Anonymous ID: 363155 June 11, 2024, noon No.21006107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6109 >>6232 >>6393 >>6605 >>6723

Senate Republicans Back Big Change To Prevent Repeat Of McConnell Era'Weaponized His Leadership': Insurgent Senate GOP Forms Post-McConnell Plan




A number of top Senate Republicans are signaling support for term limits for their next Leader as Mitch McConnell, 82, is set to step down from the position in November, the Daily Caller has learned.


Since McConnell announced his retirement, Texas Sen. John Cornyn, South Dakota Sen. John Thune and Florida Sen. Rick Scott have announced they are running to be the next GOP Senate Leader. Two of those three, along with several other notable Republican senators, told the Caller they support term limits for the next leader.


Thune’s office was the only of the three leadership candidates to not state where he stands on the issue.


His office referred the Caller to a Politico article that said he’s “open to discussing term limits on the next Republican leader, with a critical caveat that the topic needs to be part of a broader conversation within the Senate GOP.”


Cornyn has stated: “One reason I am running to be the next Republican Leader is because I believe the Senate needs more engagement from all of my colleagues, and that includes the opportunity for any Member to serve in Leadership. I will support a conference vote to change the rules and institute term limits for the Republican Leader.”


Scott told told the Caller that Washington is currently “built on backroom deals and bad politicians getting comfortable, complacent and forgetting that they represent the people that elected them, not DC special interests.”


“Republicans all across America support term limits because it’s common sense and desperately needed,” he continued. “We have a broken system and we need a dramatic sea change and someone with a turn-around background to fix it. I’ve spent my life shaking things up. We need that in Washington right now and it’s why I’m running to be Republican leader.”


Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee hinted that he wanted to see where Thune stood on the matter, as Cornyn and Scott have been clear.


“So far, Rick Scott and John Cornyn have pledged to abide by term limits if elected GOP leader. Can other contenders match that offer, or promise other reforms to the Senate? I look forward to hearing from them,” Lee told the Caller.


Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and John Thune, R-S.D., are seen before a Senate Finance Committee hearing in Dirksen Building titled “The President’s 2019 Trade Policy Agenda and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement,” on Tuesday, June 18, 2019. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, testified. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)


Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and the office of Wyoming Sen. Cynthia Lummis told the Caller they, too, support term limits for the next leader.


“I think it would be a good idea to have term limits,” Rubio told the Caller. “Senator Lummis fully supports term limits for the Republican Leader. Senate Republicans have term limits for committee chairs, whip and conference chair, so it only makes sense our party’s leader is term limited as well,” Lummis’s office told the Caller.


Several other Republican Senators, including Mississippi’s Cindy Hyde-Smith, Montana’s Steve Daines, Nebraska’s Pete Ricketts and North Carolina’s Ted Budd either did not respond to the Caller’s inquiry or did not give a firm answer either way on the issue.


McConnell is the longest-serving party leader of all time in the Senate, and has been serving in the Senate since 1984. According to Real Clear Politics, McConnell is rated as Americans’ most disliked political leader, with favorability ratings that are worse than President Joe Biden’s. However, his grip on power within the GOP has remained ironclad for years, dating back to 2007 when he first became leader.

Anonymous ID: 363155 June 11, 2024, 12:07 p.m. No.21006141   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(FBI is cooking the books on violent crime doe JoeI hate all these liars, there is no one or nothing that can be trusted in our Government)

FBI's latest data shows 'historic' drop in crime: Garland

Reported incidents of violent crime dropped 15%, according to the FBI data.

ByAlexander Mallin June 10, 2024, 5:55 PM


How will crime impact the 2024 election? Do Americans trust President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump to bring the crime rate down…Show More

The first three months of 2024 saw a continued drop in levels of violent crime and murder across the country, according to data released by the FBI on Monday – a trend that Attorney General Merrick Garland called "historic."


Reported incidents of violent crime dropped 15% between January and March of this year compared to the same period last year, according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Data. Murders dropped by more than 26% in the same time period, the data shows.


The FBI has not released details about the number of incidents for the categories of crime. It will do so when 80% participation levels are met, the agency said.


MORE: Homicide numbers poised to hit a record decline nationwide. But most Americans think murder is on the rise

"This data makes clear that last year's historic decline in violent crime is continuing," Garland said in a statement highlighting the new statistics.


"This continued historic decline in homicides does not represent abstract statistics. It represents people whose lives were saved – people who are still here to see their children grow up, to work toward fulfilling their dreams, and to contribute to their communities."


Crime is a key issue for voters in an election year, and President Joe Bidenand former President Donald Trump are working to highlight their crime-reduction plans in what is expected to be a very close race this November."President Biden has worked hard to clean up [Trump's] mess, and it’s working," Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa said in a statement, referencing the new FBI data.


Biden himself put out a statement late Monday afternoon as he returned to the White House from Delaware."Violent crime is dropping at record levels in America. It’s good news for our families and our communities," he said.


"This progress we’re seeing is no accident. My Administration is putting more cops on the beat, holding violent criminals accountable, and getting illegal guns off the street – and we are doing it in partnership with communities. As a result, Americans are safer today than when I took office," he added.


As president, Biden has backed community policing and violence intervention efforts and called for more mental and social services funding. In his State of the Union address earlier this year, Biden boasted that the nation reported a historically low murder rate in 2023 and violent crime had plummeted to one of the lowest levels in 50 years.


