Take notes, or keep up.
It's been posted in the last 5 breads. Every bread. It's not fucking rocket science. Add a slash, add "index" hit enter. If you can't figure it out, work on it til you do.
Try harder.
Take notes, or keep up.
It's been posted in the last 5 breads. Every bread. It's not fucking rocket science. Add a slash, add "index" hit enter. If you can't figure it out, work on it til you do.
Try harder.
What in the fuckity fuck are you doing here, if you can't find your way here? Oxymoron!
This is the Q RESEARCH site. You need to be able to read and write English with some semblance of normalcy, understanding and comprehension. Digging is required. READ THE NOTABLES. It's required reading. There will be a test.
Less whining, more digging to get to the info.
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
I have all the ingredients. There is a GOD!
Blue Cheese Stuffed Olives makes the BEST Dirty Martini, tho.
Pop that pimple.