Anonymous ID: 3094a0 June 13, 2024, 6:16 a.m. No.21016132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6390 >>6549

Trump's bid to steal the youth(Why use steal?)

Neal Rothschild June 13, 2024


Former President Trump appears to be making stunning inroads with young voters as he stakes out youth-friendly positions that defy GOP orthodoxy and contradict past statements.


Why it matters: The prospect of Trump coming within striking distance of winning young voters — which shows up in poll after poll — would have seemed unthinkable at the outset of the cycle.


State of play: Public polling suggests a significant shift toward Trump could be coming in the 2024 election among the country's youngest voters.


The latest New York Times/Siena polling of likely voters has President Biden with just a 2-point lead over Trump among those between 18-29. A recent Quinnipiac survey has Trump ahead by a point among registered voters between 18-34. By contrast, CNN exit polling showed that Biden won the 18-29-year-old vote by 24 percentage points in 2020, and that Hillary Clinton won it by 19 points in 2016.


Reality check: The polls could be wrong. Polling younger voters has become more difficult in recent years as answering landlines — a traditional method of polling outreach — is an archaic practice for today's youth.


Zoom in: Trump is staking out policies that cater to the preferences of younger voters, even as they don't map neatly to the conservative consensus.


  1. After proposing a TikTok ban during his presidency, Trump baffled conservative China hawks by coming out against such a move earlier this year. The electoral upside of that stance is clear:TikTok is popular among younger users, and support for a ban grows as the age of respondents increases.Trump joined TikTok and posted his first video earlier this month. Axios fails to mention Trump has 38 million+ viewers, while Biden has less than 400,000, he’s really not popular with the youth and he has dementia)


2.Trump has hugged the cryptocurrency world in recent weeks.He's boosted NFTs, vowed to end regulatory hostility and endorsed U.S.-mined Bitcoin as a way to help America become "energy dominant." That contrasts with the Biden administration's posture toward the industry. SEC chair Gary Gensler has become one of crypto's biggest villains.

During his own presidency, Trump declared that he was "not a fan" of crypto — which is most frequently embraced by young men.


  1. Trump singled out a new constituency this weekby vowing to get rid of tip taxation, the Washington Post reports. The comments, made at a Las Vegas rally, may have been targeted at career service-industry workers — and Latinos in particular. But young restaurant and bar workers nationwide might take notice.


Between the lines: Trump's positions frequently cut against positions he's held in the past, bringing into question whether they represent sincerely held beliefs or electoral pandering. (You mean like Joe giving $60 billion in student loans, by stealing the people's money, like that kind of pandering?)


The bottom line: Any massive movement of young voters to the right could be a once-in-a-generation victory for Republicans.


The youth vote hasn't been close since Al Gore beat George W. Bush by 2 points in 2000. No Republican has won young Americans since 1988.

Anonymous ID: 3094a0 June 13, 2024, 6:43 a.m. No.21016273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6311 >>6382 >>6390 >>6450 >>6549

Mike Benz: Once you understand that Hunter Biden was a CIA intelligence asset, everything makes sense…

June 13, 2024 (an hour ago)


If you take a step back and look at things from a different angle, everything starts to make a lot more sense. Instead of just seeing Hunter Biden as some perverted crackhead who grew up with a silver crack pipe in his mouth,what if we saw him as something more sophisticated, like a well-groomed CIA asset?This twist adds a whole new layer to the long-standing drama around the Biden crime family.


Mike Benz, the director of the Foundation For Freedom Online, has been all over this idea. He’s been suggesting for a while that Hunter might be more than he appears. Back in September,Mike highlighted growing evidence that suggests Burisma was part of a CIA operation during Biden’s VP days, which focused on controlling Ukraine’s energy sector. He even pointed to an article with photos of Ambassador Yovanovitch meeting Burisma officials after being flagged about their corrupt dealings. That article is below.


