The police are corrupt.
I don't trust them at all.
They are a bunch of bullies with badges.
The police are corrupt.
I don't trust them at all.
They are a bunch of bullies with badges.
I don't trust Pence.
Is he one of those Fake Christians, who quote Bible verses, but are just playing the Real Christians?
They paint their Pervert Flag on streets and then complain that they are ruined. Muh victimhood. Learned from the Jew victimhood mentality.
Is it my imagination, or is he getting uglier?
fake bewbs
No sympathy for pedophiles.
And in Mexico, the Jew Bitch got "elected" when 37 of her contenders were murdered.
Sorry, I don't fly the American Flag anymoar.
My America is dead.
It died on Jan. 21, 2021
I have my American Flag neatly folded lying a a shelf in my garage.
yet, here you are