Some dig and some are used as tools.
>The truth is out for years, the filthy retarded fuckwits trying to hide it!
Eyesight cannot be bought.
>What happened to those fellows that developed a night vision fluid that can be injected into the eye?
>im busy
>change 'it'
all you need is to speak meme language.
Must be the cleaner, he does not approve of the filth this world provides our schools with.
Thinking for yourself is nothing like trusting this plan, go ahead because anon will knowingly troll you all until the final bitter day calls.
The battlefield is in your mind, grab hold of your own benis and serve cookies in the bakery next door to your wife.
>But with no Grady guy around, just us 2.
We just wait until closing time, let see who shows up last minute.
>He been hitting that bong too much.
The world is full of natural bongs, stone is surprisingly combustible.
>its a work in progress
Memes are funny unless you are fucking stupid.
>Flow that by me again?
>Anons, did we ever figure out what [Y] means or meant?
It means nothing in the big picture.
One must not stare into the memes for too long.