Anonymous ID: ce8567 June 8, 2024, 8:54 p.m. No.20992170   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2176 >>2209



"…This story will discuss the Knights of Malta link to the birth of the Italian and French Mafia Brotherhoods, as well as the Mafia Brotherhoods link to the Scottish Rite and Mazzini networks, and how these were ultimately in service to what would become known as the Gladio apparatus in the 20th century.


This series will cover in future installments the Jesuit Order and its relation to the Knights of Malta, as well as its role in service to Vatican Gladio, the Vatican Syndicate and its governance over the Mafia Syndicate and how the heroin market was in fact controlled at the highest levels by the Vatican Bank…"


When the people realize who's actually responsible for the South American drug cartels, the pace of TGA will be rapid and increasing.

Anonymous ID: ce8567 June 8, 2024, 9:13 p.m. No.20992216   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2258


Spiritual Babylonians

Mysterious Babylonians


They think they will become gods and reincarnate to enjoy their One World Order beast system.


Remember, the Talmud is Babylonian. Zionist Israel is a Babylonian tool. The Rothschilds were whose bankers again? So are socialism, communism, LGBT, Islam, Hinduism, Catholicism (headquarters) and much more. "Israel" is their final shield. When it breaks they will have nothing left to hide behind.


Pages 49-64 (the book pages not pdf pages) are quite relevent but I'd recommend the entire book, naturally.