Anonymous ID: 28604e June 13, 2024, 8:24 a.m. No.21016832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6856 >>7015 >>7274 >>7376

SpaceX Starlink Mission


SpaceX is targeting Thursday, June 13 for a Falcon 9 launch of 22 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. Liftoff is targeted for 4:46 p.m. ET, with additional opportunities available until 6:40 p.m. ET.


A live webcast of this mission will begin on X @SpaceX about five minutes prior to liftoff. Watch live.


This is the 16th flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched SES-22, ispace's HAKUTO-R MISSION 1, Amazonas-6, CRS-27, Bandwagon-1, and 10 Starlink missions. Following stage separation, the first stage will land on the Just Read the Instructions droneship, which will be stationed in the Atlantic Ocean.

Anonymous ID: 28604e June 13, 2024, 8:33 a.m. No.21016876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6904 >>7015 >>7274 >>7376

Alaska's rivers are turning bright orange and as acidic as vinegar as toxic metal escapes from melting permafrost

June 12, 2024


Dozens of Alaskan rivers have turned bright orange in recent years because melting permafrost has released high levels of toxic metals into the waterways, a worrying new study reveals.

The colorful contamination, which can be seen from space, is a potential ecological nightmare — and is likely to get even worse in the coming years, researchers say.


In the new study, which was published May 20 in the journal Communications Earth & Environment, researchers identified at least 75 orange rivers and streams in a Texas-size area of Alaska's Brooks mountain range.

Most of the affected waterways were initially spotted by helicopter surveys of the area.


"The more we flew around, we started noticing more and more orange rivers and streams," study lead author Jon O'Donnell, an ecologist with the National Park Service's Arctic Inventory and Monitoring Network, said in a statement.

"There are certain sites that look almost like a milky orange juice."


Chemical analysis of the rusty rivers revealed high levels of zinc, nickel, copper and cadmium, as well as iron, which is largely responsible for the orange hue of the waterways.

Researchers also found that the polluted waterways were unusually acidic: Some of the smaller streams had a pH of as low as 2.3, which is around the same as lemon juice or vinegar, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.


The high metal concentration and acidity of the water can both be tied to melting permafrost — a permanently frozen layer of Earth's surface that covers large swaths of the Arctic.

As the frozen ground thaws thanks to human-caused climate change, previously sealed minerals are exposed to rain for the first time in thousands of years, allowing metals to dissolve out of the rocks and into surrounding streams, which feed larger rivers.


Not only are the affected habitats visually transformed but the high mineral concentrations are also highly toxic to most aquatic life.

Researchers are particularly worried about what the toxic meltwater could be doing to spawning fish, which could have major knock-on effects on U.S. fisheries.


The idea for the new study was seeded back in 2018 when researchers visited a rust-colored river that had been crystal clear just a year earlier.

However, subsequent satellite sleuthing revealed images of orange rivers dating back as far as 2008.


It is hard to tell how much metal has been released into rivers during this time.

But the rivers in satellite photos "have to be stained a lot to pick them up from space," study co-author Brett Poulin, an environmental toxicologist at the University of California, Davis, said in the statement.


The researchers are planning follow-up tests this year to determine the full scale of the problem. However, they fear that increased permafrost melting caused by record-breaking temperatures over the last year will have released even more metals.

And as temperatures continue to climb in the coming decades, metal contamination is likely to get even worse.


As the water gets more acidic over time it will also make it easier for even more metals to dissolve from the newly thawed permafrost, creating a worrying "positive feedback loop" — where the problem gets exponentially worse.

The melting of the permafrost is also likely to birth more new rivers in places like Alaska and Siberia, which would further exacerbate the issue.


There are lots of other serious implications to losing permafrost coverage, such as releasing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, as well as uncovering radioactive materials and unleashing dormant viruses, which could spark new pandemics.

Anonymous ID: 28604e June 13, 2024, 8:48 a.m. No.21016949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6956 >>7015 >>7274 >>7376

Secrets of radioactive 'promethium' — a rare earth element with mysterious applications — uncovered after 80-year search

June 13, 2024


For the first time, scientists have revealed crucial properties of the mysterious, radioactive substance promethium — nearly eight decades after the elusive rare earth element was discovered.

Promethium is one of the 15 lanthanide elements at the bottom of the periodic table. Also known as the rare earths, these metals exhibit a number of useful properties, including strong magnetism and unusual optical characteristics, making them particularly important in modern electronic devices.

