Q Team and US Military:
I bitched for 4 years about radiation weapons being used on targeted individuals and about a week ago there was a SCIF proving that I was right, but it stated that foreign nationals were targeting US citizens, and it is a widespread problem. The truth is, is that these are the local little DS cronies that are getting supplied with energy weapons and chemicals from their DS task masters.
Now start doing the simple open water tests and find out who all these people are, anyone can be a cabal crony for a few shekels. These particles expand in clean water in just a few seconds, there is no pollen at this time of season. I told you with the chemicals that they use bladders, dusting, spray it wet knowing it will dry to a toxic powder, they hide pvc pipes underneath their landscaped island foliage and hook it up to their basement compressors or blowers as they watch in their cameras, they shoot bladders out of their windows, they vent their dryer lines to fence lines, they use battery operated high power sprayers meant for agriculture to shoot over trees. When covid first started there were some that even had their vehicle exhaust systems rigged, which when traveling they opened them and at a stop light they could close them and I followed two white vans at that time in my car, where they had additional septic odors too. During covid NYC was venting the toxins through the subway vents and masking it with cheap perfume, some use fabric softeners too. I caught them all and it is high time that the US Military does too. They are killing our people covertly.