>Excessive sweating body trying to expel toxins that are cutaneous before they become subcutaneous.
Melted tissue causes blood to become thickened.
Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat above 100bpm)
Palpitations (awareness of heart beating in chest)
Because the heart is working harder to pump
Nausea, because they body wants to vomit out any toxins before it turns into a digestive disorder
Dizziness, thicker blood brings less oxygen to the brain
Blurred vision, in the eyes spike proteins melt into a pond like scum creating a sheet over the eyes and causes excessive eye crud that can be very very sharp at times.
Exhaustion, from less muscle tissue and needing more oxygen for less tissue to do the same work
Hypersomnia (excessive sleeping upwards of 12 hours a day)
The body wants to push toxins to fingernails and toenails, the only way to expel cyanide.
Increased anxiety and panic attacks
No, real because the body is really working much harder
Depression, lack of feeling better because nothing works
Neuropathy, tingling as nerve endings die. If cutting your nails provides even a little relief then that is an indication of poisoning.