Anonymous ID: c5754f June 10, 2024, 2:21 a.m. No.20998302   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes, it's controlled opposition with tons of security issues.

In fact more security issues than anything else, even when you just take the Marxist kernel alone.


And you have a fully broken system.

The open source meme is also a full on lie, see that compression library (why not simply take zip files anyway) getting fully compromised, and only a Microsoft employee that has nothing to do with that even figured it out.


Or tons of security bugs in the Google webp library, which also shouldn't exist in the first place.


Worse yet tons of software has libraries built-in, which means you can't even patch a system and it will be gone, no, you have to go through all the software. Worse yet - it's not uncommon that updates break all sorts of stuff.


That's why they invented bullshit like containers, sort of VMs, to escape that problem, which makes it even worse.


Or Firefox (funded by Google) phoning home to Google, and it's typically either Firefox or Chrome that gets default installed.


>escape le bad corporation

>but trust github, which is literally owned by Microsoft
