Anonymous ID: 110147 June 12, 2024, 1:08 p.m. No.21012073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2251 >>2562 >>2712 >>2777

Voting machine contract under scrutiny following discrepancies in Puerto Rico's primaries


Puerto Rico’s elections commission says it’s reviewing its contract with a U.S. electronic voting company after hundreds of discrepancies were discovered following the island’s heated primaries


Puerto Rico’s elections commission said Tuesday that it’s reviewing its contract with a U.S. electronic voting company after hundreds of discrepancies were discovered following the island’s heated primaries.


The problem stemmed from a software issue that caused machines supplied by Dominion Voting Systems to incorrectly calculate vote totals, said Jessika Padilla Rivera, the commission’s interim president.


While no one is contesting the results from the June 2 primary that correctly identify the winners, machine-reported vote counts were lower than the paper ones in some cases, and some machines reversed certain totals or reported zero votes for some candidates.


“The concern is that we obviously have elections in November, and we must provide the (island) not only with the assurance that the machine produces a correct result, but also that the result it produces is the same one that is reported,” Padilla said.


More than 6,000 Dominion voting machines were used in Puerto Rico’s primaries, with the company stating that software issues stemmed from the digital files used to export results from the machines.


The contract between Dominion and the elections commission ends June 30.


José Varela, vice president of Puerto Rico’s House of Representatives, called for Padilla to appear at a public hearing Thursday to address the issues.


“We cannot allow the public’s confidence in the voting process to continue to be undermined as we approach the general elections,” he said.


The problems called to mind the island’s botched 2020 primaries, when a lack of ballots at some centers forced the government to reschedule voting in a first for the U.S. territory.


On June 2, Puerto Rico held primary elections to select gubernatorial candidates for the pro-statehood New Progressive Party and the Popular Democratic Party, which supports the island’s territorial status.


In a surprise upset, Jenniffer González, Puerto Rico’s congressional representative, beat Gov. Pedro Pierluisi in the primary held by the New Progressive Party. Meanwhile, Puerto Rico Rep. Jesús Manuel Ortiz defeated Sen. Juan Zaragoza in the primary held by their Popular Democratic Party.


Both parties reported hundreds of ballots showing inaccurate results, with the PNP reporting over 700 errors and the PPD pointing to some 350 discrepancies. These inaccuracies affected ballots for positions including governor, mayor and resident commissioner.

Anonymous ID: 110147 June 12, 2024, 1:11 p.m. No.21012084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2087 >>2251 >>2357 >>2562 >>2712 >>2777

Israeli Army Caught Running Pedophile Ring Involving Thousands of Palestinian Kids - Media Blackout


According to investigators, thousands of children are routinely stripped naked, tortured and sodomized by Israeli soldiers in Sde Teiman, a makeshift concentration camp for Palestinians.


Hidden at the bottom of a recent New York Times report is the horrific account of systematic torture, sodomy and murder of innocent children taking place at a southern Israel military base. reports: In an explanation of how interrogations are carried out there, one prisoner recounted a room the detainees referred to as the “disco room” on account of the loud music played there that keeps them from sleeping. He said that the high volume was so painful that it caused his ears to bleed; the Israeli military claims they didn’t want detainees to talk to each other easily prior to interrogation.


One detainee, law student Fadi Bakr, said he was looking for flour for his family when Israeli soldiers stripped him, took his phone and money, and beat and detained him. He described being brought into the interrogation room wearing nothing but a diaper and was repeatedly beaten when he maintained he was a civilian and could therefore not provide any information about the locations of hostages.


39-year-old senior nurse and detainee Younis Al-Hamlawi said that during his interrogation, a pair of Israeli soldiers was ordered to “lift him up and press his rectum against a metal stick that was fixed to the ground.” After around five seconds of penetration, he experienced “unbearable pain” and bleeding.


Other detainees described similar experiences in a UNRWA report, including a 41-year-old detainee who recounted being forced to “sit on something like a hot metal stick and it felt like fire,” while a different detainee died after an “electric stick” was placed in his anus.


Al-Hamlawi was also forced to sit in a chair that was wired with electricity, where he was subjected to frequent shocks that first caused him to urinate uncontrollably before rendering him unable to urinate for several days. He also had to wear a diaper to avoid soiling the floor. Bakr also had to sit in a chair wired with electricity, which caused him to pass out.


Detainees describe numerous abuses

Numerous other abuses were described by the eight former detainees who spoke with the publication, including being punched, kicked and beaten with rifle butts and batons. One was kneed in the chest hard enough to break his ribs. At least 35 detainees have died at the site or after being taken to civilian hospitals nearby. Although senior military doctors claim they have not seen any signs of torture, Israeli commanders confirmed that at least a dozen soldiers were released from their roles there, some of them because they used excessive force.


