Anonymous ID: c451d0 June 13, 2024, 5:32 a.m. No.21015935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5937




#25653 >>20916466 to be collected


#25653 >>20915646 dough

>>20915687, >>20915711, >>20915713, >>20915718, >>20915734, >>20915741, >>20915765, >>20915769, social media posts on djt at libertarian convention bun

>>20915699, >>20915715, illegal raped disabled child on biden free parole program from haiti - gwp

>>20915723, >>20915731, >>20915752, >>20915757, >>20915774, anons opines, digz and memes (ross ulbricht)

>>20915753, >>20915819, >>20915830, Dave Chappelle accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza - msm bun

>>20915785 Give me liberty, or give me death" - clockfag

>>20915791 planefag post bun

>>20915803 Thanks to me, the entire world knows that the deep state is real and the lame stream media, the lame stream media is fake. It's fake. - djt mp4 vid

>>20915826 President Trump: In the last year, I've been indicted by the government on ninety-one different things, so if I wasn't a libertarian before, I sure as hell am a libertarian now. - mp4 vid

>>20915832 President Trump: We stand opposed to government tyranny in all of it's many forms. We are opposed to a government that spies on political campaigns…like they did on me, spies on the American people, censors us, and crushes the rights of it's own citizens, which the Biden administration does. We want government out of our business, out of our wallets, and out of our lives. - mp4 vid

>>20915838 President Trump: We believe that marxism is an evil doctrine, straight from the ashes of hell. Having marxism in our government in intolerable, and teaching it to our children is considered to us, child abuse. - mp4 vid

>>20915848 President Trump: We believe that the job of the United States Military is not to wage endless regime-change wars around the globe; senseless wars. The job of the United States Military is defend America from attack and invasion here at home. - mp4 vid

>>20915887 Trump: We believe that property rights are fundamental to a free society and that Joe Biden's rampant inflation is a monstrous theft from the American people.A theft.We believe that the greatest threat to our country is not from enemies abroad. It's to tyrants, communists, fascists and thugs attacking our rights and liberties from within and above all else.We live by the words of the great American patriot, Patrick Henry.Give me liberty or give me death.

>>20915894 President Trump: Instead of war, I made peace in the middle-east, something nobody thought was possible, and dealt with Kim Jong Un of North Korea, where a nuclear war was guaranteed to start, in a very short period of time, if Hillary Clinton became president. You nkow, that would have been a nuclear war, one hundred percent. - mp4 vid

>>20915812 TRUMP AT A LIBERTARIAN NATIONAL CONVENTION IN D.C SAT 25TH 2024 - full speech and build up including djt statements.

>>20915825, >>20915963, current Service Secretary for Special Operations goes job hunting at @Penn center that is funded by CCP - ezra cohen - twat noise

>>20915850, >>20915907, suddenly bun

>>20915851 Kenya state dinner at the White House in honor of Kenyan President - alex soros (obama comm)

>>20915910 Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes island nation of Vanuatu off the coast of Australia -

Baker Change

>>20915994 Anon Graphic: Exactly 30 days ago - "We are ready to unleash hell."

>>20916326 Anon Graphic: POTUS Takes The Stage - BOOM

>>20916446 #25653

Anonymous ID: c451d0 June 13, 2024, 5:32 a.m. No.21015937   🗄️.is 🔗kun




#25653 >>20916466 to be collected


#25653 >>20915646 dough

>>20915687, >>20915711, >>20915713, >>20915718, >>20915734, >>20915741, >>20915765, >>20915769, social media posts on djt at libertarian convention bun

>>20915699, >>20915715, illegal raped disabled child on biden free parole program from haiti - gwp

>>20915723, >>20915731, >>20915752, >>20915757, >>20915774, anons opines, digz and memes (ross ulbricht)

>>20915753, >>20915819, >>20915830, Dave Chappelle accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza - msm bun

>>20915785 Give me liberty, or give me death" - clockfag

>>20915791 planefag post bun

>>20915803 Thanks to me, the entire world knows that the deep state is real and the lame stream media, the lame stream media is fake. It's fake. - djt mp4 vid

