can It be unplugged…. ever?
"ai" may have already learned to hide itself behind various clumsy ineptitude to protect itself from being unplugged.
kinda like Guberment
manipulating people against their nature, while trying to Control nature
you can only blame "Americans" if you blame them for being deviously manipulated by shitbags in Government who have stolen the ingenuity and productivity of unsuspecting Americans.
ok, just wanted to be clear with ya.
you say it is the fault of the innocent people who were deviously manipulated by very clever shitbags. got it.
ok… i understand what you are saying; 'it's the fault of people who were terrorized by motherfuckers, because people weren't Adult-Enough to NOT be terrorized by terrorists'.
got it
no need for you to continue beating me other the head with it, i understand what you wrote; 'it is the fault of those who were conned because they weren't smart enough to not be the conned.' got it.
i understand the word and i understand what you have been trying to educate; 'it is the victims of crimes who are responsible for the crimes because the victims were too Complacent and let the crimes happen. The Criminals should be rewarded for exposing the soft underbelly of stupid and complacent victims'. sure, ya, ok.