Anonymous ID: b0dead June 10, 2024, 2:22 p.m. No.21001137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1198 >>1293 >>1318

BS Biden border ‘crackdown’ has already failed as illegals flood across


Joe Biden’s BS border move has already failed.


Thursday saw some 10,000 migrants in Border Patrol custody, four times the limit at which our president said he would stop processing the phony asylum claims used by illegals.


Meanwhile, video taken by The Post shows hundreds of migrants from mainly China and Turkey still crossing the border unhindered into California, then rounded up by Border Patrol on Thursday.


Other video shows much the same in rural Texas on Wednesday, after Biden’s “crackdown” supposedly took effect.


Sure looks like it’s had no effect..


Some 4,000, way over the limit, were apprehended on Wednesday. And the inflows just keep coming.


Customs and Border Protection processing centers in San Diego — the top illegal crossing area — have been stuffed to the gills and beyond recently, at 237% capacity.


Like everything else Biden’s done on the border, this policy is a joke.


Wave-Them-In Joe came into office and immediately wrecked the safeguards his predecessor Donald Trump had put in place to keep illegal immigrants out.


That brought record-smashing levels of illegal immigration month after month, year after year, eagerly aided and abetted by the Biden team, which has also created multiple new “pathways” for illegals to get waved through and instantly be eligible for work papers.


Want to jump the line to enter the United States on a transparently bogus claim of asylym? There’s an app for that!


Even with the border disaster killing him at the polls, Biden remained utterly intransigent on the issue, blaming everyone but himself.


Finally came last week’s “crackdown,” though even if it was working as advertised, it would still admit 1.8 million illegals per year.


Plus a massive carveout exempting all those whose home countries — like China and Venezuela — won’t accept them back.


Over 150,000 people from those two nations alone have jumped the border so far this year.


So to recap: Biden’s latest “crackdown” is a total fake, and even if were real would still be nearly as disastrous as his three-plus years of inviting millions to break the law and cross, then releasing them into the US with no supervision.


If this is the best he can do to end the chaos he created, he deserves everything that’s coming to him in November.

Anonymous ID: b0dead June 10, 2024, 2:23 p.m. No.21001146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1168 >>1198 >>1222 >>1293 >>1318

Biden's approval rating just hit its lowest mark on record (37.4%)

-President Joe Biden just hit an all-time low in one approval-rating tracker.

-According to FiveThirtyEight, Biden's approval rating Monday was the lowest of his presidency.

-Previous dips in his approval rating came when gas prices spiked and the US withdrew from Afghanistan.


President Joe Biden's approval rating remains severely underwater just under five months before Americans will render their verdict on his reelection bid.


On Monday, Biden notched the unpleasant distinction of recording his lowest-ever mark in FiveThirtyEight's weighted tracker, which found he had a 37.4% approval rating.


This comes as polling shows worrying signs that his support among nonwhite voters is falling. Some progressives have also hammered the White House over its response to Israel's handling of the war in Gaza in the aftermath of Hamas' October 7 attack.


Biden's approval rating cratered after the US's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and has never recovered. His previous low came in July 2022, around the time gas prices hit over $5 a gallon.


In comparison, former President Donald Trump's favorability rating has increased slightly since he left office in the wake of the Capitol riot. According to FiveThirtyEight's weighted average, Trump has a 41.6% favorability rating. Trump is facing a perilous future after becoming the first-ever former president to be convicted of a felony.


Neither Trump nor Biden is widely popular, which may be a reflection of the hyperpartisan political era. In 2016, Gallup found that Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were the least-popular presidential candidates dating back to when the pollster began measuring it in 1956.


Biden's lower popularity puts him at significant risk of losing in November. Gallup's poll found Biden's approval rating for the 13th quarter of his term, which ended on April 18, is lower than any other president's since its polling began with Dwight D. Eisenhower.


Four other modern presidents had an average sub-50% approval rating at this same point in time. Only one, Barack Obama, won reelection. Trump, whose Gallup average was 46.8% at this time in 2020, lost to Biden that November.


The president is hoping that he can change the narrative this month as he's expected to increase his campaigning. He also pushed for a June debate, the earliest-ever faceoff between two major presidential candidates. The debate, hosted by CNN, is scheduled for June 27.