Disgusting rotten pig piece of shit.
Plan to screw anon his life from the beginning until anon found out about you scam.
There be no party, no business, no restaurant no nothing for you shills.
Name calling is all they can do in this country, but you have to push anon just a little more.
There is nobody in this country to talk to, that is funny how they completely isolate you into a strange village full of weird actors and just leave anon here to die or something and now anon will not ever turn around again.
Anon did not break, so anon is alive only to break whatever scam or plan was pulled against me and destroy it without any entertainment for you motherfuckers.
>twin pillars
Break them, it means nothing because anon does not have a single day to consider a manner thanks to all these stupid actors who are trying to make trouble all day long, to hell with your pillars where the earth rolled them like a dough.
You fucked your own daughter and everyone knows your bank robbery failed.
There is a big scam going on behind the scenes that relates to the characters in this plan but can also reflect on similar actors in the same kind of playbook.
Your scam is for your own misery and anon will not ever make it his business.
Shut the fuck up you know nothing just a dumb name caller.
Who bought a fucking bank? The scammers did but it is not a money bank!
This guy wanted to play a trick with a woman to prove a crime that never happened, but than he actually committed the crime himself.
Meme language also gets boring after having guessed enough about the double sounding speech and imagery that is often combined.