It is believed that around 4,000 detainees spent as much as three months at Sde Teiman, 70 percent of whom went on to prisons for further investigation. Around 1,200 were determined to be civilians and sent back to Gaza, but they did not receive any apologies or compensation.


One military doctor told the Times that some people seemed so unlikely to be combatants involved in the war that he was not sure why Israeli soldiers had even brought them there in the first place. For example, one was severely obese, another was paraplegic, and yet another had been breathing through a tube inserted in his neck since he was a child.


“Why they brought him — I don’t know. They take everyone,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 110147 June 12, 2024, 1:13 p.m. No.21012087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2251 >>2562 >>2712 >>2777



Israel's desert torture camp faces legal challenge | The Electronic Intifada

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, said that "impaling prisoners with metal rods in their rectum" is but one of the "thousands of horrors Palestinians have had to endure these past eight months."


"However, abuses, torture, mass killing, wanton destruction, have been the daily reality for the Palestinians under Israeli rule for over half a century," Albanese added. "Israel operates as a military dictatorship, committing all sorts of crimes including apartheid [with] the aim of removing the Palestinians from their land."

Anonymous ID: 110147 June 12, 2024, 1:15 p.m. No.21012095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2251 >>2562 >>2712 >>2777

US Congress aims to deepen Israel 'anti-tunnel' defence capabilities


Amendment to NDAA congressional bill would provide an additional $30m for Israel to map and destroy tunnels


Congress is eyeing deepening cooperation between the US and Israeli militaries on tunnel fighting, as a result of the Hamas-led 7 October attacks on southern Israel.


In a proposed amendment to the fiscal 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a bipartisan group of lawmakers aim to improve cooperation between the United States and Israel on anti-tunnel defence capabilities.


The legislation has been proposed by Republican Congressmen Joe Wilson, Don Bacon and Doug Lamborn, alongside Democrats Ruben Gallego, Brad Schneider and Seth Moulton.


In addition to enhancing cooperation, the lawmakers are calling on the US to provide an additional $30m to Israel to detect, map and fight in underground tunnels. Last year the US provided $47.5m for the efforts.


"Israel is an international leader in developing innovative defence technologies, including pioneering efforts to map, detect, destroy and maneuver through terror tunnels," the legislation says.

Anonymous ID: 110147 June 12, 2024, 1:18 p.m. No.21012106   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dr. Francis Boyle: COVID Shot Is a Weapon of BIOWARFARE


Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle, Who Drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Anti terrorism Act, Claims COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Weapons of Mass Destruction


The American people are being culled and treated like the Nazis treated German Jews.


Citizens of the United States must continue to demand local governments protect the innocent, ban the jabs, and arrest those responsible for deploying a weapon of biowarfare.

Professor Francis Boyle is back with Stew to detail his support for the Florida GOP's "Ban the Jab" resolutions.

The Pentagon bought and funded the research that created the mRNA "Frankeshots".

Fort Detrick was also involved in the creation of the Covid-19 virus.

That means the U.S. Government is responsible for both the creation of the Covid-19 bioweapon and the mRNA fake vaccines.

The FDA was also involved in the development of Covid-19 as an offensive biological weapon at the UNC BSL3.

The same agency (FDA) that is now tasked with deeming the "vaccines" as safe, were involved in the development of Covid-19.

A recent report out of Portugal claims 300K Americans have died from the clot shots.

Anonymous ID: 110147 June 12, 2024, 1:23 p.m. No.21012127   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada agrees to probe of lawmakers who allegedly worked for other nations


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been on the defensive since a committee of parliamentarians that focuses on security matters last week said some elected officials had been "witting or semi-witting" participants in foreign interference operations, including divulging secrets to other countries.

Anonymous ID: 110147 June 12, 2024, 1:29 p.m. No.21012146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2186

Failing Washington Post attempts to get Grayzone editor jailed with error-filled smear piece


Though The Washington Post was forced to retract the first sentence and central premise of its nothingburger ‘expose’ targeting The Grayzone, pro-Israel operatives are using the malicious hit piece to demand a federal investigation.

The secret is out. Starting in 2020, for a period of less than a year, and well before ever joining the staff of The Grayzone, journalist Wyatt Reed appeared multiple times on PressTV, an Iranian state-backed international news service. You may have noticed it from Wyatt’s regular postings at the time highlighting these videos, or the “correspondent @PressTV” description that featured in his Twitter bio at the time.


For the Washington Post’s so-called “disinformation threat” researcher, Joseph Menn, this became a vitally important fact to highlight on a full page of a legacy newspaper whose banner motto boldly declares, “Democracy dies in darkness.”