"They are used in lasers; they are part of the screens of your smartphone.

They are also used in very strong magnets in wind turbines and electric vehicles," Ilja Popovs, a research and development staff member at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and co-author of a new study published in the journal Nature, told Live Science.


'Scarce and difficult to study'

Promethium itself, which was discovered by ORNL scientists in 1945, has a few minor applications in atomic batteries and cancer diagnostics. But scientists have a very limited understanding of the element's chemistry, precluding more widespread uses.

Studying the radioactive element has posed a decades-long challenge, partly due to the difficulty of securing a suitable sample, team member Alexander Ivanov, also a research and development scientist at ORNL, told Live Science.

"Promethium doesn't have a stable isotope — they're all radioactive, meaning that they are decaying [into other elements] with time," Ivanov said. "You get this element through a fission process, so it's scarce and difficult to study."


ORNL is the U.S.' only producer of promethium-147, an isotope of the element with a radioactive half-life of 2.6 years. Using a method developed last year, the researchers separated this isotope from nuclear reactor waste streams, creating the purest possible sample for study.

Then, the team combined this sample with a ligand — a molecule specially designed to trap metal atoms — to form a stable complex in water.

The coordinating molecule, known as PyDGA, formed nine promethium-oxygen bonds, giving researchers the first-ever opportunity to analyze the bonding properties of a promethium complex. However, the analysis itself was no trivial matter.

"Because promethium is radioactive, once it's decaying, it's getting transmuted into the adjacent element, which is samarium," Ivanov said. "So you will have a tiny amount of contamination in the form of samarium."


'The last puzzle piece'

The team therefore used an extremely specialized, element-specific technique called synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy.

High-energy photons generated by a particle accelerator bombarded the promethium complex to build a picture of the positions of atoms and the lengths of bonds.

Subtle differences in the metal-oxygen bond lengths then allowed the team to focus on the key promethium-oxygen bond, discounting any contaminating samarium.

Crucially, this information enabled a comparison of promethium's properties with other rare earth complexes for the first time.


"Promethium was the last puzzle piece among those elements," Popovs said. The ligand provided a way to have a stable complex for all of the lanthanides — the same element ratios and the same kind of geometry.

That allowed the team to "study the fundamental physical chemical properties of these complexes across the whole series," Popovs explained.

Lanthanides are naturally found as mixtures of elements, so understanding periodic trends such as bond lengths and complex-forming behaviors helps scientists develop new and more efficient methods to separate these valuable metals.

Now, the ORNL team is studying promethium in water to build a clearer picture of the coordination environment and chemical behavior of this unusual element.

"Hopefully, the fundamental insights that we're providing will inform other scientists how to design better separation technologies and can perhaps spur more interest in studying it for other applications," Popovs said.

Anonymous ID: 28604e June 13, 2024, 9:11 a.m. No.21017046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7274 >>7376

Congressional letter asks NASA to rescind Chandra cuts

June 13, 2024


Nine members of Congress have asked NASA to reconsider significant changes to operations of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory linked to proposed cuts in the space telescope’s budget.

In the June 6 letter to NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, the nine members, all Democrats and most from Massachusetts, where Chandra’s operations center is located, expressed their opposition to NASA’s plans in its fiscal year 2025 budget proposal to slash funding for the 25-year-old telescope, a move that scientists said could effectively cancel the mission.


“If implemented, these cuts would result in a significantly reduced FY25 science mission and initiate a closeout process in FY26,” the letter stated.

“The justification for these cuts cites rising mission costs and inefficiencies. But Chandra’s operational efficiency remains near optimal, its costs stable, and its scientific returns per taxpayer dollar exceptionally high.”

The letter went on that a “premature termination” of Chandra would have major impacts on the X-ray astrophysics community, “potentially driving talent to other countries.”


The members called on NASA to maintain full funding for Chandra — $68.7 million, what the agency requested for the telescope in 2024 — “and to halt plans for significant reductions in FY25 until Congress determines Chandra’s appropriations.”

Neither the House nor the Senate have formally introduced spending bills for fiscal year 2025 that include NASA, although the commerce, justice and science (CJS) appropriations subcommittee in the House is scheduled to mark up its bill, which funds NASA, in late June.

