will he come back a different person?
like he seemed to have the last time?
BREAKING: UN Security Council Passes US-Backed Gaza Ceasefire Proposal
so let me get this straight:
the UN says 'stop the war' and leaves HAMAS in power after what they did?
HAMAS should be treated like the Nazis were treated.
sorry I was trying to read through the kurfuffle and had your ID in the search buffer.
I don't know what's going on but whatever it is I'd just be butting by commenting on it.
clearly you're dealing with some triggered clowns today.
the clown crew seems very keen on being upset about anything and everything.
they forget: breads are for Q.
And Q is in hiatus so . . .
the fires are kept burning for when Q posts again.
so what's the short on today's temper tantrums?
the article says that Fetterman supposedly rear-ended an Impala. you need to change the notable.
as long as they are kin of the Ukrainagarchs, they probably can walk into any cabal run company and get a useless middle-managers job in any town in the Western world.
it probably not that they are Jews but that they are family. (inbreeding, don't you know).
Ah, OK, I see. Ok the notable is OK
the notable is a bit confusing but is actually correct, I was wrong to suggest it had the accident backwards.
senator rear-ended
senator rear-ended another car
I got to the 'rear-ended' and thought it was the other way.
their own clan, their own families, their 'race'.
they are relatives and so trusted.
does that make sense?
and the fact that they are all also Jews?
that's just part of it.
so if you aren't 'in the family' you probably don't get the job.
I don't know why it is but you do recognize that very many useless middle managers are Eastern-European jews, right?
the quality of 'gaslighting carpet-bagging Marxist spawn' seems to be a trait of that clan of 'we are the chosen rulers'
they never seem to stay in one jurisdiction for very long on their way to where ever the current center of power happens to be.
if it weren't a vaccine and it were paid for by Federal dollars ear-marked for emergency use for a vaccine, can the whole crew be put up for trial for fraud and extorting vaccine money for other purposes?
did the legislation that authorized for a vaccine allow such a . . . potion . . . to be paid for in full by the federals?
sounds like some interesting litigation might occur upon regime change.
fraud and extortion as the charges, perhaps? defrauding the federal government to administer a bogus potion that isn't a vaccine when the enabling edicts said 'money for a vaccine?'
you might remind them that this place has always been a toxic slime pit, and that's partly why Q and team chose it in the first place.
is that why you are here?
to all of you pretending that there is a baker war and attacking each other:
the anon never really cared that much who was baking as long as there was bread for Q to post.
we'd gleefully banty memes back and forth, sometimes filling the ends of breads with our latest concoctions.
and then when Q posted . . .suddenly it was all tidy again!
correct, but everyone, the Q research, migrated in mass from pol to 8chan and then after a time to 8 kun
are you a marxist carpet bagging Kranian cabal kin?
so you only hire relatives, right?
it's not that they are jews but that they are also karpet-bagging marxist kranian k-words?
remember the remote car control situation when POTUS was in his Limo, and when it was all over the people in the car were terrified as the car seemed to drive itself?
It could be a similar situation where a car was controlled remotely.