After sending Wyatt a series of aggressively worded emails implicitly threatening to have him criminally prosecuted, and demanding to speak with his lawyer, the Washington Post employee relied on a series of hacked documents to “expose” what Wyatt never attempted to conceal: while beginning his journalistic career, he appeared on the Iranian news outlet Press TV several dozen times.


Incidentally, during this time, Wyatt received payment from such nefarious foreign outlets as CBS Weekend News and CBS This Morning, which correctly credited him as a journalist when airing the footage he gathered reporting from the frontlines of BLM protests.


Since joining The Grayzone in June 2023, Wyatt has not accepted a penny from any government-backed outlet. In fact, The Grayzone imposes far stricter rules on its employees than The Washington Post, which appears to have no such prohibitions on its employees moonlighting for government backed think tanks.


However, the case remains: for a brief period of time, four years ago, he openly appeared in reports for an Iranian outlet which employs Americans to this day.


So why, four years after Wyatt’s last appearance on Press TV, is the Washington Post targeting him, and only him, and even suggesting he should be jailed, despite the fact that dozens of Americans have reported for this same network?


The motive behind this malicious attack is abundantly clear: Wyatt now works for The Grayzone, and The Grayzone’s factual reporting has infuriated boosters of the Ukraine proxy war and members of Israel’s international propaganda network.


That is why the Washington Post’s demonstrably Menn-dacious correspondent falsely stated in the opening line of his smear piece: “Recently unearthed documents reveal that leaders of an online news site aimed at Americans have received money from both Russian and Iranian government media outlets.”


That bogus and defamatory line has since been publicly retracted by the Washington Post, undercutting Menn’s apparent agenda, which was to falsely insinuate Russian and Iranian sponsorship of The Grayzone.

Anonymous ID: 110147 June 12, 2024, 1:35 p.m. No.21012167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2251 >>2562 >>2712 >>2777

Our Apocalyptic “New Normal”: Most Global Conflict Since WWII, Most Billion Dollar Disasters Ever, And Most Hungry People In History


Our world is witnessing apocalyptic events so frequently that many of us are starting to become numb to it all. Major wars are raging all over the globe, children in Africa are literally dropping dead from starvation as hunger spreads like wildfire, and “billion dollar disasters” are hitting us more frequently than we have ever seen before. But as long as these tragedies are not affecting us directly, most people don’t really care too much. As the level of worldwide suffering rises, it seems as though hearts are getting colder at the same time. The traumatic events of the past several years have left deep scars, and there are many that prefer to ignore the apocalyptic things that are happening in the world because it is just too much for them to handle emotionally.


According to a brand new study, the number of armed conflicts in 2023 was the most that we have seen in a single year since the end of World War II…


More armed conflicts took place worldwide in 2023 than any other year since the end of the Second World War, according to a Norwegian study published Monday.


Last year saw 59 conflicts of which 28 were in Africa, the the Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO) showed.


We really are living in a time of “wars and rumors of wars”.


But since it isn’t our sons and daughters that are being gunned down on the killing fields of eastern Ukraine, most of us in the western world aren’t really moved by all of the bloodshed.


Every single day, more young lives are being wasted.


But if you think that things are bad now, just wait until Israel and Hezbollah start lobbing thousands of missiles back and forth, China invades Taiwan, and the Russians and NATO begin directly pummeling one another.


Meanwhile, global hunger just continues to grow.


In fact, it is being reported that the number of people facing acute food insecurity last year was the highest ever recorded…


The number of people threatened by hunger in the world has never been so high. In 2023, 281 million people in 59 countries were facing acute food insecurity, according to the 2024 Global Report on Food Crises, published on Wednesday, April 24, by several international organizations (including UN agencies, the European Union, the US Agency for International Development). This figure is up on 2022 (257 million) in its fifth year running.


“This Global Report on Food Crises is a roll call of human failings,” warned UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, prefacing the analysis.


A decade ago, world leaders dreamed of a day when hunger would be eradicated.


Today, that dream is completely dead.


Right now, hunger is exploding in areas all over the continent of Africa.


In Sudan, people are literally eating dirt and leaves just so that they can fill their stomachs with something…


Time is running out to prevent starvation in Sudan, warns the World Food Program.


Twenty-five million people in Sudan need humanitarian assistance, 18 million are facing acute food insecurity and 5 million people are at emergency levels approaching famine as the country’s civil war passes the one-year mark.


Amid so many other crises, the world’s largest hunger crisis is drawing little global attention. In the Al Lait refugee camp, for example, people are eating dirt and boiling leaves, just to have something in their bellies, reports Reuters. Others are eating grass and peanut shells, according to the World Food Program.

