Anonymous ID: 916882 June 8, 2024, 4:38 p.m. No.20990967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1592

They call it 'unrest' but actually it seems to be a normal leftist protest with the hypno chanting and people milling around. Didn't see any 'unrest' or 'insurrection' in the small part I watched.

Anonymous ID: 916882 June 8, 2024, 4:42 p.m. No.20990983   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they lobbed some smoke bombs at the protestors and then take a long shot with a few people looking like they are running and that's an 'insurrection?' or 'unrest'?

the capitol stazzi probably want to provoke a riot so they can put more people in jail.

Anonymous ID: 916882 June 8, 2024, 5:02 p.m. No.20991076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1095


why didn't Hamas release the hostages?

why didn't they sue for peace a long time ago?

If they didn't have those hostages surrounded by so many civilians then all those civilians (who were also hostages) wouldn't have ended up dead (if they really did).


Israel leadership are known to be irrational and violent and take things a 1000 time more horrid than what was done to them.

HAMAS knows this.

if you attack a group let my a control culture like that, what do you expect to happen?

Hamas whacked the hornets nest and what happened is as expected.

PS: No I don't support the murder of civilians.

HAMAS needs to go to war crime trials and tried for what they have done.

The leaders of Israel, not so much.

Anonymous ID: 916882 June 8, 2024, 5:13 p.m. No.20991139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1720


I don't post stuff just to have it deleted.

and usually when people cry-baby about being deleted I tell them that they should know the score.

but at the same time I don't sit back and listen to the BS about 'having to' delete.

and so I said 'the only thing that they have to delete is illegal content'

and you and your apologists don't like being reminded that you are against free speech and pro-censorship so you attack me, make up stuff about me, and draw out some of my indignation.

I've had to face your kind of pigheadedness through my life, and it is typical.

but as far as what gets deleted: usually it is crap and spam.

but again it doesn't 'have to be' deleted.

you guys just don't want to have to bake more breads so you delete it so you can keep the number of breads low.


I'm filtering you now.

you make up stuff, pretend to know me (which you don't) and act hostile just for me reminding you : you are censors.

Anonymous ID: 916882 June 8, 2024, 5:16 p.m. No.20991152   🗄️.is 🔗kun


what link did I post that anons don't follow?

you seem like you have mixed up me with someone else?

I know I said I would filter but I'm just curious?

who do you think I am?

I dont' support HAMAs

I don't support the IDF being so enraged.

I do support the innocents in the line of fire.

I think HAMAS needs to go to war crime trials and face justice.

who do you think I am?

No I don't get paid.

yes, I say what I want.

no I don't support those who cry-baby about being deleted.

but I also don't like that the deletions happen as a matter of course.

and then when one of your crew says 'has to delete' like it's a good thing, like you are heroes when actually it's cowardly , I say 'you don't have to delete anything except for illegal content' and then in total ADL style you equate me with the worst of the worst, when actually I'm just telling you the facts.


I hope the money was good for you when you seem to have sold your soul to feel . . . what do you feel? righteous?

Anonymous ID: 916882 June 8, 2024, 5:27 p.m. No.20991212   🗄️.is 🔗kun



also what does OG mean?

why do you think anon would think I was 'OG'?

what does that even mean?

see how delusional you are.

no answer huh?

you attacked the wrong guy?

I'm a loner, anon. I don't work in a team.

there is no crew with me.

I do my own stuff.

often I take an opposing point of view.

I make hard accusations but I hope I'm being fair.

is it wrong to say that both sides are lead by crazy-people?

I think that the Israeli leaders are far less crazy than HAMAs if that means anything?

anyway, you probably need a break. you're spinning a lot of nonsense.