Trump is touting the role he played in enacting the First Step Act, a criminal justice reform law that reduced some mandatory minimum prison sentences, gave judges the power to sentence nonviolent drug offenders to less time behind bars and more, such as increasing job training to lower recidivism rates. Last month, Trump became the first U.S. president ever convicted of a felony.

The number released Monday further build off data released earlier this year by the FBI, which showed murders dropped nationwide by 13% through 2023. That data also showed cities with populations of more than 1 million saw an 11% drop in overall crime.


Experts told ABC News late that year that the recent drop in homicides and other violent crimes can be attributed to expanded efforts to prevent crime, including working with community volunteers, targeting gun possession in high-crime areas and placing officers on foot and bike patrols.


Still, perception of crime often does not match up with the numbers.More than three-quarters of Americans said that there is more crime in the U.S. than a year ago and more than half of Americans said the same about crime in their local area, according to a Gallup poll from November.


The data from the FBI also shows that reported incidents of rape dropped by 25% from last year, robbery dropped by more than 17%, and aggravated assault fell by more than 12%. Property crime similarly dropped by more than 15%, according to the data.


Some crime data experts have cautioned not to rely too much on the FBI's numbers, noting their largely preliminary nature that only covers roughly 77% of the nation's total population – even if their broader assessment of decreasing crime across the country rings true.

Anonymous ID: 363155 June 11, 2024, 12:35 p.m. No.21006288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6393 >>6605 >>6723

Missouri AG Sues Planned Parenthood Allegedly Trafficking Minors Out of State for Abortions

by: Wendi Strauch Mahoney 06/10/2024 Source:

Project Veritas Investigates Planned Parenthood

Attorney General Andrew Bailey is suing Planned Parenthood in Missouri for allegedly trafficking minors out of state for abortions without parental consent. Bailey decided to file the lawsuit in February 2024 after years of Planned Parenthood's "flagrant and intentional refusal to comply with state law," according to a press release. "It is against the law in Missouri to intentionally cause, aid, or assist a minor to obtain an abortion without parental consent in another state. § 188.250, RSMo." Bailey seeks a court order to block the clinic from subjecting children to such treatment. Bailey, whose daughter died in his arms within an hour of her birth, says it is time to stop what Planned Parenthood "conceal[s] and conspire[s] to do in the dark of the night."

The case references parts one and two of an undercover investigation from Project Veritas (PV) showing Planned Parenthood staff admitting they traffic minors "every day" across state lines to Kansas. An undercover PV reporter was sent to a clinic in Kansas City, MO, and posed as an adult who may know the child but is not the parent.

Planned Parenthood seems to be using a loophole that allows "adults other than parents" to transport girls to clinics in the neighboring state of Kansas. There are allegedly two clinics in Kansas that perform abortions on minor children. Planned Parenthood runs one, and the other "is next door." The director offered to call ahead for the undercover reporter because it helps avoid getting "the runaround."

Stunningly, according to the lawsuit, minors are allegedly being removed from schools with a signed doctor's note from Planned Parenthood and no parental consent. Schools purportedly have to comply because of the doctor's note. In some cases, schools may not even know minors are being taken over state lines for the procedure. According to the staff being filmed, Planned Parenthood chips in for some if not all of the costs, sets up hotels, and arranges the transportation. The lawsuit states that Missouri law prohibits "permitting a child to obtain an abortion without counsel of" a parent, as adjudicated in Planned Parenthood of Cent. Missouri v. Danforth, 428 U.S. 52, 72 (1976).

In many cases, parents are not even aware their child is being taken to Kansas for an abortion. In those situations, another adult is tasked with transporting the minor. The director told the PV reporter that it is advisable to "call ahead" if you are not the parent. In the video, the staff member and the managing director instruct the reporter to tell the Kansas clinics that the minor's parents are unaware of the need to help with a "bypass."

As stated by the Planned Parenthood staff in the video, "If you're trying to do it without the parents knowing, then you need to call because they need to do a bypass. They will bypass without the parents knowing, but just make sure you tell them" so you can do it "without the parents knowing." There is allegedly a "service" that will pick the child up and transport the child to avoid exploitation of the child. The video also presumably shows Planned Parenthood staff confirming no documentation is needed to prove someone is a "related adult."

Project Veritas also reported that the Kansas clinic "frequently sees out-of-state patients" from "mostly Texas and Oklahoma patients." However, Planned Parenthood clinics in Illinois, Colorado, and Washington, D.C., are also seeing out-of-state minors, according to PV reporting. In some cases, according to Project Veritas, Planned Parenthood is coaching minors to "rubber stamp abortions for minors."

According to a Managing Director for Planned Parenthood in Texas, "They would give the girls a script that she would need to read to a judge…They knew every judge, and they had a relationship with the judge that would rubber stamp the consent for this minor to get an abortion.

In addition, Planned Parenthood also admitted in 2018 in court that itfailed to properly file reports documenting "medical complications from abortions." In 2020, the state also foundPlanned Parenthood was not notifying women of the risks of abortion even though Missouri law requires it.

The lawsuit states that Planned Parenthood clinics are all "affiliated, one big clinic pretty much," allowing funds to be shared everywhere, making it easier for minors to receive services and abortions.