Anonymous ID: 110147 June 12, 2024, 1:38 p.m. No.21012177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2181 >>2197 >>2226 >>2234 >>2251 >>2562 >>2671 >>2712 >>2777

Russian Warships in the Havana Port carrying Mach 9 Zircon Missile: could Hit Miami within 2 minutes – Exclusive Photos


A group of Russian Navy ships docked today in the port of Havana for a visit until the 17th» Prensa Latina reported.


The naval detachment consists of the frigate Admiral Gorshkov, the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, the fleet oil tanker Pashin and the rescue tug Nikolai Chiker.


Upon arrival in this capital, one of the group’s ships fired 21 salutes as a salute to the Caribbean nation, which was reciprocated by an artillery battery of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), from the San Carlos de la Cabaña Fortress.


Note by Gospa News: This immediately led bloggers in search of visibility to suspect a war clash… While our images show the peaceful landing of two vessels at the port.

Anonymous ID: 110147 June 12, 2024, 1:41 p.m. No.21012182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2251 >>2562 >>2712 >>2777

Washington is not telling truth about the Gaza pier


They say food is ‘flowing’ to the people, but data shows the opposite. Pull the curtain down on this theater now.


The Biden administration wants you to believe the U.S. is leading international efforts to get humanitarian relief into Gaza and that supplies are “flowing to Palestinians” via the military’s pier operation there.


On Monday, Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder announced that to date,1,573 tons of aid had been delivered from the pier to the beach, including 492 tons since it reopened on Saturday after some bad weather knocked it out of commission last month.


But supplies from the pier aren’t flowing to Palestinians, and never really have.


Hardly any food from the pier on the Gaza coast has actually reached starving Gazans since it became operational on May 17. The World Food Program (WFP) said only 15 trucks from the pier reached its warehouse inside Gaza for distribution from May 17-18, and that no aid came from the pier from May 19–21.


In Rafah specifically, no aid will reach Palestinians in need so long as Israel’s military offensive persists. WFP halted all deliveries to Rafah on May 21 due to Israel’s invasion of the city.


In addition, on Sunday, the WFP announced that it “paused” distribution of any more humanitarian aid from the pier due to security concerns after a U.S.-backed Israeli operation killed nearly 300 Palestinians the day before. WFP is the U.N. agency in charge of coordinating deliveries from the pier into Gaza.


The 492 tons of aid the Pentagon just boasted about will sit in warehouses on the beach until further notice. Meanwhile, the U.N. says that all humanitarian operations in Gaza are on the brink of collapse.


The reality is that the $320 million (revised more recently down to $230 million) “maritime humanitarian corridor” that Biden first announced during his State of the Union address in March is not working, at least not for Palestinians. It does serve the Biden administration’s interests by making it look like the U.S. is “doing something” for the civilian population while supporting an Israeli policy that destroys and starves it. The pier, in essence, provides humanitarian cover for an inhume policy.

Pier one imports

Biden administration officials argue the pier isn’t a failure or public relations stunt but critics disagree.


On May 17, the first day the pier was operational, former USAID official and current president of Refugees International Jeremy Konyndyk said, “The pier is humanitarian theater. Much more about political optics than humanitarian assistance. … [T]he president is tweeting about a humanitarian gimmick while actual humanitarian capacity in Gaza grinds to a halt.”


On May 23, in response to a press question about Konyndyk’s comments, director of USAID’s Levant humanitarian response Dan Dieckhaus said, “You know, I would not call within a couple of days getting enough food and other supplies for tens of thousands of people for a month theater…everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I think we are already making a meaningful contribution to the overall effort.”


But according to U.N. humanitarian aid data of food imports into Gaza from January through May, far more food aid reached Gazans before the U.S. pier opened. On May 7, Israeli forces closed the Rafah crossing as part of its invasion of the city. By the end of the month, 66,181 fewer pallets of food reached Palestinians in May compared to April. The pier, which opened May 17, didn't come close to compensating for this shortfall: According to the IDF, just 1,806 pallets of food from the pier reached aid agency centers in Gaza before it broke apart in a storm on May 25.


Meanwhile, food and other aid is piling up outside Gaza at the Rafah land crossing.

Anonymous ID: 110147 June 12, 2024, 1:48 p.m. No.21012209   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China Intercepts Dutch Chopper Near Shanghai, Lambasts Netherlands for Provocation


The command of the People’s Liberation Army had to use its fighter jets to expel the helicopter from the area after warning its crew.


“[These steps] were legal and purposeful, everything was done professionally and according to standards. It is the Netherlands not China who created the dangerous situation," Zhang underlined.


He added that the Netherlands had used the UN mission as a pretext for power projection in regions that are under the jurisdiction of other countries.


“Dutch statements and activities have a malevolent nature, we condemn them and we’ve sent a demarche," he stressed, adding that China will take decisive countermeasures on any future violations or provocations.