>>20915826 President Trump: In the last year, I've been indicted by the government on ninety-one different things, so if I wasn't a libertarian before, I sure as hell am a libertarian now. - mp4 vid

>>20915832 President Trump: We stand opposed to government tyranny in all of it's many forms. We are opposed to a government that spies on political campaigns…like they did on me, spies on the American people, censors us, and crushes the rights of it's own citizens, which the Biden administration does. We want government out of our business, out of our wallets, and out of our lives. - mp4 vid

>>20915838 President Trump: We believe that marxism is an evil doctrine, straight from the ashes of hell. Having marxism in our government in intolerable, and teaching it to our children is considered to us, child abuse. - mp4 vid

>>20915848 President Trump: We believe that the job of the United States Military is not to wage endless regime-change wars around the globe; senseless wars. The job of the United States Military is defend America from attack and invasion here at home. - mp4 vid

>>20915887 Trump: We believe that property rights are fundamental to a free society and that Joe Biden's rampant inflation is a monstrous theft from the American people.A theft.We believe that the greatest threat to our country is not from enemies abroad. It's to tyrants, communists, fascists and thugs attacking our rights and liberties from within and above all else.We live by the words of the great American patriot, Patrick Henry.Give me liberty or give me death.

>>20915894 President Trump: Instead of war, I made peace in the middle-east, something nobody thought was possible, and dealt with Kim Jong Un of North Korea, where a nuclear war was guaranteed to start, in a very short period of time, if Hillary Clinton became president. You nkow, that would have been a nuclear war, one hundred percent. - mp4 vid

>>20915812 TRUMP AT A LIBERTARIAN NATIONAL CONVENTION IN D.C SAT 25TH 2024 - full speech and build up including djt statements.

>>20915825, >>20915963, current Service Secretary for Special Operations goes job hunting at @Penn center that is funded by CCP - ezra cohen - twat noise

>>20915850, >>20915907, suddenly bun

>>20915851 Kenya state dinner at the White House in honor of Kenyan President - alex soros (obama comm)

>>20915910 Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes island nation of Vanuatu off the coast of Australia -

Baker Change

>>20915994 Anon Graphic: Exactly 30 days ago - "We are ready to unleash hell."

>>20916326 Anon Graphic: POTUS Takes The Stage - BOOM

>>20916446 #25653

Anonymous ID: c451d0 June 13, 2024, 5:33 a.m. No.21015938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5940









#25653 >>20916466 to be collected


#25653 >>20915646 dough

>>20915687, >>20915711, >>20915713, >>20915718, >>20915734, >>20915741, >>20915765, >>20915769, social media posts on djt at libertarian convention bun

>>20915699, >>20915715, illegal raped disabled child on biden free parole program from haiti - gwp

>>20915723, >>20915731, >>20915752, >>20915757, >>20915774, anons opines, digz and memes (ross ulbricht)

>>20915753, >>20915819, >>20915830, Dave Chappelle accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza - msm bun

>>20915785 Give me liberty, or give me death" - clockfag

>>20915791 planefag post bun

>>20915803 Thanks to me, the entire world knows that the deep state is real and the lame stream media, the lame stream media is fake. It's fake. - djt mp4 vid

>>20915826 President Trump: In the last year, I've been indicted by the government on ninety-one different things, so if I wasn't a libertarian before, I sure as hell am a libertarian now. - mp4 vid

>>20915832 President Trump: We stand opposed to government tyranny in all of it's many forms. We are opposed to a government that spies on political campaigns…like they did on me, spies on the American people, censors us, and crushes the rights of it's own citizens, which the Biden administration does. We want government out of our business, out of our wallets, and out of our lives. - mp4 vid

>>20915838 President Trump: We believe that marxism is an evil doctrine, straight from the ashes of hell. Having marxism in our government in intolerable, and teaching it to our children is considered to us, child abuse. - mp4 vid

>>20915848 President Trump: We believe that the job of the United States Military is not to wage endless regime-change wars around the globe; senseless wars. The job of the United States Military is defend America from attack and invasion here at home. - mp4 vid

>>20915887 Trump: We believe that property rights are fundamental to a free society and that Joe Biden's rampant inflation is a monstrous theft from the American people.A theft.We believe that the greatest threat to our country is not from enemies abroad. It's to tyrants, communists, fascists and thugs attacking our rights and liberties from within and above all else.We live by the words of the great American patriot, Patrick Henry.Give me liberty or give me death.

