Anonymous ID: 763809 June 13, 2024, 9:59 a.m. No.21017257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7269 >>7271 >>7274 >>7293 >>7376

Steve Bannon: "We're Going To Take Power, And Then There's Gonna Be A Season Of Accountability"


These news people are insane, and really hate religion and God. They are seriously freaking out. The actually don't know the Founding Fathers based the lives of America with a Christian belief.



Anonymous ID: 763809 June 13, 2024, 10:03 a.m. No.21017281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7301

>>21017253 She has no idea what is coming her way! The state is and especially NYC is losing people and business daily, if they can get out. Her legacy will be the biggest loser of all time.

Anonymous ID: 763809 June 13, 2024, 10:17 a.m. No.21017355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7358 >>7391

Dan Bongino with the most on-fire, righteous ‘Deep State’ rant you’ll ever hear…




The Deep State is Real


0:25 / 3:29

8:05 AM · Jun 12, 2024


Anonymous ID: 763809 June 13, 2024, 10:24 a.m. No.21017391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7494


Dan Bongino with the most on-fire, righteous ‘Deep State’ rant you’ll ever hear…

June 12, 2024 (13 hours ago)


Every once in a while, you stumble upon a rant that’s so raw, so virtuous, and so fiery that it ignites a spark in your soul. That’s exactly what happened when former Secret Service agent and Trump loyalist Dan Bongino let loose in a blistering tirade against the Deep State. This was an unbridled outburst, a mix between a defiant “F YOU” and a rallying cry for Americans to stand up against these unelected tyrants, including the chief unelected dictator, Joe Biden himself.


Bongino lays it all out, clearly explaining to the American people exactly what these scumbags are up to, both publicly and behind the scenes.From employing classic Marxist tactics to projecting and blaming decent Americans for the very misdeeds they’re committing, Dan recalls the 51 intelligence officers who falsely claimed Hunter’s laptop was ‘Russian disinformation,’ and how these same deceivers are now warning that Trump’s reelection would jeopardize national security.


Are you kidding me? After these traitors have tried to dismantle the very foundations of our country and betray everything our Founding Fathers fought for, they sure have some nerve.


And that’s exactly what Dan zeroes in on.He says that when President Trump retakes the White House, an investigationwill be demanded, and Joe Biden will be held fully accountable. But don’t expect these Deep State players to come around—they won’t suddenly embrace “truth and justice” and reform. No,they need to be dealt with the same relentless, uncompromising way they’ve treated Trump and his supporters—zero mercy.


This is one of the best rants—and calls to action—that you’ll hear on this topic.


Remember, folks, these tyrants don’t fear traditional “revenge” tactics. That doesn’t faze them in the slightest. What they truly fear is real American justice, just like Dan said in that video clip. This means treating these monsters exactly as they treated President Trump, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, the J6 political prisoners, Douglass Mackey, the young man convicted of a felony for sharing an anti-Hillary meme, and all the other victims of the regime lawfare. This is the only language these Marxist tyrants will understand—when the tables are turned on them and they are made to face actual justice for their crimes against this country.