Just the News:

Photos deleted from the now-defunct Burisma Holdings website showformer U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch met with Vadim Pozharskyi—the Burisma official who worked closely with Hunter Biden—at two separate events after she had been told the Ukrainian energy company was considered corrupt by the State Department.==

The photos are likely to raise fresh questions about parts of Yovanovitch’s testimony to Congress during former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment. It also raises the question of why the U.S. embassy in Ukraine engaged with company representatives in a public relations campaign with the U.S. government at the same time that internal embassy communications focused on the company’s corruption.


Photos obtained from the now-deleted Burisma website and the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) show that Yovanovitch attended two meetings hosted by the USUBC in Kyiv with Vadim Pozharskyi, the Burisma executive who met with then-Vice President Joe Biden and appears frequently in Hunter Biden’s emails.


The Burisma website also referenced one other meeting, though no photos were provided.Pozharksyi—the corporate secretary who ran the day to day operationswith the board of the company—was at the epicenter of Burisma’s public relations campaignto close down investigations into the company by former Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.


Yovanovitch testified at Trump’s first impeachment because she served as the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine when Trump made the infamous phone call to the newly inaugurated Ukrainian President, Volodymr Zelensky.


In her October 2019 testimony as part of the first Trump impeachment inquiry, Yovanovitch told congressional investigators that Burisma—and Hunter Biden’s role with the company—was not a focus during her time at the embassy.


Honestly, there’s a whole lot aboutHunter Biden that flies under the radar, including his involvementin a business that thrives on asteady flow of illegal immigrants. Could this be why his father threw open the floodgates, sparking a massive invasion at the border? It seems like a rhetorical question in light of everything we know about this criminal family.


Mike’s been highlighting Hunter’s very sensitive “CIA work” for quite a while now.


Observing Consciousness:

The CIA by any other name… ISIS, Hamas, Helbollah, Antifa, BLM… “Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama.” – President Trump “Hunter Biden is untouchable is because his work in Ukraine touched on a very sensitive CIA operation.” – Mike Benz “Source says yes, the CIA was involved in JFK’s assassination” – Tucker Carlson


In addition, Mike also explains howHunter (and Gavin Newsom) are selling off parts of America to our foreign enemies. Could this be some kind of payoff for Hunter’s high-level national security work?


Mike recently sat down with America’s Voice to break down this theory that Hunter might be an intelligence asset. They discussed the possibility that he was working for the national security state to shift Ukraine’s energy focus away from Russia and towards Europe. It’s a complex theory, but unpacking it sheds new light on the bigger geopolitical moves at play.


Honestly, this theory could really explain why there are so many high-level relatives on Burisma’s board and why VP Biden once threatened to withhold a billion dollars from Ukraine unless they dropped their internal investigation. And perhaps the most troubling part is that nobody cared—possibly because our entire intelligence community was in on all of it?

Anonymous ID: 3094a0 June 13, 2024, 6:49 a.m. No.21016311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6318 >>6390 >>6549


Culture War


♦️ Hunter Biden ♦️


🔹"Hunter Biden owns 10% of a company called ePlata which is a micro financing loan company for illegals"


📍Mike Benz


Anonymous ID: 3094a0 June 13, 2024, 6:59 a.m. No.21016382   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mike Benz


Foreign Policy For Personal Profit:


The incredible swirl of scandals right now whereUS foreign policy on 3 diff countries Ukraine, China & Mexico all seem to be maximizing the personal profit of the First Family & its outside backers.


Helps explain Internet censorship.

Anonymous ID: 3094a0 June 13, 2024, 7:12 a.m. No.21016450   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Observing Consciousness


The CIA by any other name… ISIS, Hamas, Helbollah, Antifa, BLM…


"Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama."

  • President Trump


"Hunter Biden is untouchable is because his work in Ukraine touched on a very sensitive CIA operation."

  • Mike Benz


"Source says yes, the CIA was involved in JFK's assassination"

  • Tucker Carlson