if that school had really been operational, it would have been easiest thing to produce weekly, monthly or annual receipts for trash bags, floor wax and cafeteria napkins used by hundreds of students every damn day!
only read the Constitution to figure out how to circumvent and destroy it
it existed, but had been unused for many years
there is no one or group that i can trust anymore to be an Issuing Agency for "identification".
People may have to learn again to deal with individuals and strangers as just that… "Anon".
no argument from thisanon
even the centralized "ID" 'format'…
But by what Authority? "Government" has shot itself in the dick. and We are going to be out here on the countryside having to "identify" Friend from For all on our own.
Fren from Foe
yuge numbers of small and big towns will go under financially. The local residents will have no choice but to hash it out. Some places will be death and fraud traps… others will develop/reinvent 'committees of safety'.