That's a helluva proof if it's shopped. I'm phonefagging now or I'd do it.
Their asses are probably getting thrown out of office regardless. After that tax vote. Their opposition to Kavanaugh will just up the point spread. If Schumer figures out he can't stop it then he'll release them. He's too stupid to just let it go.
October 2018 term schedule was just published.
All I can find is this case. There's also a civil asset forfeiture case but…it's an issue of state law, sorta.
Nielsen v. Preap (to be argued Oct. 10, 2018): Whether a noncitizen is exempt from mandatory detention if, after he is released from criminal custody, the Department of Homeland Security does not take him into immigration custody immediately.
Oh Jesus fucking Christ I didn't realize the significance of this. Next term, SCOTUS will decide if ICE MUST pick up illegals AT jail if they want to detain them on a mandatory basis for immigration violations. This is a BIG FUCKING DEAL.
Nielsen v. Preap (to be argued Oct. 10, 2018): Whether a noncitizen is exempt from mandatory detention if, after he is released from criminal custody, the Department of Homeland Security does not take him into immigration custody immediately.
We need to take down the administrative law state. Trump is dedicated to that. Kavanaugh hates ad law. So does Gorsuch, Thomas. They've talked about dumping Chevron. I hope they do now that Kennedy is off the Court. I hope they get more Justices who don't defer to government agencies. That doctrine (Chevron) is a flawed piece of shit.
Please do and spread the word. It's essentially saying that the judiciary trusts agencies to make the best judgment. It's how we get these fucked up EPA rulings. Fucked up you name it. Based on Chevron. Few know it but it fucks everyone, every day.
The limitations part is fucking laughable. They would like to take apart ad law because they adhere to the Constitution not allowing the government to run over citizens while the Court says "If you say that's what's best." Administrative law is mind numbingly boring. I'd rather practice divorce law and I loathe many of those creatures. We should be able to litigate our rights in court and not have courts say "oh, if that's what the government says is good for you, alrighty."
No deals.