NASA’s proposed 40% cut in Chandra’s budget has received little public attention in hearings in the House and Senate about the budget request. An exception is an April 17 hearing by the House CJS appropriations subcommittee, where Rep. Joe Morelle (D-N.Y.) asked Nelson to reconsider the proposed cut.


“We had to make hard choices,” Nelson responded, referring to the overall fiscal constraints the agency faced. “Chandra has been the mission that has given us so many gifts, but it’s been there for 25 years, and it’s time for new missions.”

The letter comes as NASA is concluding a review it announced in March to find ways to reduce the costs of operating both Chandra and the Hubble Space Telescope.

Speaking at a town hall session of the 244th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society June 10, Mark Clampin, director of NASA’s astrophysics division, said he expected to soon receive the final report from a committee called the Operations Paradigm Change Review.


“We asked them to look at how we could reduce the cost of operations but also continue to do the best science with these capabilities going forward,” he said of the review.

NASA would make an announcement “in due course” of any changes to the operations of the two space telescopes, he said, a process that will include a town hall to discuss with scientists the impacts of those changes.

The review, he acknowledged, included the options of ending operations of Chandra and Hubble, but said that was not a preferred outcome.

“We don’t want to stop using Hubble and we don’t want to stop using Chandra. We want to find a cheaper way to do it,” he said. “But, we wanted to make sure that they were looking at all the options that were possible.”


The letter was signed by Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Reps. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.), Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), Lori Trahan (D-Mass.), Jake Auchincloss (D-Mass.), Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.), and Suzan DelBene (D-Wash.)

Anonymous ID: 28604e June 13, 2024, 9:27 a.m. No.21017113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7274 >>7376

Thales, Spire and ESSP to develop air traffic surveillance constellation

June 13, 2024


Thales, Spire Global and the European Satellite Services Provider announced a memorandum of cooperation June 13 to develop a satellite constellation dedicated to air traffic surveillance.

The constellation of more than 100 satellites will collect aircraft Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) messages and quickly relay them to ground stations. The partners aim to begin providing commercial services from the new constellation in 2027.

“This innovative satellite-based surveillance service will accelerate the implementation of our new ‘Air Traffic Control as a service’ offering,” Christian Rivierre, Thales Airspace Mobility Solutions vice president, said in a statement.

“It will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the skies, serving as a vital facilitator for trajectory-based operations and laying the foundation for a safer, more environmentally friendly, and cost-efficient” air traffic management system.


The agreement calls for Spire to develop the space segment, from designing and building satellites and payloads to establishing a ground network and collecting data. Thales will deliver the air traffic management system.

The European Satellite Services Provider, formed by regional air navigation service providers, will manage the certification and delivery of air traffic surveillance services and perform round-the-clock operations.

The Space Alliance, formed by Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio, will work with the constellation partners to identify key-enabling technologies, support network optimization and establish sustainable operations.


8-Second Updates

“Our service is developed driven by users’ needs and expectations to face new service-levels, the challenge of [air traffic control] digitization and to support greener and more sustainable air travel,” ESSP Chief Executive Charlotte Neyret said in a statement.

“We will provide the full range of ESSP’s space-based [communication, navigation and surveillance] expertise to implement and to operate mission-critical services to ensure the highest quality of service to all aviation stakeholders”.

The new low-Earth orbit constellation will provide information on the position of civilian aircraft around the world every 8 seconds with a latency of 1.5 seconds.


Low latency and frequent updates are required for International Civil Aviation Organization-certified air traffic surveillance systems.

“The birth of a satellite constellation fully dedicated to serving the demanding needs of air traffic management, air domain awareness and national security is a groundbreaking development for the aviation industry,” Philip Plantholt, Spire Aviation general manager, said in a statement.

“Through our strategic partnership with Thales and ESSP, we are poised to offer the first real alternative to the aging systems that exist today and embark on a journey towards even more advanced space-based solutions for aviation in the years to come.”


ESA Contract

In addition to the latest announcement, Spire announced is working with Thales and ESSP on Eurialo, a project funded by the European Space Agency.

Through Eurialo, the partners intend to develop a civil aviation tracking constellation that does not rely on global navigation satellite systems.

Commercial aircraft periodically report their locations through ADS-B transmitters, which rely on global navigation satellite services. The latest generation of air traffic surveillance systems augment GNSS information.

Under the 16 million euro ESA contract announced in 2023, the Spire-led group will design and demonstrate the viability of a constellation that determines the location of aircraft based on the time of arrival of radio frequency signals.

