Anonymous ID: 59acd4 June 11, 2024, 10:49 a.m. No.21005769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5918 >>6010

Trump Campaign Statement on the Hunter Biden Trial Verdict and Biden Crime Family

June 11, 2024


“This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine. Crooked Joe Biden’s reign over the Biden Family Criminal Empire is all coming to an end on November 5th, and never again will a Biden sell government access for personal profit."


-Karoline Leavitt, Trump campaign National Press Secretary

Anonymous ID: 59acd4 June 11, 2024, 10:58 a.m. No.21005825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5918 >>6010

What Lunden Roberts Says Happened to Her Phones After She Found Out She Was Pregnant with Hunter Biden’s Baby

Anonymous ID: 59acd4 June 11, 2024, 11:01 a.m. No.21005839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5918 >>6010

Illegal Aliens Jump in Front of Cars to Blackmail New York Drivers


Illegal aliens love to play games. One of their favorites is finding ways to make money with minimal effort. This game has recently regained popularity among illegal aliens in Brooklyn, New York, as they found that jumping in front of moving vehicles can make their money if they are lucky enough to get hit.


In January, The New York Post reported on this scheme, claiming Bergen Beach, a residential area in Brooklyn, New York City, residents, and cops were concerned about illegal aliens jumping in front of vehicles on the road.


“They’re scaring people saying, ‘You just hit me, and I’m going to report it if you don't give me the money,’” retired NYPD cop from Bergen Beach, John B., said to The Post.


An independent photographer tweeted that on January 7, people from different areas of Brooklyn, New York, were experiencing the same problem. The tweet also attached a message from Salvatore Calise, former president of Bergen Beach Civic Association, warning residents about the issue and explaining how he was also a victim.


Since the New York Post reported on the scheme, the residents of Rockaway, New York, have said illegal aliens have “ramped up” their game, according to The Post.


On May 6, Christina, a 37-year-old resident of Rockaway Beach, was driving to work in Bensonhurst when an illegal alien “launched himself” in front of her car, according to The Post. She was in the right lane on Flatbush Avenue South but quickly swerved to the left to avoid hitting the man. Video footage of the incident was recorded from a dash camera and shared with The Post.


“All of a sudden, I see a man in front of my car with eyes wide open, screaming, staring at me in the eye…He was trying to get me to run him over,” Christina said.


Christina “suspects” the man lived at an emergency illegal alien “shelter” at nearby Floyd Bennett Field, New York. The emergency illegal alien “shelter” is a tent complex on a remote former airport, housing illegal aliens seeking asylum. The city’s health department operates the center and “insists newcomers are fed, receive medical care, and get help from social workers to apply for asylum, seek training and employment and send their children to school,” according to France 24.


Other residents from Rockaway Beach responded to Christina’s incident on Facebook, voicing similar experiences.


“Someone did this to me outside 7/11 on Flatbush about three weeks ago,” one resident wrote.


On May 6, another woman posted, “A man jumped in front of my daughter's car this morning,” on Flatbush Avenue, according to The Post.


"She was able to break in time and didn't hit him."


On June 8, in response to The Post’s video footage of Christina’s incident, a woman tweeted that the same thing “just happened” to her and her husband.


Ironically, Luis Moreno, an illegal alien from Ecuador living at Floyd Bennett Field, said the U.S. was a “safe country” that had “no crime” like the third-world country he came from, according to France 24. Unfortunately for Moreno, illegal aliens with no respect for American values are flooding into the U.S., wreaking havoc–jumping in front of moving cars–and increasing crime and violence in the country.


Their game is especially dangerous because money is not the only thing at risk for Americans.


“If I was distracted for one split second, or looking down, or if someone was in the left lane, my life would be over . . . It’s just sickening," Christina said.


Illegal aliens throwing themselves in front of vehicles are desperate to make money and are looking for ways to scam Americans into giving it to them, no matter the consequences.

Anonymous ID: 59acd4 June 11, 2024, 11:24 a.m. No.21005950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5971 >>6010

Lawfare Bingeing: New Jersey Announces an Investigation into Trump Liquor Licenses

Written by Jonathan Turley


Many of us have expressed alarm at the politicization of the criminal justice system in New York by figures such as Attorney General Letitia James and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. It now appears that New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin is angling to get into the lawfare frenzy.


The conviction of Trump on 34 felonies has either thrilled or repelled citizens. For many of us, it is a sign of the degradation of our legal system. Even the chief CNN legal analyst has acknowledged that Bragg contorted the law to bring the recent case against former President Donald Trump in an unprecedented prosecution.


Yet, the use of the legal system for political purposes is clearly popular in New York where people were literally dancing in the street outside of the courthouse after the recent verdict against Trump. Now Platkin’s office has announced that it is “reviewing” whether to pull the liquor licenses for Trump golf clubs since he is now convicted of felonies in New York. It appears that lawfare is nothing if not intoxicating for Democratic politicians.


