no, but I don't support a side that kills CIVILIAN men, women and CHILDREN on our tax dollars,
you jewish parasite who deletes free speech here that he doesn't agree with, or is PAID to delete
no, but I don't support a side that kills CIVILIAN men, women and CHILDREN on our tax dollars,
you jewish parasite who deletes free speech here that he doesn't agree with, or is PAID to delete
it's only criticism of jews or Israel that gets deleted
theres 1.5m Palestinian civilians living hand-to-mouth in Gaza as hostages for the state of Israel
Children dodging bombs
Israelis using drones that play the sounds of crying children and then they whack the adults that investigate
many/most of the Israeli deaths from Oct 7 were from Israel's implementation of the Hannibal Directive
Why don't you go back to Israel.
I hear they need more child-killers there in the IDF
>They need to destroy the Jew.
>To deflect from their own crimes?
when you are so ignorant on the state of the world and history, you probably shouldn't post