Anonymous ID: 28604e June 13, 2024, 9:52 a.m. No.21017215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7220 >>7274 >>7376

Energy czar makes UFO admission during GOP lawmaker's fiery exchange – and that's not where it ends

June 13, 2024 8:47am EDT


It's a drone; it's a UFO; it's really who you ask: What's buzzing around U.S. nuclear sites?

Going back from the 1940s and ‘50s to the present day, whistleblowers have reported UFO sightings around nuclear sites, but Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Jennifer Granholm said they’re "drones."

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., hit Granholm with rapid-fire questions, including if the DOE was reverse engineering crashed alien technology, and if it worked with a counter-terrorism task force.


Granholm's answers were, "I have no knowledge of that," and "Yes," respectively, which an expert told Fox News Digital is a "big deal" admission.

The fiery exchange between Luna and Granholm was about five minutes of a 2.5-hour Congressional Oversight Committee hearing on May 23.

Luna's last question, "Does the DOE work with JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command)?" raised eyebrows and created buzz on social media.


Granholm danced around the question at first, but Luna repeated the inquiry and demanded a yes or no answer.

Granholm finally responded, "Yes, we do."

Investigative journalist and leading UFO expert Jeremy Corbell said, "This was a bold move by Congress."


JSOC is a military task force under the command of the U.S. Special Operations Command that plans and executes special operations missions.

It's allegedly been noted by whistleblowers that JSOC worked with the DOE to retrieve crashed alien crafts and reverse engineer the tech, according to Corbell.

"JSOC is likely hardcore involved with the crash retrieval program, under the authority of the CIA, so the DOE having to admit they work with JSOC is a big deal," Corbell told Fox News Digital.

"Sec. Granholm did not like having to admit that."


JSOC has denied these allegations and implications in previous statements. Fox News Digital reached out to JSOC for comment, but didn't hear back.

Luna told Fox News Digital in an email that "some people, like the secretary (Granholm), would like to make a mockery of these things," referring to the topic of UAPs, but "over 50% of Americans think that UAPs potentially exist."

That "means that the federal government should take this seriously," the Florida Republican lawmaker said. "I directly confronted Energy Secretary Granholm with multiple reports, as well as a statement by the Pentagon, and she still denied the facts.


"That's why I believe the American people have lost faith in our government to be transparent." Luna's exchange with Granholm wasn't the end of her back and forth with the DOE.

She submitted nine questions to the DOE, which were exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital. They're listed below.

A DOE spokesperson said in an email, "DOE is in receipt of the QFRs and will respond to the Committee and Congresswoman directly."






Anonymous ID: 28604e June 13, 2024, 9:53 a.m. No.21017220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7274 >>7376


Luna's questions


How are unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned aerial system (UAS) designated by DOE?

What characteristics would an object need to display to be considered a UAP?

How many UAP incursions have been referred to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)?

At Formula One events, private companies are deployed which can disable drones and trace the operator – is that technology available to the DOE?Follow Up: If so, how many drones were you able to track to an operator and how many were you able to disable?

Follow Up: If so, how many drones were you able to track to an operator and how many were you able to disable?

How many UAP incursions have been reported internally this year alone, across all Critical Infrastructure Locations with DOE oversight (e.g. nuclear armament, refinement, and deployment sites like Pantex and Savannah River Site)?

Several reports indicate frequent drone incursions over DOE nuclear facilities, including an incident on April 1, 2021, at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Can you detail the DOE's current security measures to prevent unauthorized drone activities, and what steps are being taken to enhance these measures given the frequency of such incidents?

The recent AARO report highlights that better data collection is crucial for understanding UAP phenomena. What technologies and methodologies are the DOE employing to gather and analyze data related to UAP sightings, particularly those near critical infrastructure?

Given the potential security and safety risks posed by UAPs near nuclear facilities, what protocols are in place to ensure the safety of DOE personnel and the public? Have there been any documented cases of adverse health effects on personnel due to UAP encounters?

In the spirit of transparency, how does the DOE handle the public disclosure of UAP incidents? Are there any plans to declassify and release more detailed reports on UAP sightings over DOE facilities to inform and reassure the public?



Anonymous ID: 28604e June 13, 2024, 10:14 a.m. No.21017336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7340 >>7376


Pentagon contractor witnessed a 170-foot-long, 'barbell UFO'

June 12, 2024


A US Department of Defense contractor's tantalizing encounter with a giant, glowing UFO has sparked 10 years of research and two patents inspired by his encounter.

