swarm? lol wakey wakey!
this kinda stupid shit right here. but hey, you wanna run with the prostitutes, you do you
shills be like "facebook mode nao" lol
yeah a big something
no one here cares about q except those other 2 guys so why does anyone care about anything else? its q research or am i mistaken?
Q these shills are retardededed more than ever. gettin' hot
huh. what a weird thing to ask when you have the internet right in front of you jimmy
no. remember harder the numbers which ones were they
potus b-day next week!!!!!
do you wanna date him or what. faggot.
omg brain cells come back to this fuckin board for the love of all things God and Country
autists? anyone here like Q besides 3 people? if so, where's the action? you don't come here to load up on rt and politico do u
you think notables would look like that trainwreck if q was posting shit has gone to shit here and its time to clean
i filter all the homosexuals and there are 3 of us left