Do you think people are not aware to the gaslighting moar than ever before now? The fuck is wrong with you?
Just moar of the retarded "Look at me and how much I hate them, give me a you or I'll call you one too" ethnic accusation routine from the dumbfuck clowns. Nonsense, religion, and schizo slides will begin shortly.
And sometimes, the dark side unexpectedly finds no fear to be found when it looks back. In those instances, it begins to feel fear itself. Something it's not accustomed to, not for a very long time.
Looking at the vocabulary in usage the chatty Cathy is VaticanClown.
I see a knot I want to untie.
And now, when justice does come for them, with everyone aware of just how fake and blatant the gaslighting is, do you think those you listed will have the public rally to their defense like POTUS Trump is doing now? Think for one damn second.
Right there with you, Anon. No one should have to go through what he is/has. Not just him either, his family, people that supported him, etc. It's a complete travesty, nay, raping of justice and Constitutional rights.
"WARMEST SUMMER IN RECORDED HISTORY" the TV says, yet I haven't had to bring out the air conditioner yet.
Always been blue here for as long as I've been coming here. You're thinking of halfchan colors. Anyway, top right, Options, Theme. Have fun.
Silence, failfag mimic.
Exactly. Normally it's the start of May I have to set that thing up. If anything I'd say where I'm at has been cooler on average.