Three witnesses, including that Pentagon engineer, report that they captured electronic evidence of a 'barbell' UFO, half the length of a football field, that glowed an eerie 'indigo' blue.

The craft, they said, flew silently over an old logging road in southwestern Ontario, Canada, on August 28, 2013, near where the trio had camped for a hunting trip. spoke with the case's first investigators, who shared electronic data from the contractor's attempt to film the object — showing 'white noise' pulses in the video that recur in one-second loops identical to strobing light from the UFO itself.

'The captured data of the event,' the witness reported, 'may be the first real physical proof of not just a craft flying, but that it flies by virtue of an incredibly complex and […] powerful spinning electromagnetic propulsion system.'

The case was investigated by the same nanotechnology expert whose analysis of a 2007 mass UFO sighting in Texas became a centerpiece of the Steven Spielberg-produced UFO docuseries 'Encounters' last year on Netflix.


'Is there another 'barbell' case we've investigated like this?' that engineer, UFO investigator Robert Powell, told of this rare case. 'No, it's the only one.'

Powell told that UFO cases with this shape are so rare that only about '50 to 60 cases' exist 'throughout history.'

Powell, whose new book on UFOs has garnered praise from former Defense Department intelligence official Chris Mellon, personally visited the contractor's lab and worked with him on analyzing the eerie interference on his UFO video.


'He gave me a tour of the defense facility,' Powell said, who vetted the source's identity and biographical claims.

'There was a heavy duty commercial 3D printer in the lab and there were offices with three or four engineers that worked there beside him in that his building,' he noted.

The August 28, 2013 'barbell' UFO encounter itself, these witnesses said, began at around 9:40pm as they were returning to civilization from a black bear hunting expedition, a practice that is legal when done in season in Canada.


The defense contractor witness was seated in the back of Dodge 4x4 truck, with the two other witnesses in the front seat, as reported to Powell and his co-investigator, retired former police detective Phil Leech.

'We were roughly four-and-a-half or five miles from the main road, when I noted something over my shoulder,' continued the defense contractor, who wishes to remain anonymous to preserve his Defense Department business contacts.

'The very first thing that was intense was just how bright this thing was,' he noted.


'It was spectacular. Having been involved with optical systems in the past, we're talking about a vehicle that looked like a stadium lighting scenario — it was brilliant.'

The witness described 'an indigo plasma that covered most of the craft,' which was bone-shaped or barbell-shaped and extended about 170-feet long, 60-feet wide and 20-feet tall, as it flew slowly just over the tree-line above this old logging road.

'The craft rotated slowly around its center while emitting an electrical-spark-like shower, always opposite of the direction of travel,' the defense contractor stated, 'but without a specific origin point.'


The witness said he first attempted to film the UFO with two devices that he had on him, a Motorola cellphone and a Sony HD camera.

But both devices behaved has if they were caught in 'a boot sequence,' failing to stay on while the craft was nearby, about 400 feet, leaving the witness to view the UFO more closely through the scope of his rifle.

Up close, he told investigators, 'The lights that it emitted were not incoherent light,' meaning not the diffuse 'soft light' like that from a light bulb, but more like laser light.



Anonymous ID: 28604e June 13, 2024, 10:15 a.m. No.21017340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7360 >>7376


The lay person's terms, he described the light as like 'tens of thousands of small lit particles, best described as those that occur during a fountain-type firework.'

But, more technically, the contractor described it as 'coherent' light: 'It was salty to my eyes. It was just as if I was looking into a laser that had been passed through a diffraction grating or something of that nature.'

'Both the other witnesses were extremely worked up about this,' the defense contractor said in a video taped interview. 'In fact, one of them said […] "Just shoot it!" like he wanted me to actually shoot a rifle round into this thing.'


The UFO moved in its slow rotating motion for approximately six or seven minutes, eventually allowing the defense contractor witness to film the event with his Sony HD camera, which yielded only static despite working before and after the event.

The sighting ended with 'a similar lit craft' emerging on the horizon and both UFOs zipping off a 'at incredible speed.'

The moment left just visual static and the witnesses' astonished voices on their tape.


'I flew up to meet the guy,' Powell told the, 'because it was just such an unusual case. I wanted to verify the reality of it. It was more of a personal thing.'

