Anonymous ID: 5d5592 June 10, 2024, 5:30 a.m. No.20998586   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watergate at 50: Revelations From Newly Declassified Evidence

By James Rosen

June 20, 2022


"Now, 40 years after Secret Agenda appeared, the verdict is in. While some of Hougan’s analytic conclusions have come under challenge – including by me, an avowed acolyte of the author – the wealth of new facts and documentation he presented has stood the test of time. Where once it seemed impossible to reckon with the contribution Secret Agenda made to Watergate, it is now impossible to reckon with Watergate, even after the release of thousands more tapes and documents, without reference to Hougan."

Anonymous ID: 5d5592 June 10, 2024, 6:13 a.m. No.20998711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8912 >>8921 >>9217 >>9480

Wall Street Apes


Whistleblower Working Close With Bill Clinton Says Clinton Was Laundering Money, Making Huge Payoffs, Doing Illegal Favors For Campaign Support, Signing Off On Massive Cocaine Deals & More


Democrat Bill Clinton 0 Felonies

Donald Trump 34 Felonies


“— I was literally working, sitting in the middle of Bill Clinton's political machine. It was where he made payoffs, where he repaid favors to people for campaign support.


I was in an interesting seat and I knew it. In that particular board meeting, I was sitting at the end of the table. James Brannion, who was chairman of the board at that time, was sitting at the head of the table. James Brannion stood up in a public restaurant and he hollered at Beverly Enterprises guy, Bobby Stevens, and said, did you get the $50,000 campaign contribution from the client that you're introducing the loan for? He said, not yet. He said, well then hold up the loan until we get it.


— In reality, millions of taxpayer guaranteed dollars were being channeled to Clinton's election campaigns, to his inner circle of friends, and to his wife Hillary's law firm. This may explain why ADFA had been drafted in such a manner as to keep its decision-making procedures secret. If you needed a million dollars, you had to get your application handled by the Rose Law Firm, pay them 50,000 dollars.


—Your president, the president of the United States, not only was a part of his system that was laundering millions of cocaine dogs.


Your president signed off on it. You can't deny that he did. You see, because of that, there's one little catch. Every lone Adphan man Bill Clinton himself had to sign off on it. More than Bill Clinton, you better identify the people in the loop of the drug running. You better identify the people in the loop for money laundering. And what you'll find there is those people going straight to Washington.


Act 1062, if you look at it, it says that ADFA was developed and created to provide low interest bond loans for churches, schools, colleges. And look what happened to our legislature. They voted on a bill creating ADFA, thinking that they were getting money to colleges and schools to buy books and so forth. What better way to run thousands of tens of millions of dollars? Launder it, clean it up and used the cover of a state agency to do it.


The first loan made at ADFA was made to Parkometer, a company called Parkometer. Seth Ward was the owner. As I started looking, I found out that the secretary treasurer was Webb Hubbell. Then I found out Webb Hubbell was Seth Ward's son-in-law. Guess who drafted the legislation creating Act 1062, which created the Arkansas Development Finance Authority. Webb Hubbell. Guess who introduced the legislation to our legislators and got it passed through our house? Webb Hubbell. Guess who got the first loan? Webb Hubbell. Imagine this. Guess who did the audit and the evaluation of the application? Rose Law Fund. You guessed it. Who signed it? Webb Hubbell. Hillary Clinton.


You see, that's against the law in Arkansas. You can't investigate yourself when the good faith and credit of the state of Arkansas is involved in a bond issue. He broke the law.”


I can’t transcribe it all due to X’s text limits. This is a 10 minute video FULL of non stop corruption by the Clintons, it’s worth the watch.

Anonymous ID: 5d5592 June 10, 2024, 9 a.m. No.20999568   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When Bernanke went ZIRP? Yass. Now that some juice has been re-introduced, bond market has some of the old traders back in, just fewer Prop Desks, because they're based in London, now. No reportee under Volcker Rule. (Did not help mkt "stability", IMOO.Now positions are all about Hide N Seek>)