Not the only thing not passing tests here.
Reading comprehension will solve the problem.
Reversed, like a mirror version?
See you in the CLOUD.
Q+ stated he would indemnify LEOs. Can't do that without check and balance in place such as real-time feed of actions.
What other site has deleted Q+?
Regardless of 'cause'.. result will be the same. Full tracking.
You wouldn't know.
Promises Made. Promises Kept.
Because whining about LEO problems with a 5 month lifespan is more prudent than tending to the bird you have in hand.
Looks like a monster.
Body cams with sound live fed to logging system. Instant record of events. Insurance is expensive. Without safeguards, its astronomical.
How's it going, washed-up Bot script?
They will cycle through the scripts until the new A.I. is complete.
Unfortunately for them, we will have successfully on-boarded and +relay prepped thousands by then.
Do you trust your President to do what WTP prescribe? Of, By, For?
What makes you sure?
We The People
I eat liars and spit them out as dust.
Yes. POTUS knows exactly how to safeguard WTP. Why else would we be fighting for him?
Your script is broken.
The script for the "I told DJT all of this - I saved the world" bot. It was old as soon as it was new.
Yes. Constitutional. No more 4th Amendment violations. Illegal to lie. Cops can lie on police reports (legally), but you cannot lie to a LEO. States will have to become active on the local level. And with Q+ advising the country - it will happen.
The LEO slide.
Ok. Let me speak with the JANUS program. Gatekeeper, now.
You've been running that same script for over six years.
We're here to save the children.
We're here to research Q-related.
So let's complain about cops all night.
Anons, CLAS +relay Test2 Monday Night.
Maybe one day you can learn what it is.
Their bots are breaking down.
Operator1 will be active in .30
See you Monday night, anon.
TIDY THE SHIP INDEED. Not just word. BO.
What do you think you're up to?
Because idle complaints solve so much.
And your whining isn't that information.
Count your blessings and fight where you can win.