>>20915894 President Trump: Instead of war, I made peace in the middle-east, something nobody thought was possible, and dealt with Kim Jong Un of North Korea, where a nuclear war was guaranteed to start, in a very short period of time, if Hillary Clinton became president. You nkow, that would have been a nuclear war, one hundred percent. - mp4 vid

>>20915812 TRUMP AT A LIBERTARIAN NATIONAL CONVENTION IN D.C SAT 25TH 2024 - full speech and build up including djt statements.

>>20915825, >>20915963, current Service Secretary for Special Operations goes job hunting at @Penn center that is funded by CCP - ezra cohen - twat noise

>>20915850, >>20915907, suddenly bun

>>20915851 Kenya state dinner at the White House in honor of Kenyan President - alex soros (obama comm)

>>20915910 Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes island nation of Vanuatu off the coast of Australia -

Baker Change

>>20915994 Anon Graphic: Exactly 30 days ago - "We are ready to unleash hell."

>>20916326 Anon Graphic: POTUS Takes The Stage - BOOM

>>20916446 #25653

Anonymous ID: c451d0 June 13, 2024, 5:33 a.m. No.21015940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5942




#25653 >>20916466 to be collected


#25653 >>20915646 dough

>>20915687, >>20915711, >>20915713, >>20915718, >>20915734, >>20915741, >>20915765, >>20915769, social media posts on djt at libertarian convention bun

>>20915699, >>20915715, illegal raped disabled child on biden free parole program from haiti - gwp

>>20915723, >>20915731, >>20915752, >>20915757, >>20915774, anons opines, digz and memes (ross ulbricht)

>>20915753, >>20915819, >>20915830, Dave Chappelle accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza - msm bun

>>20915785 Give me liberty, or give me death" - clockfag

>>20915791 planefag post bun

>>20915803 Thanks to me, the entire world knows that the deep state is real and the lame stream media, the lame stream media is fake. It's fake. - djt mp4 vid

>>20915826 President Trump: In the last year, I've been indicted by the government on ninety-one different things, so if I wasn't a libertarian before, I sure as hell am a libertarian now. - mp4 vid

>>20915832 President Trump: We stand opposed to government tyranny in all of it's many forms. We are opposed to a government that spies on political campaigns…like they did on me, spies on the American people, censors us, and crushes the rights of it's own citizens, which the Biden administration does. We want government out of our business, out of our wallets, and out of our lives. - mp4 vid

>>20915838 President Trump: We believe that marxism is an evil doctrine, straight from the ashes of hell. Having marxism in our government in intolerable, and teaching it to our children is considered to us, child abuse. - mp4 vid

>>20915848 President Trump: We believe that the job of the United States Military is not to wage endless regime-change wars around the globe; senseless wars. The job of the United States Military is defend America from attack and invasion here at home. - mp4 vid

>>20915887 Trump: We believe that property rights are fundamental to a free society and that Joe Biden's rampant inflation is a monstrous theft from the American people.A theft.We believe that the greatest threat to our country is not from enemies abroad. It's to tyrants, communists, fascists and thugs attacking our rights and liberties from within and above all else.We live by the words of the great American patriot, Patrick Henry.Give me liberty or give me death.

>>20915894 President Trump: Instead of war, I made peace in the middle-east, something nobody thought was possible, and dealt with Kim Jong Un of North Korea, where a nuclear war was guaranteed to start, in a very short period of time, if Hillary Clinton became president. You nkow, that would have been a nuclear war, one hundred percent. - mp4 vid

>>20915812 TRUMP AT A LIBERTARIAN NATIONAL CONVENTION IN D.C SAT 25TH 2024 - full speech and build up including djt statements.

