Need help sorting this out for a normie that watched that disinfo hitpiece "The Antisocial Network" (ooo edgy name, clowns).
They claim that we claimed that the Nov 6 2017 drop vs the Trump Tweet have the wrong time stamps. That we claim that Q posted before Trump, but that in reality Trump posted 1 hour before. I've included the exact items in question. Note that Twitter puts it into my own time zone which is MTN, and EST time is currently 1 hour ahead so the 2PM on my end is actually a 3PM tweet, and the q post (according to was dropped at 17 EST, or 5 PM EST in other words, Trump posted two hours before Q, not 10 minutes after Q.
Also, I checked and indeed this the first time Q used the +++
I feel I'm doing the time's wrong, can someone help verify?