Anonymous ID: e7eec9 June 10, 2024, 11:02 p.m. No.21003490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3525 >>3533 >>3539



Let me reiterate that this chemical bio-weapon that the DS cronies use on the populace is. It is the same toxin that they used on 911 somehow, it was also in the shots that ground zero workers had to get in order to collect from the compensation fund that gave them "cancer", it is was they use in low dosages to kill their enemies with illnesses so their counterparts in hospitals can do the rest legally, it is the same toxin that was sprayed in people's pathway that gave them acute covid symptoms, and it is also the same toxin that was put into the vaccines by big pharma. How do I know, go read my test from last night, but more importantly we get attacked almost daily with it. One day my wife showed me that they filled the cracks in my back patio, and it had dried and turn into a gluey-paste like substance that was already binding and had to be pried with a twig. My front porch got some just the other day in a very slight crack on the steps and it cannot be pried off at all, it is permanently bonded to it. When I was poisoned, this is exactly what they got me with, it almost killed me, and I felt it binding my internal organs. All this I am 1000% sure of by experience and analysis. After close to 23 years of these types of attacks since serving on 911, the day of reckoning cannot come soon enough and i doubt that it ever will.

Anonymous ID: e7eec9 June 10, 2024, 11:15 p.m. No.21003525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3533



When this is airborne or you can see these particles up close they are not round in nature but look like tiny little grains of rice but much more sharp than curved. They expand in water easily and turn into a scum like on a pond

and bind together to form larger pieces like lily pads. It binds quickly when exposed to slight moisture such as sweat or a mist and after it completely dries, it almost impossible for any OTC substance or industrial to break it down as if it has properties of ABS plastics. Most will never ever detect this stuff in low dosages as it binds to their tissues whether in the eyes, skin, or lungs. These particles can also be laced with pesticides or cyanide for an even more devasting affect. Think of dials, low setting chronic illnesses and disease, high dosages cause major respiratory syndromes such as COPD, Covid, and on the skin they call it MRSA but in low dosages they are cause bumps or pimples that just do not go away because there is a biological aspect to these toxins that can colonize or replicate like a larva. This is it, this stuff is the number one cause of all illnesses, diseases, and deaths worldwide because it has all the properties of biological, chemical, and instrustrial properties and attributes. Just this one weapon and tactic, taking down most of the world's life forms. Define: Gain of Function

Anonymous ID: e7eec9 June 10, 2024, 11:32 p.m. No.21003564   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Law is self sacrifice, but even those who cast out demons, and prophecies in his name, do not necessarily sacrifice themselves.


"Everything" that the Father has been given over to the Son, and "Everything" that the Son has, has been given over to the Father, who is in Heaven. Some things are much harder than others. This is the Law.

Anonymous ID: e7eec9 June 10, 2024, 11:40 p.m. No.21003578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3598


>We are ready to unleash hell.


I hope so and have been standing at the ready for a very long time. Hopefully it is in disclosure, arrests, confiscations as opposed to heavy weapons.

Anonymous ID: e7eec9 June 10, 2024, 11:49 p.m. No.21003604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3606 >>3611


>How do you share what you already know (legally)?


I come here for that and wish more anons would consider what I write because it safeguards lives. Yet they always turn it around as an ego thing; those are not on our team because they attack the messenger and not the message.