>>20915825, >>20915963, current Service Secretary for Special Operations goes job hunting at @Penn center that is funded by CCP - ezra cohen - twat noise

>>20915850, >>20915907, suddenly bun

>>20915851 Kenya state dinner at the White House in honor of Kenyan President - alex soros (obama comm)

>>20915910 Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes island nation of Vanuatu off the coast of Australia -

Baker Change

>>20915994 Anon Graphic: Exactly 30 days ago - "We are ready to unleash hell."

>>20916326 Anon Graphic: POTUS Takes The Stage - BOOM

>>20916446 #25653

Anonymous ID: c451d0 June 13, 2024, 5:33 a.m. No.21015942   🗄️.is 🔗kun




#25653 >>20916466 to be collected


#25653 >>20915646 dough

>>20915687, >>20915711, >>20915713, >>20915718, >>20915734, >>20915741, >>20915765, >>20915769, social media posts on djt at libertarian convention bun

>>20915699, >>20915715, illegal raped disabled child on biden free parole program from haiti - gwp

>>20915723, >>20915731, >>20915752, >>20915757, >>20915774, anons opines, digz and memes (ross ulbricht)

>>20915753, >>20915819, >>20915830, Dave Chappelle accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza - msm bun

>>20915785 Give me liberty, or give me death" - clockfag

>>20915791 planefag post bun

>>20915803 Thanks to me, the entire world knows that the deep state is real and the lame stream media, the lame stream media is fake. It's fake. - djt mp4 vid

>>20915826 President Trump: In the last year, I've been indicted by the government on ninety-one different things, so if I wasn't a libertarian before, I sure as hell am a libertarian now. - mp4 vid

>>20915832 President Trump: We stand opposed to government tyranny in all of it's many forms. We are opposed to a government that spies on political campaigns…like they did on me, spies on the American people, censors us, and crushes the rights of it's own citizens, which the Biden administration does. We want government out of our business, out of our wallets, and out of our lives. - mp4 vid

>>20915838 President Trump: We believe that marxism is an evil doctrine, straight from the ashes of hell. Having marxism in our government in intolerable, and teaching it to our children is considered to us, child abuse. - mp4 vid

>>20915848 President Trump: We believe that the job of the United States Military is not to wage endless regime-change wars around the globe; senseless wars. The job of the United States Military is defend America from attack and invasion here at home. - mp4 vid

>>20915887 Trump: We believe that property rights are fundamental to a free society and that Joe Biden's rampant inflation is a monstrous theft from the American people.A theft.We believe that the greatest threat to our country is not from enemies abroad. It's to tyrants, communists, fascists and thugs attacking our rights and liberties from within and above all else.We live by the words of the great American patriot, Patrick Henry.Give me liberty or give me death.

>>20915894 President Trump: Instead of war, I made peace in the middle-east, something nobody thought was possible, and dealt with Kim Jong Un of North Korea, where a nuclear war was guaranteed to start, in a very short period of time, if Hillary Clinton became president. You nkow, that would have been a nuclear war, one hundred percent. - mp4 vid

>>20915812 TRUMP AT A LIBERTARIAN NATIONAL CONVENTION IN D.C SAT 25TH 2024 - full speech and build up including djt statements.

>>20915825, >>20915963, current Service Secretary for Special Operations goes job hunting at @Penn center that is funded by CCP - ezra cohen - twat noise

>>20915850, >>20915907, suddenly bun

>>20915851 Kenya state dinner at the White House in honor of Kenyan President - alex soros (obama comm)

>>20915910 Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes island nation of Vanuatu off the coast of Australia -

Baker Change

>>20915994 Anon Graphic: Exactly 30 days ago - "We are ready to unleash hell."

>>20916326 Anon Graphic: POTUS Takes The Stage - BOOM

>>20916446 #25653