Anonymous ID: ad3333 June 10, 2024, 4:04 a.m. No.20998401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8408 >>8434

>>20996228 pb


Looking at a book now:

"Top Secret / Majic"

by Stanton T. Friedman

want to read moar.

So far important data points.

will follow with questions I have about "secret clearance" and how that functions.

  1. it's documented by the government that an craft crashed a Area 51 with an biological creature of unknown progeny.

  2. Vanaver Bush (who created the concept for Facebook "Memex" before it was created and well as having a hand in the development of the analog computer? was part of the team put together around this event.

Vanaver bears a close resemblance to Fauci.

  1. There were 12 people in the committee / task force put together to control or investigate (?) this event; allegedly called "Majestic 12"

  2. The agency involved was "Nuclear Regulatory" Energy Dept. i.e. Where the "Q classification resides.


Puts the Q messages in perspective, especially the line "Consider the vastness of Space"


Dog Star Sirius; Hero Dog of 9/11 named "Sirius"

? Sirius importance in FreeMasonic system

FreeMasonic connect to Faked Moon landings.


(they must have other means of travel? Just because we were shown fakes, fails to prove real doesn't exist.)


Skimming it to start is tickling my brain regarding the "Top Secret" and secret classification for information.

Obviously much material regarding outrageous government crimes are given "secret" classifications.

The justification is "National Security"

Who's "National Securoty?"

Is that why Lisa Page, when confronted with the possibility that Trump, an outsider to D.C., would gain power, exclaimed ~ "But its our Government" even though it's uncertain if she was even born USA and her parents absolutely were not. She's Iranian, same as where Strozk's father is said to have worked. (and had a construction company?)


So the classification system is to benefit whom?

As far as with the UFO material; who is being protected and for what?

Anonymous ID: ad3333 June 10, 2024, 4:23 a.m. No.20998434   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What I learned from the book, "Top Secret Majic" just briefly:

One's alleged Patriotism to the USA is equated with how well you keep secrets from the public and from anyone.

It's equated with how well you share things with absolutely no one.

How does that work?

Maybe keeping secrets protects criminals, while they hide as "Patriots"?

Who decides what secrets are to be "in the interest of the United States"?

I hope the answer isn't CIA /FBI. If that is the answer it explains a lot, both about the Intel establishment's nefariousness, their pomposity around their alleged Patriotism (since they are protecting themselves and think they own it) and how they (the Intel Elite) were able to grab for so much power; And hold it.

Why is Lisa Page hanging at the same party as Comet Ping-pong Alephantis; do all these people know each other?

Why is Barry joking about paperclips? Did Brennan really find him a bunch of staff with a "Paperclip" provenance?

Is Barry's provenance also from "Paperclip" related operations?