When Powell toured the defense contractor's engineering business, he worked with him to test his Sony footage via an oscilloscope — a device that tracks changes in electrical voltages, frequency, and other specs to troubleshoot electronics.

'The time I spent with him on the oscilloscope was probably 20 or 30 minutes,' Powell said.


'The first thing we looked at were the black bears that they had shot, mostly because we wanted to see a baseline on the oscilloscope, what the camera looks like just under normal operation,' he noted.

'Then we looked at it when it was all basically noise in terms of video,' Powell said, 'here's some signals on the oscilloscope that repeat.'

This oscilloscope processing of the video revealed that the 'interference' matched the rhythm of the UFO's light show, according to Powell and Leech's report on the UFO case, conducted for the civilian group the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON),


What looked just like 'white noise' on the video tape actually showed 'a perfect pulsation function,' according to their report.

This hidden 'perfect' pulse revealed by the scope was 'timed to the revolution of the lights' on the UFO and repeated at the same speed 'roughly 1-second intervals.'

According to the defense contractor witness, the pattern was what would be expected if the 'indigo' plasma outside the UFO was behaving like a very large version of an normal alternating current (A/C) motor.


Such a giant A/C motor would produce a magnetic field around it that could disrupt nearby electronics in a similar way.

'I believe this to be a poly phasing of two immense high frequency A/C fields polarized differently,' as the defense contractor put it.

'A more in-depth report is being generated for continued studies of this apparent "electronic signature,"' the defense contractor witness noted.


But Powell and Leech added that interesting progress has already been made: 'The witness has two patents that resulted from information derived from the event.'

Based on the defense contractor's own experience producing plasmas at a much smaller scale than the indigo plasma that he said enveloped the giant craft, he was able to calculate a ballpark figure for the energy required to produce this field — which he suspects is the UFO's propulsion system.

Calculated that the the craft had an approximate surface area of 3.1 million square inches, as he wrote to Powell and Leech, 'a minimum of 160MW (160 million watts)' of power would be needed to surround the craft in plasma.


'This amount of power is 33 percent of the 478 million-watt nuclear power plant in Fort Calhoun, Nebraska,' he said, but packed into an object a fraction of that size.

'Unquestionably this craft was the highest power density vehicle I have ever even imagined,' at least according to the defense contractor witness.

Powell is sympathetic to view of skeptics who have noted that that while the case is 'a great story […] without proof it's still anecdotal.'

The UFO investigator told that he is still is in contact with the witness and 'prodding him every once a while about getting a raw copy of the video.'



Anonymous ID: 28604e June 13, 2024, 10:25 a.m. No.21017401   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Paradigm Institute Launches Social Media Campaign To Call On CNN To Include UFO/UAP Question In Presidential Debate

June 12, 2024, 11:00 GMT


The New Paradigm Institute today launched a social media campaign asking the public to call on CNN and debate moderators to include a question about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) in the upcoming Presidential debate, slated for June 27, 2024.

On June 27, 2024, CNN will host the first of two scheduled presidential debates. The New Paradigm Institute calls on CNN and the debate moderators to include a question about UAP disclosure.

The Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) established the “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Records Collection” at the National Archives and Records Administration. The Act provides the Executive branch with sweeping powers to withhold and postpone the release of documents relating to UAP under national security grounds that the New Paradigm Institute considers overly broad.


“The next President of the United States will make critical decisions about UAP disclosure and government transparency. It’s time for all presidential candidates – Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Donald J. Trump – to commit to UFOs/UAP disclosure and transparency,” said New Paradigm Institute Chief Counsel Daniel Sheehan. “Regardless of political affiliation, the time has come to inject UAP into the political discourse of our elections.”

The New Paradigm Institute’s (NPI) campaign calls on the public to demand that CNN and debate moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash ask the candidates about UAP disclosure and government transparency at the June 27, 2024, presidential debate at CNN’s Atlanta studios.


“Candidates for President should be asked whether they will commit to UAP disclosure and government transparency.

The CNN debate provides the perfect forum for the public to learn where our candidates stand on this important issue,” concluded Sheehan.

How the public can contribute to NPI’s call to action: On social media, call on CNN and its debate moderators to include a question about UAP, use hashtag #DebateDisclosure, and tag CNN, Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Donald J. Trump, and the New Paradigm Institute.


Hashtag to use in social media posts:




Social media handles to tag:


Jake Tapper


Dana Bash




President Joe Biden


Donald J. Trump


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


New Paradigm Institute