Leviticus 20:13
The man also that lieth with the male, as one lieth with a woman, they have both committed abomination: they shall die the death, their blood shall be upon them.
Leviticus 20:13
The man also that lieth with the male, as one lieth with a woman, they have both committed abomination: they shall die the death, their blood shall be upon them.
The Left tried to force PCR Tests, 90% false Positives
The Left tried to force 6 Foot Distancing, Made up
The Left Forced School and Business Closures
Vaxxcines, Not a Vaccine
The Left Forced Lockdowns, Made up
The Left Forced everyone to stay away from their elderly family, shut down holidays, graduations, weddings, births, parks, beaches.
But walmart and McDonald's were "safe"
The Left tried to force Masking, Made up
Don't forget about Dr Bitch pushing everyone to wear goggles also
People lost their Jobs, Lives, Freedom & Sanity
For Made up Pseduo Science
The Left pushes "Trust The Science"
>>20998784 <that's a leftist clown
Gullible people will believe that shit.
Rome destroyed Jerusalem and took the people captive.
Then came the Inquisition horrors followed by the Expulsion.
Spain, Portugal, and Italy recorded all the names of the real Jews who were shipped to the Americas on the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
Multiple shipments were made.
The Hispanic Americans are the real Jews. Solid fact. 100%.
Slaves for 2,000 years now, anon.
Read the Bible and see what it says.
Then take a close look at the awakening of the real Jews.
They are rising, just as Jesus said.
Real jews have Ladino names.
AshkeNazis are not genetically related to real jews. They don't even look like the real jews. Completely different people.
You should get to know them and then you will see. The real Jews (Hispanic Americans) have always loved Jesus.
Jesus had a MASSIVE following … of real Jews.
Read the Bible. You should already know what it says. Then go and talk with the native Hispanic Americans. You have much to learn.
I thought they were pretending to be Egyptian now.