Anonymous ID: 34d18b June 13, 2024, 3:54 a.m. No.21015626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I had previously commented that I was cynical that the potatus audio tape flap (and now merrick garland impeachment) was just a kabuki act to chew up air time.


But…. now I'm starting to see some tactical merit to it. Watching the Dims fawn over executive privilege and suddently become its righteous defenders has to do damage to all their attacks on POTUS on executive privilege, and further undermine their credibility.


I especially like the waiver part - if the audio matches the transcript, then there was a waiver by releasing the transcript. same words, so waiver applies.


if you are saying there is more to the audio that was not waived, then you are a liar and we definitely need to see the audio.


waiver is broader than just the actual words in a transcript, so that's a losing argument legally, for them. however, they may try and litigate it anyway to run out the clock.


whether this is kabuki or whether the R's really are intent on getting at the transcript will be shown by the R's willingness to defund the DOJ unless and until it gets the audio tapes. stop paying their employees until they turn over the tapes - that would get their attention.