When is Bruce going to jail for vehicular manslaughter ? They gonna fuck his ass
Coersion begins with swimming in the cesspool first. That underage fuck at the party, Getting wasted and ending up with incriminating pictures. Telling the truth indeed sets you free.
There is nothing given to you for free, Anyone going into the swamp of politics needs to understand this simple truth.
Aah the perpetrators of WWIII at Normandy.
Treasonous scum, that would have been hung by the captains in WWII.
Just Publish the roster of suddenly ded students by college after the vaxx.
Publish the list of myo/peri carditis victims post vax
He is the key to the great awakening and unveiling. There is nothing they fear more than we the people being awake. They will be destroyed by an awakened humanity.
An American is not defined by race or creed, but rather the principles and beliefs emblazoned into our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Many born here are not true Americans and Many that have come here understand and will die defending these principles.