Anonymous ID: f8f8f0 June 8, 2024, 4:01 a.m. No.20987738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7741

Retired NASCAR driver Tighe Scott, his adult son and two other Pennsylvania men are facing felony charges stemming from confrontations with police during the Jan. 6, 2021, uprising at the U.S. Capitol.

Scott, 75, of Pen Argyl, and three Saylorsburg residents—Jarret Scott, 48; Scott Slater Sr., 56, and his son Scott Alex Slater Jr., 26—were arrested Wednesday by the FBI.

Court records did not list attorneys for any of the men, and prosecutors said Thursday they did not know if any of the men had retained attorneys.

Tipsters helped identify the men after authorities posted photos and videos online, including one who recognized Tighe Scott from his racing days.

The four men entered the restricted grounds of the Capitol and physically engaged with police attempting to hold the line of protesters, according to the release.

During this time, Tighe Scott allegedly struck police riot shields and attempted to rip one out of an officer’s hands while the two Slaters—both holding golf clubs—allegedly pushed and resisted against police shields.

When an officer pushed Tighe Scott off of him, Scott stumbled backward into his son, who then began screaming profanities at officers, according to the release. Meanwhile, Scott Slater Jr. allegedly threw a flagpole and an “Area Closed” sign at officers, investigators said.

Tighe Scott and Jarret Scott were both charged with two felonies—obstruction of law enforcement during a civil disorder; and assaulting, resisting or impeding certain officers—as well as five misdemeanor counts.

Anonymous ID: f8f8f0 June 8, 2024, 4:31 a.m. No.20987879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7905


have often wondered why they have methodically revealed all of their crimes to us

is it a humiliation ritual? them knowing that they will get away scott free while they are arresting and imprisoning their opponents?

Anonymous ID: f8f8f0 June 8, 2024, 4:39 a.m. No.20987905   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The left has weaponized our judicial system, turning it into a mockery and a tool to punish political enemies, reminiscent of regimes in North Korea or Iran. We’ve squandered any moral high ground we once held by joining the “bad guys” of the world in targeting and imprisoning right-wing dissidents. Everywhere you turn, another sham trial is unfolding. We’ve all seen what these tyrants did to the January 6 political prisoners, President Trump, Mark Steyn, Alex Jones, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Douglass Mackey, and countless others.

But the hits just keep on coming. In what can only be described as one of the flimsiest cases to ever grace a US courtroom—and that’s saying a lot given recent lawfare trends—regime prosecutors expected a jury to convict an American citizen simply for carrying a tiki torch at the 2017 Unite the Right rally. They argued that Jacob Joseph Dix committed a state felony by burning the tiki torch, claiming it “intimidated” others. This man was criminally charged simply for carrying a lit tiki torch and appearing “intimidating,” a totally subjective accusation that could apply to every BLM rioter out there.

We’re expected to believe that three months of rioting resulting in over twenty deaths wasn’t intimidating, yet somehow a guy walking around with a tiki torch is.

And apparently, none of this qualifies as “intimidation.” Only walking around with a tiki torch does. Got it.