you have my Shield of Faith B
What an odd thing to say
Russian Ships only showed up on our Coast
AFTER Biden approved Ukraine firing American Weapons into Russia
Why does NASA have a Simulation Audio Track?
Why was this "Simulation" Track playing?
Why was it playing when everyone was asleep?
If everyone was asleep, Who turned on the Simulation?
The Nail in the Coffin
NATO will stick their finger in the pot
All our Conspiracy theories have come true
We've got nothing left to dig
Waiting on a False Flag
Or a Psyop
We've Won the Game
Checkmate in 5-7 Months
There's going to be a lot of Screaming & Jazz Hands
But eventually they will have to make their move
Technically we could just sit back and Ride the Wave
I don't see much left to Dig
We've already Won
Might was well Shitpost until Q posts again
Were in a Dry Spell
Women are Offended Across Canada
These guys don't have Cervixes
They don't have Wombs
They don't have Eggs
Women are righteous to be Outraged
There are So many That are Awaken Right Now
That it takes only Days to expose hoaxes
Sometimes, Mere Minutes
That's how Big this has gotten
Everyone that's anyone is seeking the Truth
& Doesn't Take "Authorities" word for it anymore
We're in the Hundreds of Millions of Anons WW