Anonymous ID: 74ce44 June 10, 2024, 1:03 p.m. No.21000813   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Its objective, he said in 2016, “has become an exercise in social engineering to predict and control the undetectable.”


Why CO2 to begin with? Could it be that these death cult, sub human pieces of shit have attacked CO2 because without it all life on earth ceases? CO2 occupys a minute percentage in the atmosphere and without it, plant life would die and in turn, we would die. In a 100k seat stadium repesenting our atmosphere, CO2 makes up only 4 seats as a percentage.


Their agenda is many pronged. Theft by way of taxation to enrich and reward the crony's of democrats who start these "Green Energy" companies on the taxpayer's dime only to go bankrupt leaving US with the bill while the principles got filthy fucking rich, with a lot of that mioney finding it's way back into democrat's filthy pockets ie………….AOC being worth nearly 20 million dollars after being in congress for 3 years, the radication of petroleum based products including the combustion engine, control and power over the population and last but not least, world depopulation.


Thousands if not 10's of thousand of products are made possible by this thing we call petrolieum. A gift from God Almighty and the absolute genius's who discovered it's use. This sham of a scam is probably the largest, most widespread RICO case in human history and it is a case that should be brought to bear against anyone who has pushed and promoted this blight on the world.

How bout it Q?

Anonymous ID: 74ce44 June 10, 2024, 1:12 p.m. No.21000851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0869


She rates right up there with Kathy Hochel, Madeline Albright and many, many others in the democrat party. The ugliest women on the planet. Imagine that smell!! Make a Skunk vomit.

Anonymous ID: 74ce44 June 10, 2024, 1:35 p.m. No.21000948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0955


And this is how she did it. Many others involved including F_I, CPD, McConnell, Pence etal………….