According to an article in the Hill, the New Jersey Attorney General’s Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control is “reviewing the impact of President Trump’s conviction” on his liquor licenses for the Trump National Golf Club in Colts Neck, Lamington Farm Club, and Trump National Golf Club Philadelphia in Pine Hill.


The latest effort is based on a vague standard governing crimes of “moral turpitude” under New Jersey law:


No license of any class shall be issued to any person under the age of 18 years or to any person who has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude. A beneficiary of a trust who is not otherwise disqualified to hold an interest in a license may qualify regardless of age so long as the trustee of the trust qualifies and the trustee shall hold the beneficiary’s interest in trust until the beneficiary is at least the age of majority.


A “crime of moral turpitude” is a familiar, though dated, standard in American law. I teach the standard in torts as one of the traditional “per se” categories for slander under the common law. It was generally used to denote conduct of immorality or serious offenses to norms of society. New Jersey defines it as including “any offense that carries the possibility of one year in jail and involves acts of baseness, vileness, or depravity in the private and social duties which a man owes to his fellowmen, or to society in general.


Even the New Jersey Alcoholic Beverage Control handbook notes that in “some instances, it may be unclear whether a conviction involves an element of moral turpitude.” Yet, Trump has a way to bringing clarity for his critics whenever they must chose between politics and principle.


For most of us, it is hard to see how falsifying business records would constitute “acts of baseness, vileness, or depravity in the private and social duties which a man owes to his fellowmen, or to society in general.” However, for Democrats, it seems that any act by Trump is by definition base, vile, and depraved.


The piling on of investigations and charges by Democratic officials has reinforced Trump’s long narrative of a weaponization of the legal system against him and his supporters. Polling shows that most citizens view some of these cases as political prosecutions and that they are having diminishing impact on voter preferences. Yet, they remain thrilling for Democratic voters who lionize prosecutors who come up with novel or unprecedented avenues to hammer Trump or hit his businesses. It does not seem to matter that removing the liquor licenses of these clubs can endanger thousands of jobs of citizens or chill other businesses in considering investments in New York or New Jersey.


In the end, the effort is hardly surprising. Lawfare is like binge drinking: the excess is the very measure of its success.

Anonymous ID: 59acd4 June 11, 2024, 11:25 a.m. No.21005956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Illinois basketball star and NBA draft hopeful Terrence Shannon Jr.’s rape trial begins Monday

Anonymous ID: 59acd4 June 11, 2024, 11:27 a.m. No.21005966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6010

The US military has a plan to turn the Taiwan Strait into an 'unmanned hellscape' if China invades, top admiral says


-The US has plans to employ thousands of drones if China invades Taiwan, the top US admiral in the Pacific said.


-The "unmanned hellscape" would buy the US time to come to the aid of Taiwan, he added.


-China's drills around the island last month raised questions about what a blockade or invasion would look like.


If China invades Taiwan, it may face a large, lethal drone force meant to make its military "miserable."


At least that's the plan, according to the top US admiral in the Pacific, who said the "Hellscape" strategy is designed to distract China and buy the US time to respond.


"I want to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hellscape using a number of classified capabilities," Adm. Samuel Paparo, the commander of US Indo-Pacific Command, told The Washington Post at the International Institute for Strategic Studies' Shangri-La Dialogue Summit.


In doing so, he said, "I can make their lives utterly miserable for a month, which buys me the time for the rest of everything."


The plan involves launching thousands of unmanned systems, from surface vessels and submarines to aerial drones, to fight Chinese invading forces as soon as they begin to cross the Taiwan Strait, effectively acting as a kind of first line of defense.


This type of strategy would require heavy investments in cheap, reliable drones, which the US has been doing with its Replicator initiative. Last year, the Department of Defense officially announced the program, which is a long-term plan to field thousands of autonomous systems.


While progress on the ambitious plan has been relatively quiet, there have been some signs of movement.


Back in March, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks said the Pentagon aims to spend $1 billion this fiscal year on Replicator. A few capabilities have been highlighted as necessary for the first drones in the program, and the Pentagon is working with defense partners to develop and acquire these systems.


Last summer, Hicks said Replicator aimed to counter China's "biggest advantage," which is its mass: "More ships. More missiles. More people." She said that "we'll counter the [People's Liberation Army's] mass with mass of our own, but ours will be harder to plan for, harder to hit, harder to beat."


The previous INDOPACOM commander said last year that US unmanned capabilities "will be an asymmetric advantage." He said "operational concepts that we are working through are going to help amplify our advantages in this theater," adding, "There's a term, hellscape, that we use."


Paparo's remarks on the "Hellscape" strategy come on the heels of a massive Chinese military drill around Taiwan, during which it effectively surrounded the island and showed off joint force capabilities.


While the exercise showed Taiwan and the US how quickly and easily China could employ a blockade, it was also a learning opportunity for the US military.


After the drills concluded, Paparo said they "looked like a rehearsal" for an invasion, telling Japan's Nikkei newspaper: "We watched it. We took note. We learned from it. And they helped us prepare for the future."